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Peter Cooper presents.. A rapid tour of Redis, the super-fast data structure server!

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who am i?

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overview What is Redis? What can you use it for? Characteristics Installing and using Data types and commands Putting it all together Some extra stu!

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remote dictionary server

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Salvatore Sanfilippo a.k.a. antirez

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remote dictionary server

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remote hash server

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data structure server!

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data structure server! isn’t that a “database”?

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in a way, but.. no “tables” no SQL no !xed relationships isn’t that a “database”?

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think less.. and more.. name age user 1 jim 21 user 2 amy 44 user:1:name = Jim user:1:age = 21 user:2:name = Amy user:2:age = 44 just keys and values.. a la SQLite, MySQL, etc..

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In Ruby: a = “Hello world” b = “This is a test” storing some strings

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In Redis: SET A “Hello world” SET B “This is a test” storing some strings

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And to retrieve: GET A GET B storing some strings

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1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 like an assembly language? mov rax, 0x0a68732f push rax xor rax, rax mov rsi, rsp ...

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1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 SURE! :-)

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DSL for abstract data types and that’s from the Redis manifesto! google “redis manifesto”

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# big ole’ hash in the sky?

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open source (BSD) !rst public release in 2009 VMware hired Salvatore in 2010 (and Pieter Noordhuis!)

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add more commands add persistence add more data types and more.. familiar with memcached?

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Real time logging LLOOGGs! Just keep pushing stu" onto a list.. LLOOGG was/is a service run by Salvatore that Redis was born out of.

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Scoreboarding Sony did/does this Sorted sets are ideal! Add entries to a sorted set and query for results later. SuperDude1 20 pts xx_idiot_xx 19 pts mrkewl 11 pts freddieM 2 pts

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Inter Process Communication (IPC) Talking between programs Use lists or a pre-agreed set of keys

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Job queues resque does this! Push jobs onto a queue and forget about them (sort of..!)

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Session storage redis-store library can help with this for your Ruby webapps SET session:[session_key] “{ stuff: 123, blah: 234 }”

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Cache redis-store library can help with this for your Ruby webapps

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Rate limiting INCR hits: EXPIRE hits: 3600 INCR hits: It’s a bit naive but.. you get the idea.

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GroupOn, Stack Over#ow, Craigslist There’s a lot more than this but just to make the point.. Redis is not some fruit loop far out technology.

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No content

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Single threaded and event driven Think Node.js or a simple EventMachine loop (technically in Redis 2.4+ some threads are used for background IO tasks but not servicing requests)

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Individual operations are atomic Nothing can interrupt or clash with a command you issue. Remember: Redis is single threaded processed just one at a time..

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Data can be “expired” Want a key/value to die in 60 seconds? You got it.

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Everything is stored in memory It has persistence but.. your entire dataset is in memory too. If it can’t !t, stu" will be pruned.

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Everything is stored in memory THIS MAKES REDIS SUPER FAST!

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Did I mention SUPER FAST? Think 50k+ GETs and SETs per second.

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Lots of Redis clients C, C#, C++, Clojure, Lisp, Ruby, Python, Go, Erlang Scala, Objective C, Lua, Node, PHP, Smalltalk, Tcl Some languages even have ORMs supporting Redis. Like Ohm in Ruby. DataMapper has an adapter too.

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5 Data Types Strings Lists Sets Sorted Sets Hashes

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brew install redis If you’re on OS X and have Homebrew installed

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or just compile it from source it’s ridiculously quick and easy make ./redis-server

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Windows ports are available but your mileage may vary

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From the command line.. redis-cli SET a “foo” redis-cli GET a or just redis-cli for a REPL/console.

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From Ruby, say? require 'redis' redis = # or.. redis = => '', :port => 1234) redis.set "test", "hello world!" p redis.get “test” gem install redis

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Those 5 Data Types (again) Strings Lists Sets Sorted Sets Hashes

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STRINGS As simple as it gets..

