don’t understand software development
A lot of Designers ...
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don’t understand software development
… even some software developers.
A lot of Designers ...
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We’re about to fix all this
Don’t feel bad.
(famous. last. words.)
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First, some Questions.
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What is software?
Programs that tell a computer
how to do something
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System software. Programming software.
*Application software*
Types of software?
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Application Software?
That sounds a lot like “apps” …
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Desktop Apps. Mobile Apps. *Web Apps*
aka “software”
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Website vs Web app
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Why is Software hard?
(This is not an existential question)
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“There are known knowns; there are things we know we know.
We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we
know there are some things we do not know.
But there are also unknown unknowns – there are things we
do not know we don't know”
— *former* United States Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld
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Why is Software hard?
Unknown Unknowns are a KILLER!
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Why is Software hard?
Coming up with estimates are hard and …
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“L’enfer, c’est les autres”
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Just kidding …
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“Hell is other people”
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Methods of building software
Agile. Waterfall. Big Design. Iterative
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What’s the right way?!
(This is an existential question)
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How I like to do it
Design. Discuss. Prototype. Argue.
Write Tests. Code. Find problems.
Regroup. Code more.
Manual Testing. Fix bugs.
Release. Drink. Profit. Party.
Rinse. Repeat.
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How to do it wrong?
Bad estimates
Long times between checkins
Not involving the developers
No collaborative tools
Bad. Hard dates.
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What the designer should know
You don’t need to know how to program
… but you need to know the medium
you’re designing for
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What the designer should know
Native mobile vs mobile web
Touch screen vs mouse
Page loads vs Ajax
Android vs ios vs Windows phone
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What the designer should know
*Don’t* try to keep up with less, sass, css, haml
css3, html5, jquery, dojo, spine, backbone,
Ember.js, jsonp, sugar.js, AIR, WPF …
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What the designer should know
Front-end Development is *now* very
specialized. It didn’t used to be, so
designers could work on front end code
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What the designer should know
Focus on acquiring ui/ux knowledge
… but picking up technical knowledge
never hurts. makes it harder to be
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My Advice?
You’re not Steve Jobs.
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My Advice for
working with Developers?
If you want something. Ask nicely.
Explain. Get them to help you win.
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My Advice?
Ask A LOT of questions.
People like to talk about their work
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Albert Einstein
I am neither especially clever nor especially gifted.
I am only very, very curious
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My Advice?
Never tell a developer *HOW* to do
something, unless you’re prepared for
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My Advice?
Learn how to use collaborative tools.
Skype. Campfire. Basecamp.
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My Advice?
Learn how to write bug reports and use
JIRA or Lighthouse
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My Advice?
Learn the importance of testing and
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The Future
• Node.js. Evented programming
• Scaling. Concurrency. Big Data.
• html5
• The Rise of Mobile
• *Responsive design