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Ralph Whitbeck

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Ralph Whitbeck Chart from

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Ralph Whitbeck JQUERY PULLS AHEAD • February 2012 • Of the top 17,000 • jQuery is on 54% • Flash still stalled at 47%

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Ralph Whitbeck

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Ralph Whitbeck COMMUNITY

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Ralph Whitbeck

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Ralph Whitbeck COMMUNITY • Users of jQuery • Submit bug reports • Fix bugs • Educate others

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Ralph Whitbeck TEAM

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Ralph Whitbeck TEAM • Contributors recognized by rest of team • Constant/Consistent commitment • Any part of the project

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Ralph Whitbeck SUB TEAMS • Core • UI • Mobile • Infrastructure • Developer Relations • Web/Design • Events

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Ralph Whitbeck BOARD

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Ralph Whitbeck BOARD

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Ralph Whitbeck BOARD • Members are elected • Leads Subteams • Creates governance policies • Approves expenditures

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Ralph Whitbeck TRANSPARENCY • Decisions made in public • • Status updates in public • • Project meetings in public •

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Ralph Whitbeck

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Ralph Whitbeck SFC • Member project since Sept '09 • 501(3)(c) • Fiscal Sponsor • Holds jQuery’s trademarks • Provide free law services

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Ralph Whitbeck ORGANIZATIONALLY • Outgrowing SFC • Form our own Organization • 501(3)(c) or 501(c)(6) • Many complexities in transition

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Ralph Whitbeck JQUERY CORE

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Ralph Whitbeck JQUERY RELEASES • In the last year: • 10 releases • 3 major, 7 minor • 1.5 • 1.6 • 1.7

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Ralph Whitbeck JQUERY 1.5 - AJAX • Enhanced extensibility with prefilters, converters, and transports • Ajax methods return a jqXHR object • jqXHR has a promise interface which is an implementation of deferreds.

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Ralph Whitbeck JQUERY 1.5 - DEFERREDS //Generic  interface  for  working  with  async  behavior $.when(  somethingHappens()  ) .then(  function  ()  {      doSomethingElse(); }); //Based  on  CommonJS  Promises/A  spec  (not  100%)

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Ralph Whitbeck JQUERY 1.6 - .ATTR() REWRITE • Performance improvements • jQuery was too magical caused too many edge cases. • .attr and .removeAttr for attributes • .prop and .removeProp for properties

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Ralph Whitbeck JQUERY 1.6 - RELATIVE CSS //Before: var  sbwidth  =  parseInt(  $("#sidebar").css("width"),  10); $("#sidebar").css("width",  (sbwidth  +  100)  +  "px"); //Now: $("#sidebar").css("width",  "+=100px");

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Ralph Whitbeck JQUERY 1.6 $.MAP() ENHANCEMENT //In  jQuery  1.6,  it  is  now  possible  to  use  to  map  objects   into  a  new  array  of  items.  Previously,  this  only  took  in  other  arrays. names  =  {  firstname:  "Elijah",  lastname:  "Mannor",  age:  "OLD"};                   names  =,  function(v)  {        return  v.toLowerCase(); });   //  returns:  ["elijah",  "manor",  "old"]

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Ralph Whitbeck JQUERY 1.6 - OTHER NOTABLES • Effects Improvements - Animations now implement Deferreds • Support added for requestAnimationFrame (pulled in 1.6.3 due to bad results) • New Deferred Methods - always

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Ralph Whitbeck JQUERY 1.7 - EVENT IMPROVEMENTS • New .on and .off methods unify .bind, .delegate, and .live • 50% performance improvements of delegated events • Old API's aren't deprecated. Just "shortcuts" to .on and .off

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Ralph Whitbeck JQUERY 1.7 //  Emulates  1.6  .bind //  Attaches  a  handler  directly  to  all  .foo  currently  on  the  page  when   code  is  executed $(".foo").on("click",  function(e)  {});

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Ralph Whitbeck //  Emulates  1.6  .delegate //  Attaches  a  handler  to  all  '.foo'  currently  on  page  that  will   trigger  when  a  '.bar'  inside  one  is  clicked $(".foo").on("click",  ".bar",  function(e)  {});

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Ralph Whitbeck JQUERY 1.7 //  Emulates  1.6  live //  Attaches  a  handler  to  the  document  that  will  trigger  when  a  '.bar'   anywhere  in  the  document  is  clicked $(document).on("click",  ".bar",  function(e)  {});

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Ralph Whitbeck JQUERY 1.7 - HTML5 SUPPORT //Full  support  for  HTML5  selectors  -­‐  even  IE6! //Still  need  a  HTML5  Shim  or  Modernizr  for  static  HTML5  Tag  rendering. $("header").hide();

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Ralph Whitbeck JQUERY 1.7 • AMD support • You can use a AMD loader like RequireJS to load jQuery dynamically.

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Ralph Whitbeck JQUERY 1.8 AND BEYOND

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Ralph Whitbeck JQUERY 1.8 AND BEYOND • Focus on cleaning code and slimming down the file size • Not expecting new API's for 1.8 • Exploring ways to break IE6/7 functionality into a compatibility plugin. • NOTHING IS PLANNED!

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Ralph Whitbeck JQUERY UI

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Ralph Whitbeck JQUERY UI • 8 Maintenance releases for 1.8 • Current version is 1.8.17 • Focusing on code clean up and future maintainability • Closing bugs backlog

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Ralph Whitbeck JQUERY UI 1.9 • Spinner • Menu • Tooltip

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Ralph Whitbeck JQUERY UI GRID • Roadmap for 2.1 • New Widgets/Utilities being developed: • Selectmenu • masked input • Inline editing • Timepicker • Menubar • $.observable • Globalize

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Ralph Whitbeck JQUERY MOBILE

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Ralph Whitbeck JQUERY MOBILE • Recently released 1.0 version • Support for many devices • New themeroller • Todd Parker will tell us more in a few.

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Ralph Whitbeck OTHER PROJECTS • Infrastructure overhaul • Site refresh • New Plugin Site (w/ backups!!!) • Learn Site

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Ralph Whitbeck SPECIAL THANKS • Content • Dave Methvin • Adam Sontag • State of jQuery 2011 (from jQuery Summit) • Design • Doug Neiner • “Magical Doug”

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Ralph Whitbeck

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Ralph Whitbeck @RedWolves TWITTER EMAIL WEB