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SANJET │ INTERNATIONAL 聖杰自 2002 年創立以來,即體認到處在競爭日益激烈的市場中,摒棄「複製模仿」之捷徑, 選擇「創新求變」之經營方針,方能避免陷入價格競爭之洪流;唯有提供「價廉質優」之換刀系統, 方能滿足工具機廠對換刀系統品質日漸優化之要求。 一路走來, 聖杰沒有誇張之廣告行銷手法, 只有低調用心的踏實經營, 因聖杰認為 「換刀系統」 從來不是一部工具機最主要的主角,唯以謙虛用心傾聽的態度,設計生產出物超所質之優質產品, 協助廠家成就一部為市場接受的工具機,擔任最佳配角才是聖杰永續經營的保証,也是與客戶合作 關係確保長存的不二法門。 為求「創新求變」本公司從未間斷致力於:刀庫重量之輕量化、傳動結構之效率化及體積外 觀之精緻化等方面的努力;近年來本公司創造出:全新傳動系統,具備運刀平穩、轉速快且能大幅 降低成本的特色;另具有全台最輕、體積最小、刀數最多及效率最佳的快速鑽銑刀庫;更與日本協 同開發出最新型車銑複合機專用刀庫及多種大型鏈式刀庫等。各項皆是本公司致力於產品差異化, 具體呈現之努力成果。 展望未來,聖杰堅持「腳踏實地、求本務實」的經營理念,落實「創新、團隊、品質、交期、 服務」五大核心價值,必將穩健創造出更具競爭優勢及具備國際水準的換刀系統,實質回饋予長期 支持本公司的國內外廠家,以立足台灣同時成功開拓國際市場。 SANJET INTERNATIONAL 1 SANJET │ INTERNATIONAL Sanjet was established in 2002. Since the very beginning we firmly believe in our core values and have never changed.We abandon those overstated advertisings but, instead, firmly adhere to practical operation. What we realize is that “ Tool changing system is never a soul of a machine tool.“ We listen, weunderstand and get close to our customer. Therefore, we have the ideasto design the essential products you want. Being your best supporting partner is how we guarantee the sustainable operation and it’s also the only way to maintain customers’ relationship.To be continuously innovative, our company is dedicated to the production as lightweight,high transmission efficiency of construction and refinement appearance.Recently, we create a product featured new transmission system with steady and high-speed rotation, which dramatically reduces the cost. The best efficiency ATC for tapping center is most lightweight, smallest and max number of tools in addition. We are dedicated to the product differentiation in terms of the technology development,we create the new ATC for lathing & milling machine and many chain-types via technology community with Japan. For the prospect of future, Sanjet insists the concept of conduct as sincerity and greater perfection. Achieve the five core values: innovative, teamwork, quality, delivery and service.By doing so, we can steadily cultivate the international competitive ability in ATC. Basing ourselves on Taiwan and expanding the International marketing successfulness,we keep giving substantial feedback to all the long-term supportive customers’. SJ-ATC

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SANJET │ INTERNATIONAL Successful Automatic Non-stop Judicious Energetic Transcendent 我們的工程師專業於傳統的工藝,積極 開發創新的模組化檢驗,以達到最高的 效率與最高品質的產品供應。 Our engineers not only dedication to traditional technics but also constructive developing new inspection of modular to achieve the highest efficiency and quality of supply. 2 SANJET │ INTERNATIONAL

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SANJET │ INTERNATIONAL ATC for vertical machining center- Drum type tool magazine 立式加工中心機圓盤式刀庫 Sanjet DK30 . 40 . 50 SERIES 3

