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Handling errors at scale Andrew Betts, Assanka

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Embarrassing on live, often unhelpful on dev

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Small parts…

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of a bigger picture

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Seeing the bigger picture Error reporting Logging User feedback Monitoring

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Problems §  Developers often leave non fatal errors in code •  Error reporting set too low •  Open source projects often riddled with them (eg. Wordpress) §  Standard error output can be difficult to debug §  Displaying raw errors to end users is really bad §  Finding error patterns on live applications running across multiple servers requires tedious manual aggregation of logs §  Matching errors to user feedback can be a pain §  Finding evidence in logs can be very tough

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A more elegant way forward for error handling, reporting and ‘problem management’

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Principles: handling errors §  No half measures: stop execution on every serious error §  Display something sensible to the end user that they'll understand §  React appropriately depending on the environment, dev vs live •  In dev, stop on EVERY error §  Provide as much debug information as possible to help the developer solve the problem quickly

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Displaying Developer facing, HTML page

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Anatomy of an error report §  Error title, line number and file §  Code context (three lines either side of the error line) §  Variable context (variables and objects defined in error scope) §  Globals and superglobals §  HTTP request details (GET, POST, headers) §  Backtrace

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Resolving references Click Open and highlight Just one copy of each piece of data Also handles recursive references

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Abbreviating output Truncated Truncated

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Other useful features §  Exposing private members §  Recognising time and date formats §  Network tools for IP addresses

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AJAX / CLI errors Massive amounts of HTML would not be appreciated!

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What we show the public Customer-facing, HTML page Hash: backtrace minus paths

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Public, AJAX version

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Error hashing §  Take backtrace, strip embedded file paths •  Paths may vary for what is basically the same error §  Serialise §  Hash it •  8 character string of CRC32 •  MD5 was too long •  Customer needs to be able to read it out over the phone •  No significant collisions yet (25,000 hashes recorded) §  Same error on different servers will produce same hash

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Aggregate Recognises project Tracks response Debug data Occurrence graph Comment history

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Graphing (log scale) Tends to happen 04:00 - 05:00

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Debug logs viewable No more than 1 per 4 hours per server

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Similar tools: Zend Server

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Remember this? Customer-facing, HTML page Capture user diagnostics

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User diagnostics §  In addition to error log, useful to know: •  User's cookies •  Screen size •  Viewport size •  Installed plugins •  Presence of proxy/firewall •  Browser and OS •  What they did §  Often you need to know this stuff to resolve an issue that is not firing any errors (eg layout issue) §  Diagnostics app collects data, files with the bug report

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Hide this if linked from error page

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Appears on bug report User reports

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CERN: 43 terabytes / day Probably a bit high.

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Probably a bit low.

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Logging strategies §  Log locally, read individual servers logs when you need to •  Aggregate when necessary §  Log locally, pull logs into central logging store on a schedule §  Set up your own centralised remote logging service and log to it directly •  Third party tools include Splunk ( §  Use a third party remote logging service •  Loggly ( •  Gmail? (for the financially challenged! But has great search J)

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Third party services: Loggly

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Third party apps: Splunk

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Monitoring tools §  Self-hosted (all free) •  Zabbix ( •  Nagios ( •  Munin ( §  Web services •  Serverdensity ( £7/server/month) §  Uptime reporting •  Pingdom (, $6/check/year)

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Pingdom: Not just uptime Check that your APIs are working by submitting complex requests

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Zabbix: not just CPU Monitor any fluctuating numeric value associated with your application that might indicate a health problem. Choose a sensible sample rate.

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Background and discussion (Implementation for PHP)

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Errors happen Errors happen In development On live systems

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Types of error §  E_USER_* §  E_STRICT §  E_NOTICE §  E_DEPRECATED §  E_WARNING §  E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR §  E_ERROR §  E_COMPILE_ERROR §  E_COMPILE_WARNING §  E_PARSE Catchable (E_ERROR requires a hack) Non-catchable

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Types of request §  Web page §  AJAX §  CLI / standalone

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Plan an appropriate response in each possible case

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Possible responses §  Ignore it §  Display it (and stop execution) •  Customer facing or developer facing? •  HTML or plain text? •  Has any output already been sent to the browser? §  Log it •  Locally or remotely? §  Report it •  Send debug data to a bug tracker

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Ignoring Try not to do that.

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Logging §  Writing to a local file •  log_errors directive •  error_log directive •  Or: DIY solution to log more detailed info •  We write one file per error occurrence, plus a summary line §  Sending to a remote service •  Useful for multi-server setups •  Aggregate error occurrences from lots of servers •  UDP good for this - fire and forget •  Listen on more than one logging server for HA

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Defining a custom error handler set_error_handler(array('ErrorHandler',  'reportError'));   set_excep8on_handler(array('ErrorHandler',  'reportExcep8on'));   register_shutdown_func8on  (array(  'ErrorHandlerV5',  'fatalErrorShutdownHandler'));   §  Report both errors and unhandled exceptions

