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jQuery UK jQuery Mobile filament group

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hi there. Todd Parker Project Lead, jQuery Mobile Partner, Filament Group Inc.

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Open source

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Sponsor & design lead

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jQuery Mobile An introduction

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Mobile-first UI tools

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No content

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UI Elements

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Project Goals No browser left behind.

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10+ Billion Web enabled mobile devices on the internet Source: ITU, Mark Lipacis, Morgan Stanley Research.

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(They aren’t all iPhones) 4.01 12.3 17.1 18.17 19.95 22.07 Opera iPhone / iPod Touch Android Nokia BlackBerry Netfront July 2011 World Mobile Browsers

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All Platforms 1 codebase

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and for everyone Make it work everywhere

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iOS Android WebOS Blackberry WP7 Meego Symbian Kindle/Nook reader + tablets Playbook Symbian Bada

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Desktop too

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50+ devices in our lab

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Built on web standards

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Progressive Enhancement

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Responsive Web Design Image by Brad Frost

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Don’t break the web. Bookmark / Refresh Friendly URLS History Works

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Don’t break the web. Now with PushState!

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Keep it accessible

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Touch, mouse, keyboard Touch & Mouse Events Mouse Events

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Web to Native

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Themable, Brandable

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No content

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No content

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No content

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...or native if you want Inspired-jQuery-Mobile-Theme/

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Pretty cool.

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Getting Started Developer accessibility

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Make a regular website 1 STEP

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Send me a note!

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No content

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Add jQuery Mobile 2 STEP

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My Web App body { text-align: center; }

Welcome to my Site!


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My Web App body { text-align: center; }

Welcome to my Site!


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Automagic-ness Ajaxify links + forms = transitions Enhance all form elements Wrap contents a ‘page’ container *

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No content

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Data- attributes Easy config in HTML

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HTML5 data- attributes data-foo="whatever"

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Links, Ajaxified Link

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Listen, intercept, handle w/ Ajax products.html

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Listen, intercept, handle w/ Ajax products.html

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Single vs. multiple One page per HTML doc OR Multiple page containers within a single HTML doc

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Pre-load Link

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Transitions Link

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Transitions Link

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Dialog Link

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Button Button

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Icon Button

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Theme swatch Button

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  • Products
  • Services
  • About us
  • Contact
A Regular UL

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Basic unordered list

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  • Products
  • Services
  • About us
  • Contact
Add role

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Read-only listview

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Linked listview

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List with links

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Auto enhanced

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Search Input: label> Opt out

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Search Input: Hide labels accessibly

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Page regions

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Anatomy of a page header footer content

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Page sections

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Nothing at all. What’s required?

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Nothing at all.
We add this for you

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Nothing at all.
Want some padding?

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Taking it further

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Rich API

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Rich API

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No content

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Coming soon 1.1 late February

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New loader design

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Transition re-vamp

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New types

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New types

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Default: fade Fail 3D transform test = fade ONLY (Android 2.x)

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Chrome will save us!

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Chrome will save us!

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True fixed toolbars

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CSS position:fixed - iOS 5 - Android 2.2, 2.3, 3.0 (honeycomb), 4.0 (ICS) - Blackberry 7, PlayBook 1+ - Firefox mobile 6 - WebOS 2+ - Kindle Fire - Kindle 3 - Nook Color 1 & 2 (tablet) - All modern desktop browsers (Safari, Firefox, Opera, Chrome, IE, etc.) Brad Frost

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...with native scrolling (fall back to scrolling bars with the page)

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Forms in bars

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forms: data-mini

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...buttons too

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slider: data-highlight

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data-enhance="false" data-ajax="false" Hands off!

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iOS orientation bug

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touchOverflow no more

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What's next? 1.2 and beyond

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Download builder

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Bug fixes

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Overflow regions

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Responsive layouts

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Ecosystem Tools & Resources

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Adobe CS 5.5

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Wrapping up

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Awesome sponsors filament group

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Go team! Scott Jehl, Filament Group Mat Marquis, Filament Group John Bender, Adobe Kin Blas, Adobe Ghislain Gesuin, Jive Software Anne-Gaelle Colom, Univ. of Westminster Gabriel Schulhof, Intel Sergey Grebnov, Microsoft Jason Scott, RIM ...and countless others!

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@jquerymobile Stay in the loop

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Get Involved

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Support the project Test devices (ICS!) Financial donations Sponsor developer time

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