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SANJET │ INTERNATIONAL ※ 所有刀庫 之換刀凸輪箱已加 EP220 齒輪油。 ※The tool changer cam box have gear oil EP220 inside of all tool magazines. 30# 40# HSKA63 50# │模組化刀套元件│ Modular tool pot component 產品規格 SPECIFICATIONS 刀倉規格 Tool magazine disk 30 40 50 刀具規格 Specification of tool BT BT/CAT/DIN/HSKA63 BT/CAT/DIN 刀位數量 Qty. of tool position 16/20/24 16/20/24/30 16/24 最大刀長 Max. tool length 250mm 350mm 400mm 最大 滿刀徑 / 鄰空刀 Max. full pockets/ adjust tool 50mm/120mm 95mm (20T)/80mm (24T)/ 75mm (30T) 120mm/250mm 最大刀重 Max. tool weight 3kg 8kg 15kg 刀具交換時間 ( 僅凸輪箱 ) Tool changing time (Cam box) 0.84sec/60HZ; 1sec/50HZ 1.3sec/60HZ; 1.6sec/50HZ 3sec/60HZ; 3.6sec/50HZ 選刀方式 Tool selection 可就近選刀 Available nearby select tool 鄰刀運行時間 Tool indexing time 0.6sec/60HZ; 0.7sec/50HZ 0.7sec/60HZ; 0.9sec/50HZ 0.9sec/60HZ; 1sec/50HZ 驅動電壓 Driving voltage 3Φ 220V/380V 空氣壓源 Pneumatic pressure 4~8kg/cm2 灰塵、細屑或任何髒污都會造成刀具錐度上的精度, 至少使用傳統刀套時會影響,但本系列使用之刀套 可減少 80% 的附著。 The dust or any sully will effect the precision of tool angle in traditional tool pot , but our products can reduce the dust cohere around 80%. ╬ 簡潔俐落、高精度一體式 加工成型,全防水設計。 Succinct , well-executed and high precision. integrated style and waterproof. ╬ 全系列使用滾柱凸輪換刀, 順暢穩定。 Using rolling cam tool changer, fluency and stable. ╬ Successful╬ Automatic╬ Non-stop╬ Judicious ╬ Energetic ╬ Transcendent 4

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SANJET │ INTERNATIONAL ATC for vertical machining center- Armless type tool magazine 立式加工中心機斗笠式刀庫 Sanjet LV30. 40. 50 SERIES 5

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SANJET │ INTERNATIONAL ╬業界獨創使用 SANJET 滾珠分割機構,為機床換刀動作 提供順暢無比與穩定性。 Unique using SANJET ball rolling index mechanism in field, so that tool changer act smoothly and stability. ╬創新浮動刀夾機構專利,置刀穩定與刀庫 調校作業便利。 The patent of innovate fluctuation tool clipper mechanism are convenient for position tool stable and tool magazine adjustment. 傳統刀庫的維新,獨特創新的技術。 Revolution of traditional tool magazine, unique, and innovate technical. 產品規格 SPECIFICATIONS 刀倉規格 Tool magazine disk 30 40 50 刀具規格 Specification of tool BT/DIN BT/CAT/DIN/HSKA63 BT/CAT/DIN 刀位數量 Qty. of tool position 8/12/16 12/16/20/24 16/20 最大刀長 Max. tool length 250 ㎜ 350 ㎜ 400 ㎜ 最大 滿刀徑 / 鄰空刀 Max. full pockets/ adjust tool 50 ㎜ /120 ㎜ 100 ㎜ /125 ㎜ 145 ㎜ /250 ㎜ 最大刀重 Max. tool weight 3 ㎏ 8 ㎏ 15 ㎏ 刀具交換時間 ( 僅凸輪箱 ) Tool changing time (Cam box) 0.84sec/60HZ; 1sec/50HZ 1.3sec/60HZ; 1.6sec/50HZ 3sec/60HZ; 3.6sec/50HZ 選刀方式 Tool selection 可就近選刀 Available nearby select tool 鄰刀運行時間 Tool indexing time 0.6sec/60HZ; 0.7sec/50HZ 0.6sec/60HZ; 0.7sec/50HZ 0.9sec/60HZ; 1sec/50HZ 驅動電壓 Driving voltage 3Φ 220V/380V 空氣壓源 Pneumatic pressure 4~8kg/cm2 ╬ Successful╬ Automatic╬ Non-stop╬ Judicious ╬ Energetic ╬ Transcendent 6

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SANJET │ INTERNATIONAL ATC for vertical machining center- Chain type tool magazine 立式加工中心機鏈條式刀庫 Sanjet CV40. 50 SERIES 7

