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Nerd can cook Devs Love Bacon / London 2012 Aaron Quint - @aq

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By day CTO of Paperless post

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By Night Obsessive amateur chef

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of _any_ kind No formal training

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Graduated with a BA in Art History No computer science degree

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Well, my wife gifted a knife skills class once. Best. Gift. Ever. No culinary training

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Thats how I do. 100% Self taught

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Feel free to call me on my bullshit. In other words

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The Keynote. JSConf 2010

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Crafts. Programing & Cooking

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Similarities are endless

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Draw your own connections. This is a talk about food & cooking.

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Just a little. I’m a little obsessed.

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Or how to achieve greatness in food. Cooking as the quest for perfection

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Thomas Keller, The French Laundry Cookbook “When you acknowledge, as you must, that there is no such thing as perfect food, only the idea of it, the the real purpose of striving for perfection becomes clear: to make people happy. Thats what cooking is all about.”

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Grant Achatz, “Life on the Line” “There were a few unspoken rules: chef Keller was God; try to be like chef Keller, exactly; the food was perfect or it was wrong; failure was never an option; and ‘yes, Chef’ was the only proper response to any request.”

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Or how to make your partner and friends very happy. How to strive for perfection at home

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Towards Perfection

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Towards Perfection • Knowledge

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Towards Perfection • Knowledge • Technique

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Towards Perfection • Knowledge • Technique • Creativity

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Seriously. You need it. Knowledge

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And when they tell you to do things, you do them. These people Know things.

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There is a reason for everything. Technique

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It’s not about small, its about shapely. Knife skills

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Perfect just means even

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Even. Tasty. Polka Dots.

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“It says blanch the veg, put it in an ice bath, _then_ put it in the pan . . . ehhh” Blanching

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Blanching. Just Do it.

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The #1 Forgotten Rule of Meat Cookery. Don’t touch it.

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If every piece is perfect, the final dish will be perfect. (DE/RE)composition

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Daniel Humm and Will Guidara, Eleven Madison Park Cookbook “We define excelence as the culmination of thousands of details executed perfectly. We understand that true perfection is unattainable. But rather than be discouraged by that fact, we find inspiration in getting as close as possible.”

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Thomas Keller’s three day >50 ingredient beef bourguignon

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AKA Patient Food. Cooking with Time

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The gateway drug. How to Make Pickles

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Or Corned Beef, or Bacon. One special ingredient. Thats it. HOW TO MAKE Pastrami.

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Patience. And a nice digital scale. How to make bread.

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Beautiful Bread.

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Technology as a tool for perfection. Cooking with Science

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Sous Vide. How to perfect temperature.

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Water Heating Elements

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Water Heating Elements

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Water Heating Elements Thermocouple

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Water Heating Elements Thermocouple

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Water Heating Elements Thermocouple Pump

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Water Heating Elements Thermocouple Pump 60.5 40.8

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Water Heating Elements Thermocouple Pump 60.5 40.8 PID Controller

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Water Heating Elements Thermocouple Pump 60.5 40.8 PID Controller

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Water Heating Elements Thermocouple Pump 60.5 40.8 PID Controller

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Water Heating Elements Thermocouple Pump 60.5 40.8 PID Controller

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Water Heating Elements Thermocouple Pump 60.5 40.8 PID Controller Food Sealed in Vacuum Bag

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Eggs. 60.5C for 45 mins.

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Besides impressing your friends. BUt WHY?

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Getting iN Touch with your food.

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Its about knowing and owning a major part of your existence. Not just about organic or local or gourmet

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I’m not perfect.

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I allow myself the occasional M.B.U.O.

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I allow myself the occasional M.B.U.O.

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I allow myself the occasional M.B.U.O. Massive Burrito of Unknown Origin

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Just try harder. Love what you eat

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Snobs eat better. Be a Snob.

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twitter: @aq web: Thanks!