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By Morteza Milani

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Let's talk a little about Event-driven Programming

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What is Event? Sometimes we want one object to perform its task as soon as something special happens in another object. This "something special" is called an event

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How it works?

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How to do that?! You ask OS to provide you the events related to your program!

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OK, That's enough! Get back to Node.JS Wait! Do you know Javascript?!

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What is Javascript? ● Javascript as a toy language ● The need for more powerful, more reliable and faster Javascript as web apps appeared. ● Google Introduced V8 Javascript Engine ● Javascript client side libraries and toolkits developed: Mootools, jQuery, Dojo ● But all the above advances are limited to Browsers!

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Node.JS: Javascript at server side ● Node.JS is a framework, built on top of V8 javascript engine to run javascript codes at server side. ● Goal: Building scalable network applications easier than ever!

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Lets see it in action!

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Iran Node Chapter We have Node Chapter! Visit: Join us at Nodejs-fa at Google Groups:

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Thank you! Any questions?