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Note: Don’t feel like you need to write all of this down. The slides are available here... Carpal Tunnel Relief

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“Allow myself to... introduce myself” I work (from home) for HP as a front-end developer. I’m best known for making a helpful 5.6 KB CSS file.

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Shh... My secret in-house code reviewer Note: This was shot hastily with a camera phone. I make no claims of being a decent photographer.

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FYI – I don’t especially love CSS The reason I create and use CSS frameworks is because I hate doing mundane tasks repeatedly (yawn). I’d rather be working in JavaScript.

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Co-author JavaScript books I’ve worked on... Tech editor Tech editor

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Our team at HP uses Sass to expedite writing CSS

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Sass compiles down to CSS... $blue: #3bbfce $margin: 20px #foo border-color: $blue color: darken($blue, 9%) .bar border-color: $blue padding: $margin / 2 margin: $margin / 2 #foo { border-color: #3bbfce; color: #2b9eab; } #foo .bar { border-color: #3bbfce; padding: 10px; margin: 10px; }

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Assuming you already know CSS, Sass can help you write CSS faster. But using Sass doesn’t magically create “better” CSS. If you write bad code, Sass won’t remedy it. But Sass isn’t a magic bullet (Because no framework is)

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The same principles apply to JavaScript An important discipline when using any framework is striving to understand the underlying language. In other words, use it as a tool – Not a black box

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Veteran “ninjas” master a variety of tools – Not just one. Use a framework as an extension of yourself – Not just as a crutch. BY HAND FRAMEWORK

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“JavaScript is the only language that I’m aware of that people feel they don’t need to learn before they start using it.” — Douglas Crockford A day to learn, A lifetime to master

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Today, I’ll discuss two examples... jQuery Desktop Formalize.Me

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jQuery Desktop Fun with z-index

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jQuery Desktop Fun with z-index

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Demystifying z-index

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Demystifying z-index The default z-index value is 0, and it only takes effect if an element is position: fixed, relative, or absolute. The default is position: static. You don’t have to go overboard with z-index: 99999. Just +1 higher than another element will suffice.

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... if (!window.jQuery) { document.write(unescape('%3Cscript src="assets/javascripts/jquery.js"%3E%3C/script%3E')); document.write(unescape('%3Cscript src="assets/javascripts/jquery.ui.js"%3E%3C/script%3E')); } ... CDN & Local Fallback => Best of both worlds

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Singleton Pattern = Object-oriented JS Nested JS objects versus dot-notation => Same result, but different approaches var APP = { foo: function() { // Do stuff. }, bar: function() { // Do more stuff. } } var APP = {}; = function() { // Do stuff. }; = function() { // Do more stuff. }; I prefer the one on the left, but you would call methods by using the same syntax either way: +

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// Module pattern. var APP = (function($, window, document, undefined) { // For use only inside APP. var PRIVATE_CONSTANT_1 = 'foo'; var PRIVATE_CONSTANT_2 = 'bar'; // Expose contents of APP. return { go: function() { for (var i in APP.init) { APP.init[i](); } }, // APP.init init: { call_automatically: function() { // Called when DOM is ready. // Can still be called individually, via: // APP.init.call_automatically(); }, // etc. }, // APP.misc misc: { call_specifically: function() { // Must be called individually, via: // APP.misc.call_specifically(); }, // etc. } }; // Alias window, document. })(jQuery, this, this.document); // Automatically run all functions in APP.init jQuery(document).ready(function() { APP.go(); }); Module Pattern << init example Using a module pattern exposes only one global variable, in this case “APP” – with the rest of your methods within an object. It gives you the ability to use private “constant” variables inside your appʼs function scope. Nesting functions within an “init” object allows them to be called automatically on DOM ready.

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.live() is Awesome. Use it. Love it. $('div.window').live('mousedown', function() { // Bring window to front. JQD.util.window_flat(); $(this).addClass('window_stack'); }).live('mouseenter', function() { $(this).die('mouseenter').draggable({ // Confine to desktop. // Movable via top bar only. cancel: 'a', containment: 'parent', handle: 'div.window_top' }).resizable({ containment: 'parent', minWidth: 400, minHeight: 200 }); // etc. });

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All the event wire-ups are ready, before the page even has any content. Once the content is loaded remotely via Ajax, the elements respond to their respective predefined .live() event listeners. Live (pun intended) example of .live()

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var JQD = (function($, window, document, undefined) { return { go: function() { for (var i in JQD.init) { JQD.init[i](); } }, init: { frame_breaker: function() {/* ... */}, clock: function() {/* ... */}, desktop: function() {/* ... */}, wallpaper: function() {/* ... */} }, util: { clear_active: function() {/* ... */}, window_flat: function() {/* ... */}, window_resize: function() {/* ... */} } })(jQuery, this, this.document); Basic structure of jQuery Desktop

