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A Circular Nanoslit as a Spin-to-Orbital Angular Momentum Converter Philip Chimento Gert ‘t Hooft Eric Eliel

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Suspicious behavior in subwavelength slits

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Chimento, Kuzmin, Bosman, et al. (2011). Opt. Expr. 19 (24), 24219. Slit in a metal film

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Chimento, Kuzmin, Bosman, et al. (2011). Opt. Expr. 19 (24), 24219. Slit in a metal film Subwavelength in one direction “Infinite” in the other

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Chimento, Kuzmin, Bosman, et al. (2011). Opt. Expr. 19 (24), 24219. Almost ideal metal TM TE Slit width in λ

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Chimento, Kuzmin, Bosman, et al. (2011). Opt. Expr. 19 (24), 24219. Real metal TM TE Slit width in λ

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Chimento, Kuzmin, Bosman, et al. (2011). Opt. Expr. 19 (24), 24219. Real metal If designed carefully, there is a point where the slit is a quarter-wave plate Analyzer rotation Input state Measured output

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Photo credit: Dandelion And Burdock, Flickr We roll the slit up into a circle

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Space-variant λ/4 plate

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Space-variant λ/4 plate TM TM TE TE

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Space-variant λ/4 plate Input: circular polarization σ+ state

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Space-variant λ/4 plate Output: ?

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Transmitted polarization state Schematic

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Transmitted intensity Experiment

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Transmitted polarization state Left-handed elliptical Right-handed elliptical Ellipticity <10% Experiment

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Photo credit: Cayusa, Flickr Where did the spin angular momentum disappear to?

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Cylindrical symmetry means no angular momentum is transferred to the plate Photo credit: pixaio,

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Fascinating! What does the far field look like?

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Far field Angle Angle Intensity (arb. units)

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Far field Angle Angle Intensity (arb. units) No hole in the middle!

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Far field Component with the same handedness as the input (σ+) Component with opposite handedness to the input (σ−)

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Phase of central spot Component with the same handedness as the input (σ+) Component with opposite handedness to the input (σ−)

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A proper calculation mode con- verter ѫ +, = ѫ+ , = ѫ −, =

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A proper calculation mode con- verter +TQJO = − I +PSCJU = I +TQJO = + I +PSCJU = ѫ +, = ѫ+ , = ѫ −, =

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A proper calculation mode con- verter +TQJO = − I +PSCJU = I +TQJO = + I +PSCJU = Total angular momentum remains the same! ѫ +, = ѫ+ , = ѫ −, =

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We found, constructed, and understood a novel spin-to-orbit angular momentum coupling device.

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Orbital angular momentum ⟨Jspin ⟩ = 0 ⟨Jorbit ⟩ = ̵ h