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Setting up action rules if  ($_SERVER['IS_DEV'])  {          self::$ac8on  =  array(                  'log'  =>  E_ALL  |  E_STRICT;                  'stop'  =>  E_ALL  |  E_STRICT;                  'index'  =>  0;                  'report'  =>  0;          );   }  else  {          self::$ac8on  =  array(                  'log'  =>  E_ALL  ^  (E_NOTICE  |  E_DEPRECATED  |  E_USER_DEPRECATED),                  'stop'  =>  E_USER_ERROR  |  E_ERROR  |  E_WARNING,                  'index'  =>  E_ALL  ^  (E_NOTICE  |  E_DEPRECATED  |  E_USER_DEPRECATED),                  'report'  =>  E_ALL  ^  (E_NOTICE  |  E_DEPRECATED  |  E_USER_DEPRECATED)          );   }   §  Action rules will map error types to actions for dev and live environments §  $_SERVER['IS_DEV'] - Environment variable set on web server

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The error handler public  sta8c  func8on  reportError($errno,  $errstr,  $errfile,  $errline,  $context=array())  {                    //  If  the  error  has  been  suppressed  using  the  @  operator,  return                  if  (error_repor8ng()  ==  0)  return;                    //  If  there  are  no  ac8ons  defined  for  this  kind  of  error,  return                  if  (!($errno  &  (self::$ac8on['log']  |  self::$ac8on['stop']  |  self::$ac8on['index']  |  self::$ac8on['report'])))                    return;                      $backtrace  =  debug_backtrace();     §  This is only called for errors, not Exceptions §  Exceptions pass only an object, so we need to extract the data from the Exception object §  Default Exception class does not capture context §  So we need a custom Exception to capture context

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Converting exceptions class  AssankaExcep8on  extends  Excep8on  {            public  $context;          public  func8on  __construct($message  =  null,  $code  =  0,  Excep8on  $previous  =  null,  $context=null)  {                  parent::__construct($message,  $code,  $previous);                  $this-­‐>context  =  $context;          }            public  func8on  getContext()  {                  return  $this-­‐>context;          }   }     public  sta8c  func8on  reportExcep8on($ex)  {                  self::reportError(E_ERROR,  $ex-­‐>getMessage(),  $ex-­‐>getFile(),  $ex-­‐>getLine(),  $ex);   }    

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Converting exceptions //  Generate  a  backtrace   if  (is_object($context)  and  method_exists($context,  'getTrace'))  {          $backtrace  =  $context-­‐>getTrace();   }  else  {          $backtrace  =  debug_backtrace();   }     §  Entire Exception object passed to the error handler as the context §  Backtrace must be captured from the standard Exception method §  Our context data is still within the custom Exception, and will be enumerated with the rest of the vars in the debug report §  Standard Exceptions thereby also supported (without context)

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Deal with E_ERROR §  Can catch E_ERROR, but not using set_error_handler §  Use register_shutdown_function to call a function before exit §  This is called even if the exit is due to a fatal error public  sta8c  func8on  fatalErrorShutdownHandler()  {                  $error  =  error_get_last();                  if  (!empty($error)  and  $error['type']  ===  E_ERROR)  {                          self::reportError(E_ERROR,  $error['message'],  $error['file'],  $error['line']);                  }   }  

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Creating a hash //  Remove  includes  from  backtrace  before  hashing   $hashtrace  =  $backtrace;   $stopat  =  array("require",  "include",  "require_once",  "include_once");   for  ($i=0;  $i

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Logging remotely (indexing) if  ($errno  &  self::$ac8on['index'])  {          $senddata  =  array("hash"=>$hash,  "server"=>self::$server,  "errno"=>$errno,  "errstr"=>$errstr,                  "errfile"=>$errfile,  "errline"=>$errline,  "scriptname"=>$_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]);          $senddata  =  json_encode($senddata);          $sock  =  socket_create(AF_INET,  SOCK_DGRAM,  SOL_UDP);          socket_set_nonblock($sock);          socket_set_op8on($sock,  SOL_SOCKET,  SO_BROADCAST,  1);          socket_sendto($sock,  $senddata,  strlen($senddata),  0,                  self::UDP_MONITOR_HOST,  self::UDP_MONITOR_PORT);          socket_close($sock);   }     §  UDP server daemon increments count §  Allows trend monitoring with external monitoring system •  Nagios, Zabbix, Munin (we use Zabbix)

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Creating debug data §  Create debug data tree •  $_SERVER, $_GET, $_SESSION, backtrace, context, globals etc §  Iterate over it recursively §  Abbreviate and simplify •  Objects become arrays •  Shorten long values (and large arrays) §  Identify references •  Set _errorhandler_objid property of all arrays and objects as they are processed •  If it’s already set, this is a reference to a value we’ve already indexed.

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Sending report to bug tracker §  Serialise abbreviated data as JSON §  Save to a file §  Fork a process (popen) to upload it to the bug tracker •  Ours sleeps if one is already running, waits for a gap §  Upload using HTTP POST (cURL)

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Bug tracker receiving the report §  DON’T use the same error handler to handle errors from the bug tracker itself §  Respond quickly to the reporting server – cut them off with:

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Development tips §  Always develop with highest level of error reporting §  Don’t use @ to suppress errors §  Handle unexpected inputs with in-application errors, don’t fall back to an error handler. §  Use trigger_error to fire errors intentionally (eg for use of deprecated code)

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Our most common errors §  MySQL lock wait timeout §  Unavailability of third party web services §  File system permissions §  Out of memory §  Unexpected input / inadequate input validation §  Manually triggered alerts