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Becoming a mentor 
 Why and how?

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Florian Mierzejewski Senior Android Engineer @Trade Republic - Berlin, Germany  2

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Trade Republic •We believe everybody should have easy, fast and free access to capital markets. •Save money and build your wealth with personal savings plans on ETFs and stocks – all free of commission. •We are a tech company with a banking license.  3

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What is mentoring •Learning relationship between an experienced person (mentor) and someone who wants to grow (mentee) •In software engineering it’s usually a more senior engineer that mentors a more junior engineer •Probably something you are already doing to some extend or received in the past  4

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Why mentoring?  5

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Why mentoring? • Mentees have a fresh outlook on the project • Helping the mentee by serving as a link to the rest of the team • Industry-wide lack of developers, worse at the senior level • Giving back to the community, remember when you started your career? • Building long lasting professional relationships  6

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Where do I start?  7

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First catch-up •Making the mentee feel at ease, joining a new company is stressful •Setting the expectations for the fi rst few months •It’s ok if mistake happens, it’s even expected •There is no such thing as a “stupid” question  8

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Going over the codebase together • What is the history? • What are some of the most important components? • What issues do we have at the moment, how do we plan on addressing them? • Depending on the questions that are asked (or not!) it is a good fi rst glimpse into where the mentee might lack knowledge • Asking about what they are interested to learn / want to get better at  9

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First tasks •Company onboarding, reading wiki and documentation •Going through the codebase, writing down everything they don’t understand / want to chat about. •Going through all open PRs and asking questions •Learning plan  10

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Keep it going  11

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Keep it going • A lot of pairing • Add pairing blocks in their calendar • Assign small bugs / maintenance tasks but nothing too vital / with a deadline on it • Time and patience  12

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Areas of growth •Solving skills •Soft skills •Organisational skills •Presenting skills  13

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Solving skills • Writing / refactoring code step by step that always compile • Simplicity over “over-engineering” • Finding the best solution to a problem while taking into account constraints • Taking a step back  14

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Soft skills •Bringing someone up to speed in a timely manner •Participating e ff i ciently to meetings •Avoiding following blindly  15

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Organisational skills • Timeboxing • Using tools more e ff ectively • Healthy working habits  16

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Presenting skills •Writing a good PR description •Self-review •How small is too small and how big is too big •Commenting etiquette  17

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Things to keep in mind • Delivering constant feedback • Celebrating successes • Guiding but not telling them what to do • Adapting the pace of the mentorship as you go  18

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Zusammenfassung  19

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Conclusion •Creating a safe environment where the mentee can grow •Pairing is the best tool you have at your disposal •Always keep an eye open on what can be improved / what has been improved  20

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We’re hiring!  21

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Questions?  22 @ fl orianmski