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SANJET │ INTERNATIONAL ╬提供扁平化傳動設計,除減少與機台配置空間 規劃困擾,並以連續運行,不會因間歇運行, 影響鏈條張力鬆弛;另以前置鏈條定位機構, 確保刀套轉角定位準確度。 ╬新的獨創鏈條是為確保鏈條穩定性;除此,快速刀套 鎖固是該機種特色,穩定性、組立與拆卸更換便利性, 乃業界為首。 Chain of newly unique innovative is ensure the stability. The feature of machine is high speed tool pot locked. Therefore , stability and easy assemble and dismantle are leader of field. 產品規格 SPECIFICATIONS 刀倉規格 Tool magazine disk 40 50 刀具規格 Specification of tool BT/CAT/DIN/HSKA63 BT/CAT/DIN 刀位數量 Qty. of tool position 32/40 32/40 最大刀長 Max. tool length 350 ㎜ 400 ㎜ 最大 滿刀徑 / 鄰空刀 Max. full pockets/ adjust tool 75 ㎜ /125 ㎜ 125 ㎜ /250 ㎜ 最大刀重 Max. tool weight 8 ㎏ 15 ㎏ 刀具交換時間 ( 僅凸輪箱 ) Tool changing time (Cam box) 1.3sec/60HZ;1.6sec/50HZ 3sec/60HZ;3.6sec/50HZ 選刀方式 Tool selection 可就近選刀 Available nearby select tool 鄰刀運行時間 Tool indexing time sec/60HZ;sec/50HZ sec/60HZ;sec/50HZ 驅動電壓 Driving voltage 3Φ 220V/380V 空氣壓源 Pneumatic pressure 4~8kg/cm2 The machine provide flattening transmission of design, not only reduces the problem of spatial Plan with machine body but also continuous running. It’s will not intermittence running to effect the chain of tension relaxation. Besides, preprocess chain position mechanism can be ensuring the tool pot position precision. ※ 所有刀庫 之換刀凸輪箱已加 EP220 齒輪油。 ※The tool changer cam box have gear oil EP220 inside of all tool magazines. ╬ Successful╬ Automatic╬ Non-stop╬ Judicious ╬ Energetic ╬ Transcendent 8

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SANJET │ INTERNATIONAL ATC for Tapping Center 鑽孔攻牙中心機刀庫 Sanjet TD30 SERIES 9

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SANJET │ INTERNATIONAL ╬ TD3021T 於刀長 250mm 時,旋徑僅1040mm。 TD3021T When tool length 250mm,rotational diameter 1040 mm only. ╬ 鋁合金一體式刀夾組,組裝、更換 快速,精度高。 The material of aluminum well- executed tool clipper can be fast assemble, replace and high precision. *1 使用減速機 i : 10,感應電機輸入轉速 1600rpm/60HZ 時,為 0.38 秒; 輸入轉速 1320rpm/50HZ 時,為 0.45 秒。 *1 decelerator I : 10 , when the machine rotational speed 1600rpm/60HZ Time:0.38 secs. when the machine rotational speed 1320rpm/50HZ. Time:0.45 secs. 體積小、重量輕、刀具旋徑小、保修便利,是該刀庫 的特點;搭配該刀庫,將讓您的機台做最好的規劃! The features of ATC tool magazine are small volume, lightweight, small rotation diameter and easy maintains. Collocating the tool magazine will do the best plan for your machine center. 產品規格 SPECIFICATIONS 刀位數 Number of tool 16 21 刀具規格 Specification of tool BT30 最大刀長 Max. tool length 250mm 最大刀徑 Max. tool diameter 80mm 最大刀重 Max. tool weight 3Kg 刀倉最大偏載 Max. tool magazine disk carry weight 12 ㎏ 18 ㎏ 刀倉最大載重 Max. tool magazine disk loaded weight 25 ㎏ 35 ㎏ 單刀運行時間 *1 The single tool divisional time *1 0.38 sec/60HZ 驅動電壓 Driving Voltage 3Φ 220V/380V 刀盤運行方式 Direction of divisional way SANJET 間歇分割機構 SANJET intermittence mechanism ╬ Successful╬ Automatic╬ Non-stop╬ Judicious ╬ Energetic ╬ Transcendent 10 ╬ TD3016T 於刀長 250mm 時,旋徑僅 930mm。 TD3016T When tool length 250mm, rotational diameter 930mm only. 930 1040

