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Getting started with jQuery Mobile @BradBroulik Slides:

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Follow along:

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Sent text message Used application Used browser Accessed social networking site Played games Listened to music 28.7% 33.7% 39.2% 52.1% 54.2% 75.9% Top Mobile Activities Mobile Content Usage (U.S.) 3 Month Avg. Ending Nov. 2012 vs. 3 Month Avg. Ending Aug. 2012 Source: comScore MobiLens

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Facebook’s top mobile client is mobile web

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Twitter’s top mobile client is also mobile web Twitter via

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“A UI framework for building cross-platform Mobile Web applications” “With a single jQuery Mobile codebase we can create a unified user experience for nearly all mobile devices” jQ uery M obile 1.3

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Simplify the journey

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One codebase... CSS3

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no device customer left behind iOS Android Blackberry Windows WebOS Meego Kindle Nook Desktop Bada

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Simplified Markup-Driven Development

Page Header

Hello jQuery Mobile!

Page Footer

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Unified User Interface

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A-Grade experience C-Grade experience Progressive Enhancement

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Responsive Design

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Portrait Landscape Responsive Forms

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Default Theme Alternate Theme Themable Styling

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No content

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Slide 18 text Getting Started in 60 seconds

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Build a page #1


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Add jQuery Mobile #2 Step Two - Add jQuery Mobile CDN repository or download via

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Enhance: data- attributes #3


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More enhancements...

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Add theming and branding


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Single vs multi-page template


Contact Us

Contact Us

Contact information...

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Single-page + prefetch


Contact Us

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Ajaxified Navigation

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Step 1, tap the button to navigate to another page Ajaxified Navigation

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Step 2, framework loads the next page side-by-side Ajaxified Navigation

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Ajaxified Navigation Step 3, framework transitions to next page

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Ajaxified Navigation Step 4, transition complete

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Transitions slide

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Popups Usecases: •alerts •dialogs •tooltips •menus •forms •anything...


No internet connection. Please try again later.

Popup $('#popupWarning').popup( "open" ); // Or dynamically open popup

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Tab bars icon name standard icons custom icons

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Segmented Control .segmented-control { text-align:center;} .segmented-control .ui-controlgroup { margin: 0.2em; }

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Keyboard sensitive input types

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Radio & Checkbox

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Slider & Switch

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Themes: defaults & inheritance page theme set to “e”

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Events Diagram mobileinit $(document).on("mobileinit", function(){ $.mobile.defaultPageTransition = "slide"; $.mobile.ajaxEnabled = false; }); pageinit $(document).on("pageinit", "#my-page", function(e) { // Setup event handler for login button $("#loginButton").on("click", function (e) { alert("Login clicked..."); }); });

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$( "#changePage" ).on( "click", function() { // Create page markup var newPage = $("<div data-role=header><h1>Hi</h1></div>Hello Again!"); // Add page to page container newPage.appendTo( $.mobile.pageContainer ); // Enhance and open new page $.mobile.changePage( newPage ); }); $.mobile API

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Panels (sliding drawer) jQ uery M obile 1.3

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Responsive tables jQ uery M obile 1.3

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Responsive tables jQ uery M obile 1.3

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Responsive grids jQ uery M obile 1.3

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More new features... jQ uery M obile 1.3 Listview autocomplete data-clear-btn=”true” New icons

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Adobe Shadow Simplifies multi-device testing

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+ =

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Slide 53 text How can we gain a performance advantage?

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Prefer Native jQuery Mobile Widgets Custom message box adds overhead Native inset list uses 80% less CSS! Compatible across all browsers! Simplifies maintenance!

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Remove Unused Themes Custom Theme jQuery Mobile’s structure file without default theme

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Remove Unused Plugins Download Builder •grid •navbar •select •slider •textinput •transitions •checkboxradio •collapsible •collapsibleset •controlgroup •fieldContain •fixedToolbar

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Cache highly accessed read-only pages

Popular Page

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur hendrerit nisl et tortor tincidunt mattis.

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Prefer the CDN-hosted resources CDN Hosted minified and gzipped jQuery Mobile files Example: bonus/config/https/https-template.html

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Performance Analysis Tools

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You have safely arrived at your destination

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Resources • @jquerymobile • #jquerymobile

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Questions? Can I integrate with Google or Bing Maps? What’s coming in the 1.4 release? Server-side versus client-side integration? Can I integrate with RESTful Services?

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Thank You! @BradBroulik Slides: