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֯୩৴ଠ࿠ KAKUTANI Shintaro; Ruby-no-kai,Eiwa System Management,Inc. ༁ग़ʹ͋ͨͬͯ΍Γ࢒ͨ͠ͷ͜ͱ Ұൠࣾஂ๏ਓ೔ຊ3VCZͷձ ג Ӭ࿨γεςϜϚωδϝϯτ TIJOUBSP!LBLVUBOJDPN "HJMF4BNVSBJ%PKP(BUIFSJOH 4BU NZSFHSFUT POUSBOTMBUJOH "HJMF4BNVSBJ 12೥3݄24೔౔༵೔

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@kakutani I got 1st prize in Developers Summit 2012!! I beat Matz and Kenji! w00t!!! 12೥3݄24೔౔༵೔

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Asakusa.rb 12೥3݄24೔౔༵೔

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ఏɹڙ ͓͔͛͞·Ͱ̏̌प೥ ৘ใԽٕज़Λ௨ͯࣾ͡ձͱڞੜ͢Δ 12೥3݄24೔౔༵೔

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Mar 09(Fri): Arrival(Kon-nichiwa!) Mar 10(Sat): Mar 11(Sun): Mar 12(Mon): Kick-off meeting!! Mar 13(Tue): Agile Training for Rakuten Inc. Mar 14(Wed): Agile Training for Rakuten Inc. then “Agile in a nutshell” talk Mar 15(Thu): Moving to Osaka Mar 16(Fri): Agile Japan 2012 Mar 17(Sat): Sightseeing in Kyoto Mar 18(Sun): Sightseeing in Kyoto(Cont’d) then Go Back to Tokyo Mar 19(Mon): “Agile Do IT!” by DeNA Mar 20(Tue): Vernal Equinox Day Mar 21(Wed): Leadership Conf. in Fujitsu SSL Mar 22(Thu): Inception Deck Training Mar 23(Fri): Agile Leadership Traniing Mar 24(Sat): Agile Samurai Dojo Gathering Mar 25(Sun): Departure(Sayonara!) Jonathan Rasmusson Japan Tour 2012 “ We're always on the same team 12೥3݄24೔౔༵೔

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And I’m on the English crash course! (@jrasmusson is my sensei) 12೥3݄24೔౔༵೔

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Slide 12 text ਓࡐྲྀಈੑ ͷ Ճ ଎ We’re willing to accelerate the mobility of jobs/ human resources 12೥3݄24೔౔༵೔

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ESM hiring Rubyists! 12೥3݄24೔౔༵೔

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֯୩৴ଠ࿠ KAKUTANI Shintaro; Ruby-no-kai,Eiwa System Management,Inc. ༁ग़ʹ͋ͨͬͯ΍Γ࢒ͨ͠ͷ͜ͱ Ұൠࣾஂ๏ਓ೔ຊ3VCZͷձ ג Ӭ࿨γεςϜϚωδϝϯτ TIJOUBSP!LBLVUBOJDPN "HJMF4BNVSBJ%PKP(BUIFSJOH 4BU NZSFHSFUT POUSBOTMBUJOH "HJMF4BNVSBJ 12೥3݄24೔౔༵೔

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DISCLAIMER: We did do the best on this translation :) 12೥3݄24೔౔༵೔

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To me, however, some regrets are still there. (and we won’t fix that...for now) 12೥3݄24೔౔༵೔

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Translation on Twelve Principles (behind the Agile Manifesto) 12೥3݄24೔౔༵೔

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Slide 18 text I think master-sensei is... 12೥3݄24೔౔༵೔

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֓ ೦ ...the concept, indeed. 12೥3݄24೔౔༵೔

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Jon Kern Robert C. Martin Alistair Cockburn Jim Highsmith Ward Cunningham Brian Marick Dave Thomas Andrew Hunt Ron Jeffries Ken Schwaber James Grenning Kent Beck Jeff Sutherland Martin Fowler Mike Beedle Arie van Bennekum Steve Mellor ௐࠪڠྗ!ZVLJIJSP@NBU[ !LENTOS 12೥3݄24೔౔༵೔

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Of course, we respect the definitive translation and the guys who translated those into Japanese (transl. @hiranabe, rev. @kuranuki) 12೥3݄24೔౔༵೔

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Those’ve already published on as the official one. I believe their work is awesome. (easy to read and understand) ...that’s why we chose those for our work. 12೥3݄24೔౔༵೔

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Sometimes great translation keeps us away from the original text. And... 12೥3݄24೔౔༵೔

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There’s something... 12೥3݄24೔౔༵೔

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Agile principle Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software. ΞδϟΠϧ։ൃͷݪଇ ސ٬ຬ଍Λ࠷༏ઌ ͠ɺ Ձ஋ͷ͋Δ ιϑ τ ΢ ΣΞΛ ૣ͘ ܧଓతʹఏڙ ͠ ·͢ɻ #01 12೥3݄24೔౔༵೔