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SANJET │ INTERNATIONAL ATC for horizontal machine center-Chain type tool magazine 臥式加工中心機鏈條式刀庫 Sanjet VHC40. 50 SERIES 11

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SANJET │ INTERNATIONAL ╬搭配專用的換刀凸輪箱,以全支撐的換刀臂模組,擁有高穩定性、 順暢度。 Collocation the special propose of cam box can whole supporting the modular of arm component achieve the high stability and smoothness. ※ 所有刀庫 之換刀凸輪箱已加 EP220 齒輪油。 The tool changer cam box have gear oil EP220 inside of all tool magazines. ※ 因為直立式鏈條刀倉架構,不建議使用油壓馬達驅動刀倉。 The frame of vertical chain type tool magazine disk, it's not suggest driving use the oil pressure motor. ※ 機械手持刀中心距 800 ㎜以上,不宜使用該型式刀庫。 The center of robot tool holder is over 800mm, please do not using the type tool magazine. 產品規格 SPECIFICATIONS 刀倉規格 Tool magazine disk 40 50 刀具規格 Specification of tool BT/CAT/DIN/HSKA63 BT/CAT/DIN 刀位數量 Number of tool 32/40/60 32/40/60 最大刀長 Max. tool length 350 ㎜ 400 ㎜ 最大 滿刀徑 / 鄰空刀 Max. full pockets/ adjust tool 100 ㎜ /125 ㎜ 130 ㎜ /250 ㎜ 最大刀重 Max. tool weight 8 ㎏ 15 ㎏ 刀具交換時間 ( 僅凸輪箱 ) Tool changing time (Cam box) 1.7sec/60HZ;2.1sec/50HZ 2.8sec/60HZ;3.5sec/50HZ 刀倉驅動 Driving of tool magazine 伺服電機 Servo electric machinery 選刀方式 Tool selection 可就近選刀 Available nearby select tool 鄰刀運行時間 Tool indexing time 1000rpm - 0.7sec 驅動電壓 Driving voltage 3Φ 220V/380V 空氣 / 油壓壓源 Pneumatic/ oil pressure 4~8 ㎏ /c㎡ / 40~50 ㎏ /c㎡ ╬簡易模組化之運刀機構,定位確實,故障率極低。 Operation tool of simple modular , position precision and low breakdown probability . ╬ Successful╬ Automatic╬ Non-stop╬ Judicious ╬ Energetic ╬ Transcendent 12

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SANJET │ INTERNATIONAL ATC for horizontal machine center- Chain type tool magazine 臥式加工中心機鏈條式刀庫 Sanjet HCS40. 50 SERIES 13

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SANJET │ INTERNATIONAL ╬穩定取刀機構與預備刀位機構設計,提供模組化搭配, 帶來最簡易的調教作業。 Stable clamp tool mechanism and reserve tool position mechanism, they are provide the modular collocation bring the most simple adjustment. 產品規格 SPECIFICATIONS 刀倉規格 Tool magazine disk 40 50 刀具規格 Specification of tool BT/CAT/DIN/HSKA63 BT/CAT/DIN 刀位數量 Number of tool 40/60/80 40/60/80/100/120 最大刀長 Max. tool length 350 ㎜ 400 ㎜ 最大 滿刀徑 / 鄰空刀 Max. full pockets/ adjust tool 100 ㎜ /125 ㎜ 130 ㎜ /250 ㎜ 最大刀重 Max. tool weight 8 ㎏ 16 ㎏ 刀具交換時間 ( 僅凸輪箱 ) Tool changing time (Cam box) 1.7sec/60HZ;2.1sec/50HZ 2.8sec/60HZ;3.5sec/50HZ 刀倉驅動 Driving of tool magazine 伺服電機 Servo electric machinery 選刀方式 Tool selection 可就近選刀 Available nearby select tool 鄰刀運行時間 Tool indexing time 1000rpm - 0.7sec 驅動電壓 Driving voltage 3Φ 220V/380V 空氣 / 油壓壓源 Pneumatic/ oil pressure 4~8 ㎏ /c㎡ / 40~50 ㎏ /c㎡ ╬搭配專用的換刀凸輪箱,以全支撐的換刀臂模組, 擁有高穩定性、順暢度。 Collocating the special propose tool changer cam box, using the whole supporting modular of arm component can be achieve high stability and smoothness. ※ 所有刀庫 之換刀凸輪箱已加 EP220 齒輪油。 The tool changer cam box have gear oil EP220 inside of all tool magazines. ※ 因為直立式鏈條刀倉架構,不建議使用油壓馬達驅動刀倉。 The frame of vertical chain type tool magazine disk, it's not suggest driving use the oil pressure motor. ※ 機械手持刀中心距 800 ㎜以上,不宜使用該型式刀庫。 The center of robot tool holder is over 800mm, please do not using the type tool magazine. ╬ Successful╬ Automatic╬ Non-stop╬ Judicious ╬ Energetic ╬ Transcendent 14

