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Hello, I’m Simon

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I ❤ Making websites

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I like to do the front-end of my own designs. Especially when it comes to responsive websites. Because so many design decisions have to be made in the browser.

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Webdesigner Netlash-bSeen @simoncoudeville

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(responsive) webdesign

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Andy Clarke Web design is responsive design. Responsive Web Design is web design, done right.

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In case you haven’t noticed, mobile is growing! ‐

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Sollutions • native app • web app • mobile version • responsive webdesign

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It depends.

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I ❤ apps

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I ☠ mobile sites

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I ☠ being redirected.

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Via, tweets, Facebook, bookmark, RSS readers, ...

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Slide 18 text The problem is that this redirect is so stupid that rather than figure out what you wanted to see, it just puts you at the mobile site's home page and thinks it's doing you a favor. At that point, whether you coded your site in native or HTML5 has no bearing. I can't see what I wanted to see.

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And what if a user actually sees your regular site on a mobile device?

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Please don’t click here to go to the full site.

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↺ The other way around.

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99 viewports, iphone’s just 1

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Mobile is not iphone! • Smartphones • feature phones • tablets • nokia, Blackberry, Android, Symbian, ...

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Ethan Marcotte Our sites are accessed by an increasing array of devices and browsers, and our users deserve a quality experience no matter how large (or small) their display.

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It doesn't matter whether you have an app or a mobile version. If you have a website, users should be abble to access it through any device. So optimize it.

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Think responsively.

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3. Same URL 2. Same content 1. Same website

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3. Same URL 2. Same content 1. Same website

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3. Same URL’s 2. Same content 1. Same website

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2. different functionalities 1. different layouts

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2. different functionalities 1. different layouts

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What is it not? • Hiding content • display: none

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David (TheLeggett) Leggett The most reasonable case for omitting objects from a mobile site is when the object wasn’t essential to the desktop site in the first place.

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The new road To enlightment.

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how to start? (working draft)

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1. Online strategy 2. Information architecture 3. Design 4. Front-end design 5. Development Our proces

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♛ Content is king

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IA • Gather content • organization of content

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Rethink • Header • Navigation • Search bar • Call to actions • Interactions

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Some tips from our IA’s • Avoid subnavigation • Overview pages • Eliminate all unnecassary stuff • Counts as much for desktop

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✒ Design

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Designing in the browser

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3. Content organisation before design 2. A static image doesn’t feel like a real page 1. The browser is our canvas

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3. Content organisation before design 2. A static image doesn’t feel like a real page 1. The browser is our canvas

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3. Content organisation before design 2. A static image doesn’t feel like a real page 1. The browser is our canvas

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Designing in photoshop

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3. Try things not possible with only 2. No limitations 1. Photoshop as creative outlet

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3. Try things not possible with only 2. No limitations 1. Photoshop as creative outlet

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3. Try things not possible with only css3 2. No limitations 1. Photoshop as creative outlet

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Establish the global visual design direction

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3. The designer ≠ front-end dev 2. Something to fall back on 1. Starting point

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3. The designer ≠ front-end dev 2. Something to fall back on 1. Starting point

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3. The designer ≠ front-end dev 2. Something to fall back on 1. Starting point

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Designing proportions.

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3. Modular! 2. Think proportions, ratios, percentages 1. Forget pixels!

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3. Modular! 2. Think proportions, ratios, percentages 1. Forget pixels!

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3. Modular! 2. Think proportions, ratios, percentages 1. Forget pixels!

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4. old principles of webdesign still stand 3. Dependent of number of modules 2. Dependent of the amount of content 1. Decide on a maximum width

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4. old principles of webdesign still stand 3. Dependent of number of modules 2. Dependent of the amount of content 1. Decide on a maximum width

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4. old principles of webdesign still stand 3. Dependent of number of modules 2. Dependent of the amount of content 1. Decide on a maximum width

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4. old principles of webdesign still stand 3. Dependent of number of modules 2. Dependent of the amount of content 1. Decide on a maximum width

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3. Make your own grid 2. Forget 960 grid system 1. Solid grid helps establish proportions

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3. Make your own grid 2. Forget 960 grid system 1. Solid grid helps establish proportion

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3. Make your own grid 2. Forget 960 grid system 1. Solid grid helps establish

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Modular grid extension

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New possiblities • Go beyond 1024 • Use a 75px margin • New layout possibilities for wider screens.

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Best practice

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3. Design flexible modules 2. Start with a solid grid 1. Define a maximum width

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3. Design flexible modules 2. Start with a solid grid 1. Define a maximum width

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3. Design flexible modules 2. Start with a solid grid 1. Define a maximum width

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To the browser!

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Ethan Marcotte Responsive webdesign consists of three components: a fluid grid, fluid media and media queries

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Fluid vs fixed Responsive vs adaptive

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fluid, responsive

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4. Harder to achieve (fluid media) 3. Takes up all the available space 2. Maximum width defined once 1. Page adapts to every possible resolution

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4. Harder to achieve (fluid media) 3. Takes up all the available space 2. Maximum width defined once 1. Page adapts to every possible resolution

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4. Harder to achieve (fluid media) 3. Takes up all the available space 2. Maximum width defined once 1. Page adapts to every possible

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4. Harder to achieve (fluid media) 3. Takes up all the available space 2. Maximum width defined once 1. Page adapts to every possible

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fixed, adaptive

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3. Not optimizied for future screen sizes? 2. Easier to achieve. 1. Different layouts defined in fixed widths

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3. Not optimizied for future screen sizes? 2. Easier to achieve. 1. Different layouts defined in fixed widths

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3. Not optimizied for future screen sizes 2. Easier to achieve. 1. Different layouts defined in fixed widths

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CSS3 media queries

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Media queries • Check for certain conditions • Apply different styles • Usually width • Height, orientation, pixel-ratio, ... • Breakpoints

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A breakpoint is the size (usually the width) at which the layout starts to look broken, at which point a new layout is applied.

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Common breakpoints • 320px (first generation smartphones portrait) • 480px (first generation smartphones landsape) • 600px (iphone 4 portrait, kindle fire) • 768px (tablet portrait) • 960px (tablet landscape, old computers) • 1200px and up (modern computers, TV's, projectors)

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Long live natural responsive web design breakpoints.

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Mark Drummond breakpoints-are-dead Use awkwardness as your guideline, not ephemeral default device widths.

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Mobile first Basic CSS is defined before the first breakpoint.

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Mobile first • Typography • link colors • background colors • margins • ...

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This way the simplest version is served first so less capable devices still serve a usable readable website.

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Progressive enhancement Enhancement to the presentation and behavior of the page.

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This is my grid. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My grid is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life.

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Fluid design formula: (target ÷ context) x 100 = result

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1 kolom (55 ÷ 1260) x 100 = 4.3650794

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margin (25 ÷ 1260) x 100 = 1.984127

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3. left to right = top to bottom (in most cases) 2. hierarchy = HTML 1. flexible modules

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3. left to right = top to bottom (in most cases) 2. hierarchy = HTML structure 1. flexible modules

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3. left to right = top to bottom (in most cases) 2. hierarchy = HTML structure 1. flexible modules

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The future is awesome! ✌

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• CSS-grid • Flex Box • ...

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Content should be available to as many people as possible.

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The device should never be an obstacle between the user and their goal.

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What we do: webdesign.