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// Cancel mousedown, right-click. $(document).mousedown(function(ev) { var tags = ['a', 'button', 'input', 'select', 'textarea']; if (!$( { JQD.util.clear_active(); ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); } }).bind('contextmenu', function() { return false; }); Event listeners at the document level

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// Relative or remote links? $('a').live('click', function(ev) { var url = $(this).attr('href'); this.blur(); if (url.match(/^#/)) { ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); } else { $(this).attr('target', '_blank'); } }); External links open in a new window

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// Make top menus active. $('a.menu_trigger').live('mousedown', function() { if ($(this).next('').is(':hidden')) { JQD.util.clear_active(); $(this).addClass('active').next('').show(); } else { JQD.util.clear_active(); } }).live('mouseenter', function() { // Transfer focus, if already open. if ($('').is(':visible')) { JQD.util.clear_active(); $(this).addClass('active').next('').show(); } }); Top level drop-down menus

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// Desktop icons. $('a.icon').live('mousedown', function() { // Highlight the icon. JQD.util.clear_active(); $(this).addClass('active'); }).live('dblclick', function() { // Get the link's target. var x = $(this).attr('href'); var y = $(x).find('a').attr('href'); // Show the taskbar button. if ($(x).is(':hidden')) { $(x).remove().appendTo('#dock'); $(x).show('fast'); } // Bring window to front. JQD.util.window_flat(); $(y).addClass('window_stack').show(); }).live('mouseenter', function() { $(this).die('mouseenter').draggable({ revert: true, containment: 'parent' }); }); Making desktop icons interactive

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// Taskbar buttons. $('#dock a').live('click', function() { // Get the link's target. var x = $($(this).attr('href')); // Hide, if visible. if (':visible')) { x.hide(); } else { // Bring window to front. JQD.util.window_flat();'window_stack'); } }); Taskbar / Dock buttons

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// Minimize the window. $('a.window_min').live('click', function() { $(this).closest('div.window').hide(); }); // Maximize or restore the window. $('a.window_resize').live('click', function() { JQD.util.window_resize(this); }); // Close the window. $('a.window_close').live('click', function() { $(this).closest('div.window').hide(); $($(this).attr('href')).hide('fast'); }); Manipulating the “windows”

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// Show desktop button, ala Windows OS. $('#show_desktop').live('click', function() { // If any windows are visible, hide all. if ($('div.window:visible').length) { $('div.window').hide(); } else { // Otherwise, reveal hidden windows that are open. $('#dock li:visible a').each(function() { $($(this).attr('href')).show(); }); } }); Clicking the Show Desktop button

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To prevent developers from wasting countless hours on styling dumb form elements

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“Future plans include a tutorial on how to use jQuery to add styling hooks to form elements, since I know from experience that is no cup of tea.” — Source = Me when announcing in 2008! — Excuse = New HTML5 elements set me back :) It’s been awhile in the making...

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No content

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select { -webkit-appearance: none; } WebKit’s form styling secret sauce This gives you back a bit of control for things like drop-downs.

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document.write(ad) with position:absolute

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document.write(ad) with position:absolute

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document.write(ad) with position:absolute document.write(unescape('%3Cscr' + 'ipt src="' + M Ads by Fusion ...

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header[role="banner"] h1 { background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center 20px; background-image: url(../images/logo.png); background-image: url(data:imagepng;base64, iVBORw0KGgoAAA...); color: transparent; font-size: 0; overflow: hidden; text-indent: -99999px; height: 130px; } Base64 encode background images

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... Pre-load JavaScript files

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... Pre-load JavaScript files

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var IE6 = IE(6); var IE7 = IE(7); // Internet Explorer detection. function IE(version) { var b = document.createElement('b'); b.innerHTML = ''; return !!b.getElementsByTagName('br').length; } IE detection for Prototype.js Prevents false positives since Opera can be made to impersonate IE. Note: I did this because Prototype doesn’t detect IE version number.

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var ie = (function() { var undef, v = 3, div = document.createElement('div'), all = div.getElementsByTagName('i'); while ( div.innerHTML = '', all[0] ); return v > 4 ? v : undef; }()); James Padolsey's IE detection (whoa!)