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SANJET │ INTERNATIONAL ATC for vertical & horizontal machine center-Chain type tool magazine 臥式、立臥兩用加工中心機鏈條式刀庫 Sanjet HC50. HVC50 SERIES 15

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SANJET │ INTERNATIONAL ╬立臥兩用換刀模組中,內置停機自動 鎖定機構,防止機械手下滑。 The vertical and horizontal tool changer modular have built-in the automatic engine off locking mechanism, it’s prevent the robot fallen down. ※ 刀倉刀位於 60 刀以上, 本公司驅動系統以伺服電機驅動, 不設計油壓馬達驅動。 The tool magazine is over 60 tools, our driving system will using servo electric machinery.We will not design the oil motor to driving as the situation above. 產品規格 SPECIFICATIONS 刀倉規格 Tool magazine disk 50 刀具規格 Specification of tool BT/CAT/DIN 刀位數量 Number of tool 40/60/80/100/120 最大刀長 Max. tool length 400 ㎜ 最大 滿刀徑 / 鄰空刀 Max. full pockets/ adjust tool 130 ㎜ /250 ㎜ 最大刀重 Max. tool weight 20 ㎏ 刀具交換時間 (僅 T to T) Tool changing time (T to T only) 6sec 刀倉驅動 Driving of tool magazine 油壓馬達 ( 伺服電機 ) Oil pressure motor (Servo electric machinery) 選刀方式 Tool selection 可就近選刀 Available nearby select tool 鄰刀運行時間 Tool indexing time 0.9sec 油壓壓源 Oil pressure 40 ㎏ /c ㎡ ~60 ㎏ /c ㎡ ╬立臥兩用換刀機構 Vertical and horizontal tool changer machnism. ╬油壓驅動機構,簡易穩定、定位確實。 Oil driving mechanism , it’s stability and position precision. ╬ Successful╬ Automatic╬ Non-stop╬ Judicious ╬ Energetic ╬ Transcendent 16

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SANJET │ INTERNATIONAL ATC for double-column machining center-Umbrella type tool magazine. 門型加工中心機傘型式刀庫 Sanjet DV30. 40. 50 17

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SANJET │ INTERNATIONAL 傳統刀庫的維新 獨特創新的技術 Revolution of traditional tool magazine, Unique, and innovate technical. ╬創新浮動刀夾機構專利,置刀穩定與刀庫調校作業便利。 The patent of innovate fluctuation tool clipper mechanism are convenient for position tool stable and tool magazine adjustment. ╬ Successful╬ Automatic╬ Non-stop╬ Judicious ╬ Energetic ╬ Transcendent 18 產品規格 SPECIFICATIONS 刀倉規格 Tool magazine disk 25 30 40 50 刀具規格 Specification of tool ISO/E25 BT/DIN/ISO/E40/ E50 BT/CAT/DIN/HSKA63 BT/CAT/DIN 刀位數量 Number of tool 8/12/16 8/12/16 12/16/20/24 20 最大刀長 Max. tool length 100 ㎜ 200 ㎜ 300 ㎜ 300 ㎜ 最大 滿刀徑 Max. full pockets diameter 30 ㎜ 80 ㎜ 100 ㎜ 150 ㎜ 最大刀重 Max. tool weight 1.5 ㎏ 3 ㎏ 8 ㎏ 15 ㎏ 選刀方式 Tool selection 可就近選刀 Available nearby select tool 鄰刀運行時間 Tool indexing time 0.6sec/60HZ;0.7sec/50HZ 0.9sec/60HZ; 1sec/50HZ 驅動電壓 Driving voltage 3Φ 220V/380V 參考刀具節圓 RE. tool pitch circle 320 ㎜ 320 ㎜ (8T、12T)/ 420 ㎜ (16T) 420 ㎜ (12T)/ 650 ㎜ (16T、20T)/ 780 ㎜ (24T) 960 ㎜

