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Nancy FX web development framework for the rest of us

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Hi Hi, my name is , my name is @alexbeletsky @alexbeletsky

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Who is Nancy?

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require 'sinatra' get '/hi' do "Hi Frank!" end

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“ Sinatra is DSL for quickly creating web applications in Ruby with minimal effort “

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using Nancy; public class Module : NancyModule { public Module() { Get[“/”] = “Hi Nancy”; } }

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Created by: thecodejunkie (Andreas Håkansson) grumpydev (Steven Robbins) and community..

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“ Nancy is a lightweight, low- ceremony, framework for building HTTP based services on .Net and Mono. The goal of the framework is to stay out of the way as much as possible and provide a super-duper-happy- path to all interactions. “

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Micro Micro Framework Framework Minimum functionality Minimum functionality Minumum dependenices Minumum dependenices Minumum configurations Minumum configurations

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NuGet Driven NuGet Driven Development Development Core is almost “useless” Core is almost “useless” Features by NuGet packages Features by NuGet packages Adopting ruby Gem's approach Adopting ruby Gem's approach

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Super-duper- Super-duper- happy-path happy-path Kind of philosofy behind the Nancy FX Kind of philosofy behind the Nancy FX “ “It just works”, “It is easy”, “Low friction” It just works”, “It is easy”, “Low friction” You have pleasure and fun You have pleasure and fun

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No content

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Modules primary Nancy concept ● Inherited from NancyModule ● Root to the root ● HTTP handlers in constructor

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Routes method + pattern ● GET, POST, PUT, DELETE ● Literal, Capture, RegExp ● Built in runtime

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Actions do something.. ● Lambda expression ● Receives “parameters” dynamic ● Creates the response

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Views renders the model ● Different view engines ● HTML, Razor, Spark, SuperSimple ● Selected on runtime

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Model Binding bind model :) ● Nancy.ModelBinding ● Query string, request body.. ● XML, JSON

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Bootstrapper DSL on top of IoC ● Mythical unicorn ● TinyIoC default container ● Ninject, AutoFac, Windsor

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Responses ● JSON, XML ● Redirect, Image ● Response by convention

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Everything is very simple

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Other side of the Moon

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Pre-mature Pre-mature ● version 0.9 version 0.9 ● lack of commutity “knowledge lack of commutity “knowledge base” base” ● documentation documentation

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Development Development ● not “really” TDD oriented not “really” TDD oriented ● testing is possible, but hard testing is possible, but hard ● lack of infrastrucure lack of infrastrucure

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Performance? Performance? (I might be wrong here) (I might be wrong here) ● everything is so “dynamic” everything is so “dynamic” ● custom pipeline custom pipeline ● views rendering views rendering

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Well, why should I learn it?

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To prototype fast (er) To prototype fast (er) To enjoy super-duper- To enjoy super-duper- happy path happy path To be better developer To be better developer

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Thank you. @alexbeletsky