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•  Admire my Powerpoint theme •  Problem •  The OnOneMap solution •  Technology •  Shuffling data •  Cool tech

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Search for ‘Richmond’:

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My concept of Richmond Richmond town centre, between bridge and A316 Rightmove’s concept of Richmond (with help) Richmond upon Thames, borough of London 2.8 sq km 57.4 sq km

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•  One property per map •  Branded by 3rd party •  Opens in new window

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•  User experience designed to appeal to agents, not house hunters •  Pre-conceived ‘regions’ and boundaries •  Subjective information given priority –  Who needs to know who the agent is? •  Information trickle •  Location is key...

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•  Where’s the school? •  What’s the council tax? •  Is it on a flood plain •  Noisy main road? •  Is there open space nearby? •  Is it commutable to work? •  Is it on the ‘right’ side of the railway line? LOCATION

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Sites  such  as  and   are  crumbling  ruins  compared  to   Unlike  many  insipid  rivals,  this  one  is  fantas6c   Could  this  be  the  easiest  way   to  find  a  new  home?   Mrs  Website  of  the  Day  is  the  main  property   website  expert  in  our  house,  and  she  was   quite  excited  by  this  site   an  enterprising  property  search  site  

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•  Google  Maps   –  no  brainer  at  the  1me   –  S1ll  a  good  choice   •  PHP  for  all  searching,  crawling  and  indexing   –  Sta1s1cal  distribu1ons  to  provide  powerful  filtering  at  high   zoom  levels   •  MySQL  with  spa1al  extensions   –  MBR  search  5x  quicker  than  lat/long  range  

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•  Master-­‐slave  replica1on   •  Main  index  update  during  off-­‐hours   –  User  profile  data  replicated  real  1me   –  Ad  clicks  and  logs  collected  locally  and  aggregated  daily.   •  Cookies  for  mul1-­‐server  sessions   –  Previously  shared  using  real  1me  database  replica1on:   unreliable  and  unscalable  

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•  SubmiPed  from  700  registered  sources   –  Four  submission  technologies  available   •  Crawled  from  major  sites   •  Links  verified  on  con1nuous  cycle   –  Data  mine  content  to  verify  key  fields   –  Specific  paPerns  developed  for  popular  sources   –  Social  queuing  priority  

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•  Conflict  resolu1on   •  Clustering   •  Weekly  vs  monthly  rents  (mul1ply  by  4?!)   •  Shortlist/blacklist   •  De-­‐duping  property  records   –  Some1mes  adver1sed  at  different  prices!  

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•  Phew   •  No  more  bullet  points.  

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School  search  

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‘Nearest  match’  disambigua1on  

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Mobile  phone  masts  and  flood  data  

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Proximity  filter  

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Rename  proper1es  and  add  your  own  notes  

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