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Tool Time with John! SE Puppet Users Group 02/16/2012

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Everyone needs a tool belt

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Why? ● To fix things ● To make things ● To keep your pants up

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There are tools

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There are the right tools for a given job

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Then there's “butterknifing a phillips head”

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Fixing Things

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Logging is Broken(ish) ● Commercial options are expensive ● Syslog isn't flexible enough ● Log lines are just data points with a timestamp (event)

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Enter Logstash

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Logstash ● Unix pipe on steroids ● If it has a timestamp, send it to Logstash ● Slice it, Dice it, Munge it, Transform it ● Now spit it out ● This isn't a Logstash talk.

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Simple Sample Configuration

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More complex (inputs)

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More complex (filters)

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More complex (outputs)

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12 inputs, 11 filters, 21 outputs

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Building stuff

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Build something ● Sockets the way you think sockets should work ● Usable from almost every language ● Flow independent ● Captures common patterns ● Freaking fast

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Logstash Filters with ZeroMQ ● You need to do something unique? ● There's not a plugin yet? ● Specific to your company? ● Don't know Ruby? Write your own! (in whatever language you like)

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Example – Logstash config

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Example – External Filter

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End Result

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(don't get caught with your) Pants on the Ground

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Statsd ● Open sourced by Etsy last year ● Simple UDP proxy to Graphite ● Different “data types” ● Client and Server implementations in almost every language

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Graphite ● Open sourced by Orbitz ● Makes pretty pictures of data ● Does dashboards ● Simple API ● Does realtime updates ● Alternate dashboards available and easy to create

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Logstash Configuration

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End Result

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Recap ● Always be adding tools to your toolbelt ● See a cool project? Bookmark it ● Evernote/Read it Later are your friends ● Always be hacking. Keep your skills fresh.

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Links! ● Logstash – ● ZeroMQ – ● Statsd – ● Graphite – ● Evernote –

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Thanks! ● Twitter - @lusis ● Github – lusis ● Email –