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SET mystring “hello world” ./redis-cli Redis command line client app GET mystring returns “hello world” ./redis-cli Key Value

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GET hits: #=> (nil) INCR hits: #=> 1 It even does the initializing..

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GENERIC OPERATIONS Yes, a short break with those data types..

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LISTS Lurvely linked lists with super-fast PUSH and POP

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f e d c b a RPUSH LPOP LPUSH RPOP RPUSH my_q f e.g.

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f e d c b a } LRANGE 2 3 LLEN == 6 LINDEX 5 X LREM 1 b

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f e d c b a RPUSH LPOP RPUSH my_q a RPUSH my_q b LPOP my_q == “a” LPOP my_q == “b” LPOP my_q == (nil) Or BLPOP to block (wait) until something can be popped Queues Not a native data type. Just a list!

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LTRIM myqueue 0 99 Want to keep a list just 100 items long?

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SETS Think a list but with only unique elements.

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SADD contains:aba abacus SADD contains:aba cabal SADD contains:aba baba # .. etc .. SISMEMBER contains:aba abacus #=> 1 (or true)

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contains:aba contains:ase abacus cabal baba hello teabag base cabaret database vase vaseline baseline uncase unbased phase database tease SADD contains:ase suitcase SREM contains:aba hello SMOVE contains:aba contains:ase base

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contains:aba contains:ase abacus cabal baba teabag cabaret database vase vaseline baseline unbased phase database suitcase SCARD contains:aba == 6 SISMEMBER contains:aba chips == 0 (meaning false) SRANDMEMBER contains:aba == “teabag” SMEMBERS contains:ase == vase, vaseline, baseline, unbased, phase, database, suitcase

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contains:aba contains:ase abacus cabal baba teabag cabaret vase vaseline baseline unbased phase suitcase SINTER contains:aba contains:ase == database database This is only a simple example. SINTER can take any number of arguments! SUNION is another command that will join sets together.

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contains:aba contains:ase abacus cabal baba teabag cabaret vase vaseline baseline unbased phase suitcase SINTERSTORE resultset contains:aba contains:ase database SUNIONSTORE does the same for set unions. database resultset

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SORTED SETS a.k.a. “scored” sets Like the sets we saw before, but with a “score” for each member too.

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ZADD scoreboard 10 “Johnny” ZADD scoreboard 8 “Fred” ZADD scoreboard 20 “Amy” ZREVRANGE scoreboard 0 1 A very short example.. .. gets us the top 2 scorers!

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HASHES Like Ruby’s hashes but with string-only values.

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Yep, you can only use strings in a hash. No super duper weird recursive data structures for you!

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HSET user:1 name “John” HGET user:1 name Yet another very short example.. Other commands include HGETALL, HKEYS, HVALUES, HINCRBY, etc.. name John age 20 gender male user:1

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TRANSACTIONS but not in the ACID sense

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MULTI INCR a INCR b EXEC Careful though.. no rollbacks! This is when “stu!” actually happens.

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WATCH somekey GET somekey MULTI SET someotherkey $x EXEC You can also ensure a transaction fails if a dependency is broken. Put result into $x This fails if somekey changed. (check and set)

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Dump of entire database (snapshots) AOF: Append Only File Persistence can be tweaked.. - save 60 1000 Dumps by default, AOF can be enabled.

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Very simple master/slave replication. Server 1 Server 2

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Simple master/slave replication. Server 1 Server 2 SLAVEOF 6378

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Clients can hammer server 1 while server 2 does persistence, perhaps? Server 1 Server 2 SAVE disk

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Want to do a live replacement of Redis without a!ecting clients? REPLICATE AND SWITCH!

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“Redis Cluster” Lua-based scripting (in 2.6) High resolution expiry times (in 2.6) More introspection - imagine pub/sub for internal events

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search for.. “try redis” “redis documentation” “the little redis book”

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coming mid 2012.. was out in 2011

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bye! [email protected] @peterc