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Programming Workout

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Bear with me ... for a moment.

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Who am I Michał Taszycki @mehowte

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My journey

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My journey

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My journey

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My journey

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My journey

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My journey

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My journey

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My journey

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Programmers... ... perfectly normal people.

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Good programmers

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Bad programmers

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Exceptional programmers

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Exceptional programmers

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When you see one...

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They are talented

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Exceptional qualities •Clear vision •Smart goals •Know how •Work hard

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Hard work underrated *obligatory cat picture

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Exceptional athletes ?

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Exceptional athlete

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Exceptional athlete

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Exceptional athlete

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Exceptional athlete

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Exceptional athletes What can we learn from them?

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How to work out? Pick exercises Group them Do them Rest

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When to work out? Whenever you are comfortable.

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How often? Couple of times a week.

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How long? 0.5 - 1.5 hour *1-3 pomodoros

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How? Now this is interesting...

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Primary skills? Debugging TDD Paradigms Refactoring Dealing with legacy code Language mastery Proficiency with framework

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Secondary skills? IDE mastery Touch typing shell commands source control mouse-less navigation tool proficiency quick reading/skimming

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Sample workout Monday Wednesday Friday touch typing - 15 minute accuracy touch typing - 15 minute speed touch typing - 15 minute {}()[]<> Refactoring - 5x3 extract method Legacy code - 5x3 sprout class OOD - Tell don’t ask 3x3 refactoring Vim - 5x3 latest vimgolf challenge Roman Numbers Kata - 3 times Language mastery - 5x3 latest rubygame

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Measure • Time • Reps • Time & Reps • Record yourself

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Scale to your needs • find your level • make small progresses • stick to it until it gives you results

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Find inspiration katacasts (play by play especially)

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One more thing... ... to model after gym community.

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The community! Support Competition Gym buddies Knowledge sharing Let’s build The Community!

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Want to know more? visit

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