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SANJET │ INTERNATIONAL ATC for Lathing & Milling Machine tool magazine 車銑複合加工中心機、高速加工中心機刀庫 Sanjet DKS SERIES 19

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SANJET │ INTERNATIONAL ╬小型高速 HSKE25 規格換刀機械手。 Specification of HSKE25 tool changer robot,small type and high speed . ╬專屬配置退刀與置刀選配模組,以達安全性、便利性作業。 Collocating the special propose drawback tool and position tool modular to achieve the Safety and convenient. HSKE25 產品規格 SPECIFICATIONS 刀倉規格 Tool magazine disk HSK E25 CAPTO C4 刀具規格 Specification of tool HSK E25 CAPTO C4 刀位數量 Number of tool 30 24 最大刀長 Max. tool length 100 ㎜ 180 ㎜ 最大 滿刀徑 / 鄰空刀 Max. full pockets/ adjust tool 35 ㎜ /50 ㎜ 60 ㎜ /80 ㎜ 最大刀重 Max. tool weight 0.5 ㎏ 4 ㎏ 刀具交換時間 ( 僅凸輪箱 ) Tool changing time (Cam box only) 0.6sec 1.3sec 刀倉驅動 Driving of tool magazine 伺服電機 Servo electric machinery 選刀方式 Tool selection 可就近選刀 Available nearby select tool 鄰刀運行時間 Tool indexing time 0.6sec 驅動電壓 Driving voltage 3Φ 220V/380V 空氣壓源 Pneumatic pressure 4~8 ㎏ /c ㎡ 全伺服化驅動 高機能性 Whole servo driving high functionally. ╬ Successful╬ Automatic╬ Non-stop╬ Judicious ╬ Energetic ╬ Transcendent 20

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SANJET │ INTERNATIONAL ╬密封圈 Seal ring ╬活塞耐磨環 Piston wear ring ╬出力軸自潤軸承 Shaft output self- lubricated bearing Pneumatic & Hydraulic Tool-removal Cylinder for Machining Center 加工中心機退刀缸 Sanjet 產品規格 SPECIFICATIONS BC2T BC3T BC4.5T BC6T 4 ㎏ /c ㎡ 1564 ㎏ 2419 ㎏ 3538 ㎏ 4846 ㎏ 5 ㎏ /c ㎡ 1956 ㎏ 3028 ㎏ 4422 ㎏ 6056 ㎏ 6 ㎏ /c ㎡ 2347 ㎏ 3629 ㎏ 5307 ㎏ 7268 ㎏ 輸出行程 Output travel 13 ㎜ 13 ㎜ 13 ㎜ 17 ㎜ BC 2T. 3T. 4. 5T. 6T SERIES 21

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SANJET │ INTERNATIONAL 增壓器 Press intensifier 產品規格 SPECIFICATIONS 輸出油量 Output oil capacity 6 倍 Sextuple 8 倍 Octuple 11 倍 elevenfold 12.7 倍 12.7times 16 倍 16times 21 倍 21 times 50 ㏄ 50 ㏄ 50 ㏄ 60 ㏄ 50 ㏄ 110 ㏄ 165 ㏄ 80 ㏄ 80 ㏄ 80 ㏄ 80 ㏄ 110 ㏄ 110 ㏄ 110 ㏄ 180 ㏄ PB SERIES ╬ Successful╬ Automatic╬ Non-stop╬ Judicious ╬ Energetic ╬ Transcendent 22