An introduction to
Sencha Touch
January 2012
Friday, 27 January 12
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What we’ll be covering
•What is Sencha Touch
•What it can do for you
•When and when not to use it
Friday, 27 January 12
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Lots of frameworks
Friday, 27 January 12
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What is it?
Friday, 27 January 12
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A HTML5 Javascript framework
•Built with open web standards
•Utilising HTML5 Javascript API’s
•Targeted at Mobile webkit:
•iOS, Android, Blackberry and Palm
•Write once, run everywhere
•Plays nice with Phonegap
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The new mobile web application
Source: James Pearce
Friday, 27 January 12
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Traditional vs Mobile application stack
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UI Toolkit
UI Toolkit
•Components - Lists, tabs, buttons, overlays
•Touch events - Native, Event management, physics
•Fully customisable and theme-able with SASS
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Application logic
Application architecture
•MVC - Model, view, controller
•Ext4 - Class system (Sencha Touch 2)
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Data everywhere!
•Offline storage - in-memory, session or persistent local
•Ajax and JSONP
•RESTful Readers & Proxies
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Demo time.
Friday, 27 January 12
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Navigation and tabs
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Overlays and action sheets
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Overlays and action sheets
Friday, 27 January 12
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Fit Card
hbox vbox
Source: Craig Walker
Friday, 27 January 12
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Source: David Kaneda
Friday, 27 January 12
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Source: James Pearce
Friday, 27 January 12
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•Package for native deployment
•Open source
•Creates javascript access to native API’s
•Camera, Sensors, file, network
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When can i use it?
So when can i use it?
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Think first
•Latency? - Does your data change?
•Native vs Web?
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Why you should
•Touch events and gestures
•Data manipulation
•Native experience
•JS engines are getting fast, very fast
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Getting started & tips
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Getting started
•Read the documentation - it’s amazing
•Ask in the forums
•Read the source
•Learn to love SASS
•Test on mobiles, soon and often
•Be an active member of this user group!
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Performance is key
•Build tools - concatenate, minify & compress
•Cache - appCache manifest, local data
•Watch your DOM - destroy everything
•Remove un-used library css
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Go forth and make!
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Any questions?
Friday, 27 January 12