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Agile principle Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes harness change for the customer’s competitive advantage. ΞδϟΠϧ։ൃͷݪଇ ཁٻͷมߋ͸ͨ ͱ ͑։ൃͷޙظͰ͋ͬͯ ΋׻ܴ ͠ ·͢ɻ มԽΛຯํʹ͚ͭΔ ͜ ͱʹΑ ͬͯɺ ͓٬༷ ͷڝ૪ྗΛҾ্͖͛·͢ɻ #02 12೥3݄24೔౔༵೔

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Agile principle Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, with a preference to the shorter timescale. ΞδϟΠϧ։ൃͷݪଇ ಈ͘ ιϑ τ ΢ ΣΞΛɺ ि͔ؒ Βϲ ݄ ͱ͍ ͏ Ͱ͖ Δ͚ͩ୹ִ͍࣌ؒؒͰ Ϧ Ϧ ʔε ͠ ·͢ɻ #03 12೥3݄24೔౔༵೔

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Agile principle Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project. ࠕࠫࡖࠗ࡞㐿⊒ߩේೣ Ϗ δωεଆͷਓͱ։ൃऀ͸ɺ ϓϩ δΣ Ϋ τ Λ ௨ ͯ͠೔ʑҰॹʹಇ͔ͳ͚Ε͹ͳ Γ ·ͤΜɻ #04 12೥3݄24೔౔༵೔

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Agile principle Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and support they need, and trust them to get the job done. ࠕࠫࡖࠗ࡞㐿⊒ߩේೣ ҙཉʹຬͪͨਓʑ ΛूΊͯϓϩ δΣ Ϋ τ Λߏ੒ ͠ ·͢ɻ ؀ڥͱࢧԉΛ༩͑࢓ࣄ͕ແࣄऴΘΔ ·Ͱ൴Β Λ৴པ ͠ ·͢ɻ #05 12೥3݄24೔౔༵೔

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Agile principle The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face conversation. ΞδϟΠϧ։ൃͷݪଇ ৘ใΛ఻͑Δ ΋ͬ ͱ ΋ޮ཰తͰޮՌతͳํ๏͸ ϑ Σ Π ε ɾ τ Ρ ɾ ϑ Σ Π εͰ࿩Λ͢Δ ͜ ͱ Ͱ͢ɻ #06 12೥3݄24೔౔༵೔

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Agile principle Working software is the primary measure of success. ࠕࠫࡖࠗ࡞㐿⊒ߩේೣ ಈ͘ ιϑ τ ΢ ΣΞ͕ͦ͜ਐ௙ͷ࠷΋ॏཁͳई౓Ͱ͢ɻ #07 12೥3݄24೔౔༵೔

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Agile principle Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility. Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers, and users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely. ࠕࠫࡖࠗ࡞㐿⊒ߩේೣ ٕज़త୎ӽੑͱ༏Εͨઃܭʹର͢Δෆஅͷ ஫ҙ͕ػහ͞ ΛߴΊ·͢ɻ ΞδϟΠϧŋϓϩηε͸࣋ଓՄೳͳ։ൃΛଅ ਐ͠·͢ɻҰఆͷϖʔεΛܧଓతʹҡ࣋Ͱ͖ ΔΑ͏ʹ͠ͳ͚Ε͹ͳΓ·ͤΜɻ (Is this principle not mentioned directly in “the Agile Samurai”??) #08 12೥3݄24೔౔༵೔

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Agile principle Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility. ࠕࠫࡖࠗ࡞㐿⊒ߩේೣ ٕज़త୎ӽੑͱ༏Εͨઃܭʹର͢Δෆஅͷ ஫ҙ͕ػහ͞ ΛߴΊ·͢ɻ #09 12೥3݄24೔౔༵೔

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Agile principle Simplicity—the art of maximizing the amount of work not done—is essential. ΞδϟΠϧ։ൃͷݪଇ γϯϓϧ͞ ʢϜμͳ ͘ ࡞ΕΔྔΛ࠷େݶʹ͢Δ ͜ ͱʣ ͕ຊ࣭Ͱ͢ɻ #10 12೥3݄24೔౔༵೔

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Agile principle The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams. ࠕࠫࡖࠗ࡞㐿⊒ߩේೣ ࠷ྑͷΞʔΩςΫνϟ ɾ ཁٻ ɾ ઃܭ͸ɺ ࣗݾ૊৫తͳνʔϜ͔ ΒੜΈग़͞ Ε·͢ɻ #11 12೥3݄24೔౔༵೔

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Agile principle At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective and then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly. ࠕࠫࡖࠗ࡞㐿⊒ߩේೣ νʔϜ͕΋ͬ ͱޮ཰ΛߴΊΔ ͜ ͱ ͕Ͱ͖ Δ͔Λ ఆظతʹৼΓฦΓɺ ͦΕʹج͍ͮͯࣗ෼ͨͪͷ ΍ΓํΛ࠷దʹௐ੔ ͠ ·͢ɻ #12 12೥3݄24೔౔༵೔

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ࢣΛڼ͗ɺࢣΛ௥͍͔͚ɺࢣʹา ௐΛ߹ΘͤɺࢣͷҙਤΛټΈɺ ͦͯࣗ͠Β͕ࢣʹͳΔͷͩɻ Look to the master, follow the master, walk with the master, see through the master, become the master. -- Ron Jeffries 12೥3݄24೔౔༵೔