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When building a house, we don't rely solely on pictures or perspective dr a wings.

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Inste a d, we use a n a bstr a ct " f loor pl a n", which serves a s a common l a ngu a ge for users, designers, a nd builders

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Simil a rly, ALPS di a gr a m is th a t common l a ngu a ge when it comes to building a website.

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Modeling *OGPSNBUJPO"SDIJUFDUVSFɺ%PNBJONPEFMJOH • Semantics / Ontology • Affordance / Choreography Shared Language $POUSPMMFE7PDBCVMBSZ • PO, Designer, Devs • Visualization • Single Source of Truth It's not just API design; It's a fr a mework for org a nizing, a ccessing, a nd evolving the core business knowledge.