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Plays well with others Building Mountable Apps Patrick Peak @peakpg

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About Me

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A CMS Story 2.3 3.2 3.0 Engines Introduced 3.1 Get Awesomer

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Agenda • What is an Engine? • Building an Engine • Providing Rails Configuration • Easy to Install • Asset Pipeline • Working with other Engines

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What are Engines? Responsibilities: •  Business Domain •  Selling Stuff •  Managing Users •  Blogging App #2

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Separation of Concerns Selling Stuff Managing Users Blogging Business Domain App #2

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No more plugins

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Think about upgrade costs

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Duplication is the root of all evil.

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Examples Popular Engines

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Admin Dashboards

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Building an Engine

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What the world needs… $ rails plugin new another --mountable

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Gem with a Rails App inside Rails App Gem

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Isolated Namespace

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Add a Resource $ rails g resource Page name path content

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‘Typical’ Controller

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Isolated Controller

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Routing Engines own their Routes

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Engine Routes Rails.application.routes.draw

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Our Awesome UI

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Mounting the Engine App Root

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Route Helpers <%= main_app.root_url %> # => / <%= another.root_url %> # => /another <%= another.page_path(@page) %> # => /another/pages/1

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Get Smarter

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Inside the Engine

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In your App

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Department of Redundancy Department…

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Migrations Sharing Structure across Projects

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Namespaced Tables

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From Gem to Project $ rake another:install:migrations • Copies all files from db/migrate into a project • Won’t overwrite • Retimestamps

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After installing 2 1

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Install the World $ rake railties:install:migrations

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Configuratin’ Provide Reasonable Defaults

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Routing Extensions

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Middleware Stack

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“Suggested” Generators

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Start Fast Minimize Friction for new users

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Write a Readme gem "another" $ bundle install $ rake another:install:migrations $ rake db:migrate mount Another::Engine => "/another"

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Improve Installation gem "another” $ rail g another:install

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Asset Pipeline Packaging the view

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Before /public $ rake copy:assets

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After Project gem "ckeditor_rails", ""

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Favorite Key

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Working Together Playing well with other Engines

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Coordinated Approach My Site BrowerCMS News Blog

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Streamlined $ rails g cms:install bcms_news

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This could be easier ? Rails Admin

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Authentication Who are you, really?

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Authorization Are you allowed to do that?

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I don’t care, just pick something…

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Interoperability suffers Your App Restful Auth Devise current_user?

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Need a Common Security API secures

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Recap What I hope you learned

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Engines are the Future

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Reduce errors from duplication

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When done right…

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The End Thanks!

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