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Let’s Golf Thursday, May 3, 12

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About Me • Ynon Perek • • ynonperek Thursday, May 3, 12

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The Game A Competition to find the shortest — fewest keystrokes perl code to solve a given problem Thursday, May 3, 12

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The Rules • Count keystrokes (newlines matter) • No modules • No external tools Thursday, May 3, 12

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Why Golf ? Thursday, May 3, 12

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Example: Head use strict; use warnings; use v5.14; my $counter = 0; while (<>) { $counter += 1; print; last if $counter > 10; } Thursday, May 3, 12

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We Can Do Better while (<>) { print; last if $. > 10; } Thursday, May 3, 12

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Yet a golfer would • Remember perl opts: -pe • Remember range operator Thursday, May 3, 12

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Yet a golfer would #!/usr/bin/perl -pe last if $. > 10 Thursday, May 3, 12

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Yet a golfer would perl -pe '11..exit' Thursday, May 3, 12

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And a true golfer... perl -pe '11..&' Thursday, May 3, 12

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Some More Tricks • y///c Abigail’s length horror • $_ x= Larry’s boolean • }{ Abigail’s END for -pe • $\ Van-der Pijll print Thursday, May 3, 12

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Challenge • Use previous tricks to print: • characters count • words count • line count Thursday, May 3, 12

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Challenge # Characters count perl -lpe '$\+=y///c}{' # Words count perl -lpe '$\+=split}{' # Lines count perl -pe '$\=$.}{' Thursday, May 3, 12

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Example: tail • Tail is harder, because we need to remember previous lines • Can use an array Thursday, May 3, 12

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Example: tail # tail using an array perl -e '@a=<>;print @a[-10..-1]' Thursday, May 3, 12

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Example: tail # Removing the array perl -e 'print ((<>)[-10..-1])' Thursday, May 3, 12

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Example: tail # Removing the array perl -e 'print ((<>)[-10..-1])' Surprisingly, A true hacker can do better Thursday, May 3, 12

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Example: tail # Recall the ~ perl -e 'print+(<>)[~9..-1]' Surprisingly, A true hacker can do better Thursday, May 3, 12

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Some More Tricks • $= Holds only int values. $==10/3 is the same as int(10/3) • $- Holds only positive values Thursday, May 3, 12

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Example: $- perl -pe '$-=eval or&' 10+20 20+3 30-10 40-50 -5 1 4 5 Thursday, May 3, 12

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Golf Classics • Find all anagrams in a word list. • An anagram is two words made up of the same letters • Example: underflow - wonderful Thursday, May 3, 12

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Anagrams #!/usr/bin/perl sub normalized { my ($word) = @_; my @letters = split //, $word; return join '', sort @letters; } while (<>) { chomp; my $letters = normalized( $_ ); $words{ $letters } ||= []; push $words{ $letters }, $_; } print "@$_\n" for grep { @$_ > 1} values %words; Thursday, May 3, 12

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Anagrams • Remove the sub • Prefer text over array-refs • Prefer switches over code • Use short variable names Thursday, May 3, 12

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Anagrams #!/usr/bin/perl -ln $w{ join '', sort split // } .= "$_ "; }{ print for grep / ./, values %w; Thursday, May 3, 12

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Anagrams • No need to join hash keys • Can use regexp instead of split • Can use regexp instead of grep • Can use %h instead of values %h Thursday, May 3, 12

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Anagrams #!/usr/bin/perl -ln $w{ 1, sort/./g } .= "$_ "; }{/ ./&&print for %w; Thursday, May 3, 12

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Golf Classic sub b{[@b=(abs||No,bottle."s"x!!++$_,of,beer),on,the,wall]} print "@{+b},\n@b,\nTake one down, pass it around,\n@{+b}.\n" for-pop||-99..-1 99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer, Take one down, pass it around, 98 bottles of beer on the wall. Thursday, May 3, 12

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Non-perl Golf • • Thursday, May 3, 12

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What’s Next • Go to http:// • Download the book Thursday, May 3, 12