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We’ve got a website for that HTML5, offline and the future of the mobile web Open Source Junction 3 Trinity College, Oxford 20-21 March 2012

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The web has transformed our lives. Now we need that stuff on the move.

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1999: WAP . Seriously?

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2001: BlackBerry. Now we’re talking. (except ironically we’re not talking because Blackberry wouldn’t add phone capabilities for another 3 years)

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2007: iPhone. Cracked it.

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2008: Apps arrive. Web largely forgotten.

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But wait, what exactly is an app, anyway?

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Adaptive interaction Adaptive design +

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But, couldn’t we just make a website do all that app stuff?

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Challenges for the web •  Layout –  Adapt, adapt, adapt •  Navigation and interaction –  Interpreting touches is a subtle art •  Offline use –  Just reinvent the whole way the web works •  Rethink backend architecture –  Fewer pages, more APIs •  Analytics –  Record activity while user is offline

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Flowed columns

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Flowed columns

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So you want to use the Internet when you’re not online? Good luck with that.

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Breaking it down •  Launching the app offline •  Making text content available offline •  Storing content images offline •  Dealing with quota limits •  Analytics

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Offline technologies Application cache (manifest) WebSQL / SQLite / IndexedDB Local storage Cookies

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Launching •  Application cache •  Manifest is atomic – download all or none – Boot page, fonts, sprites, splash screen, icons only. •  Webkit manifest bug – obscure naming of the manifest helps •  Set dynamic comment in manifest for dev

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Manifest contents •  Fonts •  Sprites •  Icons •  Splash screen •  One HTML page •  JavaScript •  HTML •  CSS YES   NO  

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CACHE MANIFEST # Version: 2012030613 /favicon.ico /lib/imgs/sprite.png /lib/imgs/splash-logo.jpg /lib/fonts/main.ttf FALLBACK: / /controller.html NETWORK: * Cached files Use network when possible Fallback for booting offline

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Boot process •  Fallback page is loaded from app cache •  Load resources from local storage – JS, CSS, HTML •  Use cookie to identify user •  Load requested content from local DB •  Display it    

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Offline text content •  Client side database •  IndexedDB is coming, SQLite works now. •  5MB for free, up to 50 with consent •  Use localStorage for index, as it's faster

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Offline images •  Lots. High turnover. Binary data. •  Client side database •  Download base64 encoded strings •  Render as data: URIs –  •  Nice: Stops operators interfering •  Unfortunate: 30% bigger

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Quota Native apps get whatever storage they want ! Web apps have hard storage limits

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Tricks for super storage •  local storage and local DB use UTF-16 text •  That’s a minimum 2 bytes per character •  Pack ASCII into (pretend) UTF-16: if (in.length % 2 !== 0) in += ' '; for (i = 0, l = in.length; i < l; i+=2) { out += String.fromCharCode( (in.charCodeAt(i)*256) + string.charCodeAt(i+1) ); }

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App cache, local storage, eval()ed JavaScript, invalid UTF-16… Congratulations, you’ve made a debugging nightmare

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Useful tools •  Charles – •  WeinRE – •  WebDriver for mobile browsers – WebDriverForMobileBrowsers

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In summary •  Ease of use is critical. Adapt, adapt, adapt. •  The web can do this •  Web approach retains all the benefits of the web that you give up when building native.

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“Don’t build native apps, build web apps” -­‐  Tim  Berners-­‐Lee  

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Questions? •  Andrew Betts •  [email protected] •  You should follow me on twitter here: – @triblondon •  Build this stuff: –