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HTML, CSS, JS, gzip and all that Building Web Apps Fast
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why bother? it’s 2012
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hi-speed internet
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modern browsers
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multi-core devices
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it’s The Future isn’t it?
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and we’re still doing it wrong! Yes, it is!
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the internet is fast but it’s clogged JS CSS
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the browsers are modern but we’re treating them like IE6* * no offence
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the cores, they are many… but they’re not really doing much
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then there’s mobile… Oh, yeah
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battery life sucks on mobile devices
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mobile web traffic is still expensive $! $! $! $! $! $! $!
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the screens, they’re just so small TINY SCREEN
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Going Fast Nowhere
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Going Fast Everywhere
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Front-end Best Practices Tips & Tricks Performance
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Yahoo! YSlow Google PageSpeed
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Steve Souders Yahoo! YSlow Google Velocity wrote the books on front-end performance. Literally
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of the load time is spent on the front-end 85%
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download parse exec render
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requests caching js & css images 2 1 3 4
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Request less
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.js .js .js .js .js
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.js .js “there, I fixed it!”
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Request less* * mobile – request more, smaller, when required
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Require.js LABjs Loading And Blocking JavaScript
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3 RTT (Round Trip Time) 1 DNS resolution 2 TCP connection setup 3 HTTP Request
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Reduce DNS lookups less subdomain nesting serve “critical path” JS in from main hostname
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Avoid Bad Requests 4XX Reduce Redirects 3XX
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Parallelize Downloads
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How your browser sees the Internet CSS PNG CSS PNG CSS PNG time
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How your browser can see the Internet CSS PNG CSS PNG CSS PNG time
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How your browser can see the Internet CSS PNG CSS PNG CSS PNG time
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Google Facebook
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Content Delivery Network use a Akamai CloudFront Amazon
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Minimize Overhead upload/download 1:4 1:20
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Minimize Overhead Keep GET short Use less cookies
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Cookies count calories <1000 bytes
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Cookies eat them when they’re done yum!
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requests caching js & css images 2 1 3 4
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What to cache? .js .css .png anything binary do not cache .html
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How long to cache? Expires: Cache-control: Thu, 16 Mar 2012 11:00:00 GMT max-age = 3600
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Did it expire? Last-Modified: ETag: Thu, 16 Mar 2012 11:30:00 GMT "1edec-3e3073913b100"
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Versioning force new request with <script/>
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requests caching js & css images 2 1 3 4
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Combine files .js .js .js
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Why combine files? .js less requests less overhead more discipline
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Don’t over do it! all.js
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Suggestion jquery.js jquery.plugin1.js jquery.plugin2.js jquery.plugin1.conf.js jquery.plugin2.conf.js
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Suggestion* jquery.js pageName.conf.js * your mileage may vary
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Minify Keep only the file nutrients strip code comments pack names
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tips for better results var foo; var bar; var baz; var foo, bar, baz; Minify Single var declaration
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tips for better results if (i>0){ return i } return 0; var res = 1; if (i>0){ res = i } return res; Minify Single return (over-simplification)
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tips for better results App.component.module.panel Minify Avoid long namespaces
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Compress .js Content-encoding: gzip
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Correct loading order CSS JS JS
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Styles first Scripts after HTML next
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Scripts block downloading and parsing move to end or load async
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<script src=“setup.js” defer > JavaScript
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Cuzillion ‘cuz there are a zillion pages to check
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requests caching js & css images 2 1 3 4
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Optimize images strip meta unused channels
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Optimize images OptiPNG ImageOptim jpegtran Tools
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CSS Sprites less requests less overhead
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base64 data:image/gif;base64, R0lGODlhAQABAID/ AMDAwAAAACH5BAEA… less requests some overhead more CPU work think about less gifted devices ! !
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Speaking of mobile and their tiny-ish screens serve scaled images CPUs that
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burn that CPU ! transform: rotate(360deg)
vs CSS effects
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CSS effects hog that GPU* tranform3d *where available
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linear-gradient() box-shadow border-radius background: im1.png, im2.png Replace images with CSS
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However… "border-radius" is among the most expensive CSS properties to affect rendering time […] ” - Juriy Zaytsev AKA kangax
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Balance you must seek it http requests machine load
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No content
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No content
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requests caching js & css images 2 1 3 4
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Tips & Tricks in your workflow
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Deploy hooks .html css css css .html css.min ?v=2
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Track your speed PageSpeed Service or SDK Google
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mod_pagespeed Apache 2.2 Performance booster Customizable filters
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Tips & Tricks in your code
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jQuery Selectors 70% faster than $(“#parent”).find(“.class”) $(“#parent .class”)
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$(selector ) is expensive there’s a reason it’s a dollar
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DocumentFragment document. createDocumentFragment()
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Detach Node detached = Node.removeChild(child) before heavy manipulation
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Delegate Events body .addEventListener(“click”, function(e){ if ( = “el”) // magic })
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Less requests Smaller files More caching CSS vs IMG Take pride
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it’s The Future isn’t it?
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That’s a wrap go experiment! @razvancaliman
[email protected]
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Resources mod_page speed Measuring tools Expert blogs
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More Resources Tools Minification Image optimization
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Even More Resources JavaScript Performance optimization-notes/ webkit-in-your-living-room CSS Profiling & WebKit Conference •
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Done @razvancaliman Have fun!
[email protected]