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Behavior Driven Development An introduction to automated testing for web developers

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Overview ● Testing: Why? and What? ● Test Driven Development ● Behavior Driven Development ○ Acceptance & Unit Tests ○ Cucumber ○ RSpec ● Continuous Testing ● General Tips

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What is a test? An assertion about an application, system or object based on defined requirements

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What is testing? Building a collection of automated assertions (tests) to describe the software system.

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Why do we test? ● Confidence ● Less bugs in production ● Automate tedious, error-prone steps ● Maintainability ● Scalability

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What should you test? All code you want to have confidence in “Every test you write is an expense... Every test you don’t write is a risk” - Kent Beck

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What should you NOT test? ● Code that is already tested ○ In a framework such as Rails ○ At a different level (integration testing controllers) ● Exploratory code (spikes) ● Textual content that will likely change ● Poor requirements ● External Web Services (FakeWeb)

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Writing tests first to drive design Red, Green, Refactor: 1. Write a failing test (Red) 2. Write code to make test pass (Green) 3. Refactor code What is Test Driven Development?

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"Changing the internal design of existing software without affecting external behavior" What is Refactoring?

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Refactoring Example: Event has two attendees, "Pete" and "Bob" ASSERT event.all_emails INCLUDES [email protected], [email protected]

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def all_emails emails = event.users.each do |user| emails << end return email end def all_emails end Refactoring Example:

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Why practice TDD? ● Shorter feedback cycles ● Discover unknowns up front ● Better design through repetative red, green, refactor cycles ● You can't write failing tests with passing code ● Existing code can be harder to test

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● Focus on behavior rather than testing ● Think (behave) as the end user ● Collaboration betweeen developers and stakeholders ● Requirements => Acceptance + Unit Tests ● BDD is a mindset as much as a technique Behavior Driven Development 101

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Describe What it does vs What it is Specifying behavior leads to better design: ● Simpler interfaces ● Encapsulation ● Loose coupling ● High Cohesion Focus on Behavior

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OOP Terminology Interface - Public methods and properties (API) Encapsulation - Hiding object internals (data) Loose Coupling - No or little dependence on other classes High Cohesion - Classes designed around related functions

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Stakeholder Collaboration Requirements + Communication = :) Encourages outside-in development

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Acceptance Testing Integration tests + stakeholder collaboration Building the right system vs building the system right. ● Requirements ● Documentation ● Tests

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Acceptance Testing Continued Example: Signing up as a new user User Story: As someone without a user account I want to create a new account So that I can sign into the application Acceptance Test: User signs up for account, receives email, and can log into account.

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Acceptance + Unit Tests Top down / outside in development

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Unit Testing Designing small units of behavior for individual classes. ● Isolate classes while testing ● Simplify interfaces ● Use mock objects (test doubles)

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BDD In Use - Tools of the Trade Cucumber - Cross platform, acceptance testing Rspec - Ruby BDD platform, ideal for unit tests Jasmine - JS BDD

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Write automated tests for simple or complex systems in plain english (Gherkin) Expands upon Agile user stories Ideal for acceptance testing & stakeholder collaboration

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Anatomy of a Cucumber Feature Title + Narrative Background Steps Scenario Steps

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Cucumber Step Definitions

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Cucumber Tips ● Use implicit (declarative) steps vs explicit (imperative) steps ● Avoid sharing state between steps ● Changing tests while refactoring may indicate design problems (especially if requirements have not changed) ● Refactor! ● Think as the end user

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RSpec - Ruby BDD Framework ● Concise (readable) tests ● Ideal for Unit testing

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Rspec Examples

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RSpec Tips ● Avoid date/time dependencies ● Avoid testing internal data/state ● Lots of mocks = bad. ● Be consistent! ● Refactor!

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Continuous Testing ● Rapid (instant) feedback loops ● Validate decisions as soon as they are made ● Bugs have shorter lifespan ● Fail early ● Tools: ○ Guard, Autotest, Watchr ○ Spork

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● Requires practice & discipline ● Look for code smells ○ Hard to test code ○ Refactoring code and tests together ● Always start with a failing test ● Blame design over tests General Testing Tips

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Qualities of Successful Tests ● Independence (Isolation) ● Repeatable ● Clarity ● Conciseness

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Testing Resources ● StackExchange: ○ ○ ○ ● Books: ○ (Everything) ● Wikipedia: ○ ○ ● Podcasts: ○ ○

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Thanks! Peter Brown @beerlington Alan Peabody @alanpeabody