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the fundamentals by Eric Wu: [email protected]

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Incoming Links Internal Links Content HTTP Header HTML / Markup URLs Domain (TLD) Links Content Site Architecture KEYWORDS

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S⋅E⋅O [n. es-ee-oh]: the process of improving the volume and quality of traffic to a web site from search engines via "natural" ("organic" or "algorithmic") search results.

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Organic Traffic Acquisition + Branding High Conversions Direct Traffic

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No content

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66% 17% 11% 4% 3% Google Yahoo Microsoft Ask Other

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No content

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Search Result Pages (SeRPs) Listings 1-10

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Listings 1-4

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..... bold ...... bold bold....... bold .... .......... ............. bold bold ......... ...... bold ....... ........... bold ............ www ..... bold bold .........

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0 25 50 75 100 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 68 62 48 34 28 9 11 10 8 6 42 12 8 6 5 4 3 3 3 3 % Viewed % of Clicks

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No content

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No content

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max: 65 - 70 Characters Auto Repair Shops in Pittsfield, Massachusetts |

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 Keywords  Location  Relevant  < 65 Characters

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max displayed: 160-170 Characters

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 Keywords  Location  Relevant  Call to Action

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the shorter the better

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 Keywords  Location  Short  Top Level Directory

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No content

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 Diversity  Low subsequent searches  Unique Content  Relevancy  Low return (bounce) rate  Determine User Intent  Head vs Long Tail  Commercial  Navigational  Transactional  Informational  Crawling  OnSite SEO  Indexing  Ranking  200+ search signals  OnPage Factors  OffPage Factors  Unique Content Ux Principles The Algorithm

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No content

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 Diversity  Low subsequent searches  Unique Content  Relevancy  Low return (bounce) rate  Determine User Intent  Head vs Long Tail  Commercial  Navigational  Transactional  Informational  Crawling  OnSite SEO  Indexing  Ranking  200+ search signals  OnPage Factors  OffPage Factors  Unique Content Ux Principles The Algorithm

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Bots: Dont’s  Don’t execute JavaScript*  Don’t execute Flash  Don’t accept cookies  Don’t read images  Don’t fill out forms* • Do like text • Do like links (clean urls) • Do like patterns (regEx) • Do like semantic tags • Do like clean code Bots: Do’s

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per / page • Links: < 100* • Bandwidth: 600 kb

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 Diversity  Low subsequent searches  Unique Content  Relevancy  Low return (bounce) rate  Determine User Intent  Head vs Long Tail  Commercial  Navigational  Transactional  Informational  Crawling  OnSite SEO  Indexing  Ranking  200+ search signals  OnPage Factors  OffPage Factors  Unique Content Ux Principles The Algorithm

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 Use h1...h6 tags to show hierarchy  Use

for content  Use semantic tags when it makes sense to: 

       RDF / OWL / MicroFormats

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 keyword rich anchor text  Anchor Text  rel=”nofollow” for links in:  reviews  untrusted sources  PageRank sculpting*  absolute URLs  link/  avoid href=”javascript:”  onclick attribute preferred

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 Use alt attributes to describe the text within an image  Use caption tag to add relevancy to image  code proximity matters  Use to describe Flash, AJAX, or Java Applet content

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 avoid inline JavaScript  avoid inline CSS  use separate .js and .css files  host separate .js, .css, and nav imgs on separate CNAME  robots.txt: disallow: / for entire CNAME  JS Frameworks  (e.g. jQuery, Y!UI, prototype)  CSS Frameworks  (e.g. blueprint, 960 Grids, etc.)

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 Frames suck  That goes for iframes too  Who’s still using frames in 2009?  Avoid Hiding content  Flash  Excessive AJAX-iness  JavaScript doc.write  Java Applets (really?)

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 Hidden Text  color: #fffff  font-size: 1pt  display: none  position: so far left / right no one can see it  z-index: 0 // hide under another layer  height: 1px  visibility: hidden

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 source ordering  place content first in code  place navigation at the bottom  keep content together  tables vs divs

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HTML SiteMap via

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1. URL structure 2. http headers  301 vs 302 redirects  custom 404 / 503  Last modified / ETag  content-encoding: gzip 3. robots.txt 4. performance for SEO 5. feeds (sitemap.xml, rss, mRSS)

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 301 = permanent redirect  302 = temporary redirect  avoid other:  javascript redirects  meta refresh