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Line number counts in Formalize JS Dojo = 174 lines ExtJS = 168 lines jQuery = 158 lines MooTools = 163 lines Prototype = 171 lines YUI = 168 lines “Write Less, Do More” FTW! :)

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var FORMALIZE = (function($, window, document, undefined) { // Private constants. ! var PLACEHOLDER_SUPPORTED = 'placeholder' in document.createElement('input'); ! var AUTOFOCUS_SUPPORTED = 'autofocus' in document.createElement('input'); ! var WEBKIT = 'webkitAppearance' in document.createElement('select').style; ! var IE6 = !!($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version, 10) === 6); ! var IE7 = !!($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version, 10) === 7); // Expose innards of FORMALIZE. return { go: function() {/* ... */}, init: { detect_webkit: function() {/* ... */}, full_input_size: function() {/* ... */}, ie6_skin_inputs: function() {/* ... */}, autofocus: function() {/* ... */}, placeholder: function() {/* ... */} }, misc: { add_placeholder: function() {/* ... */} } }; })(jQuery, this, this.document); Basic structure of Formalize JS

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// FORMALIZE.init.detect_webkit detect_webkit: function() { ! if (!WEBKIT) { ! ! return; ! } ! // Tweaks for Safari + Chrome. ! $('html').addClass('is_webkit'); }, ... Detecting WebKit

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// FORMALIZE.init.full_input_size full_input_size: function() { ! if (!IE7 || !$('textarea, input.input_full').length) { ! ! return; ! } ! // This fixes width: 100% on and class="input_full". ! // It ensures that form elements don't go wider than container. ! $('textarea, input.input_full') .wrap(''); }, ... Basic structure of Formalize JS

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// FORMALIZE.init.ie6_skin_inputs ie6_skin_inputs: function() { // Test for Internet Explorer 6. if (!IE6 || !$('input, select, textarea').length) { // Exit if the browser is not IE6, // or if no form elements exist. return; } // For , etc. var button_regex = /button|submit|reset/; // For , etc. var type_regex = /date|datetime|datetime-local|email|month|number|password|range|search|tel|text|time|url|week/; $('input').each(function() { var el = $(this); // Is it a button? if (this.getAttribute('type').match(button_regex)) { el.addClass('ie6_button'); /* Is it disabled? */ if (this.disabled) { el.addClass('ie6_button_disabled'); } } // Or is it a textual input? else if (this.getAttribute('type').match(type_regex)) { el.addClass('ie6_input'); /* Is it disabled? */ if (this.disabled) { el.addClass('ie6_input_disabled'); } } }); $('textarea, select').each(function() { /* Is it disabled? */ if (this.disabled) { $(this).addClass('ie6_input_disabled'); } }); }, Adding styling hooks for IE6

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// FORMALIZE.init.autofocus autofocus: function() { ! if (AUTOFOCUS_SUPPORTED || !$(':input[autofocus]').length) { ! ! return; ! } ! $(':input[autofocus]:visible:first').focus(); }, ... Adding HTML5 autofocus support

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// FORMALIZE.init.placeholder placeholder: function() { ! if (PLACEHOLDER_SUPPORTED || !$(':input[placeholder]').length) { ! ! // Exit if placeholder is supported natively, ! ! // or if page does not have any placeholder. ! ! return; ! } ! FORMALIZE.misc.add_placeholder(); ! $(':input[placeholder]').each(function() { ! ! var el = $(this); ! ! var text = el.attr('placeholder'); ! ! el.focus(function() { ! ! ! if (el.val() === text) { ! ! ! ! el.val('').removeClass('placeholder_text'); ! ! ! } ! ! }).blur(function() { ! ! ! FORMALIZE.misc.add_placeholder(); ! ! }); ! ! // Prevent from accidentally ! ! // submitting the placeholder text. ! ! el.closest('form').submit(function() { ! ! ! if (el.val() === text) { ! ! ! ! el.val('').removeClass('placeholder_text'); ! ! ! } ! ! }).bind('reset', function() { ! ! ! setTimeout(FORMALIZE.misc.add_placeholder, 50); ! ! }); ! }); } Adding HTML5 placeholder support

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// FORMALIZE.misc misc: { ! // FORMALIZE.misc.add_placeholder ! add_placeholder: function() { ! ! if (PLACEHOLDER_SUPPORTED || !$(':input[placeholder]').length) { ! ! ! // Exit if placeholder is supported natively, ! ! ! // or if page does not have any placeholder. ! ! ! return; ! ! } ! ! $(':input[placeholder]').each(function() { ! ! ! var el = $(this); ! ! ! var text = el.attr('placeholder'); ! ! ! if (!el.val() || el.val() === text) { ! ! ! ! el.val(text).addClass('placeholder_text'); ! ! ! } ! ! }); ! } } Moved outside of init, for easier reuse

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jQuery Companion Libraries jQuery UI – jQuery Mobile – Amplify – Underscore – Backbone – JS Testing Jasmine – QUnit – If you want write Ruby-esque code that compiles to JS... CoffeeScript – Additional Resources

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Learning jQuery – jQuery Enlightenment – DOM Scripting – JavaScript: The Good Parts – JavaScript: The Definitive Guide – High Performance JavaScript – Pro JavaScript Design Patterns – Object-Oriented JavaScript – The Art and Science of JavaScript – Test-Driven JavaScript Development – Recommended Books

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For questions – Or just to say hi :) Contact – Twitter –

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