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VERSION CONTROL REINVIGORATED from Subversion to Git and GitHub

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VERSION CONTROL REINVIGORATED from Subversion to Git and GitHub from Subversion to Git and GitHub

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Who is Matthew? Open source contributor Build tool and continuous delivery author 5 year Git evangelist VP of Training at GitHub

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The Change

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— Every manager, ever If it isn't broke, don't fix it.

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The Radar

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July 2011 Technology Radar Prepared by the ThoughtWorks Technology Advisory Board

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July 2011 Technology Radar Prepared by the ThoughtWorks Technology Advisory Board Tools 30. Subversion 31. Git 32. Infrastructure as code 33. Github 34. Caching reverse proxies 35. Splunk 36. Mercurial 37. Message buses without smarts 38. NoSQL 39. Next gen test tools 40. New Relic beyond Rails 41. TLB 42. Powershell 43. Selenium 2 testing of mobile websites 44. Deltacloud 45. Vagrant 46. API management services 47. jQuery Mobile 48. Backbone.js 49. Sonar 50. Open source bI tools 51. Gradle 52. Cross platform mobile toolkits 53. ESB 54. VCS with “implicit workflow” 55. Code in configuration 26 16 13 22 12 5 3 32 36 46 53 45 44 37 39 35 38 30 4 6 56 76 69 58 57 7 15 14 25 29 28 27 21 23 17 19 24 18 20 11 9 2 10 31 33 42 41 40 50 47 48 49 51 54 43 55 52 34 1 8 New or Moved No change Techniques 1. Progressive enhancement 2. Automate database deployment 3. Platform roadmaps 4. Evolutionary database 5. Emergent design 6. Visualization and metrics 7. Coding architects 8. Evolutionary architecture 9. DevOps 10. Simple performance trending 11. Continuous delivery 12. Concurrency abstractions and patterns 13. Acceptance test of journeys 14. Categorization & prioritization of technical debt 15. Continuous deployment 16. Capability modeling 17. Thoughtful caching 18. Iterative data warehousing 19. Build your own radar 20. Event API’s 21. Event driven business intelligence 22. Smart systems 23. Event sourcing 24. Decision driven BI 25. Scrum certification 26. Database based integration 27. Procedure oriented integration 28. Feature branching 29. Manual infrastructure management

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Tools 30. Subversion 31. Git 32. Infrastructure as code 33. Github 34. Caching reverse proxies 35. Splunk 36. Mercurial 37. Message buses without smarts 38. NoSQL 39. Next gen test tools 40. New Relic beyond Rails 41. TLB 42. Powershell 43. Selenium 2 testing of mobile websites 44. Deltacloud 45. Vagrant 46. API management services 47. jQuery Mobile 48. Backbone.js 49. Sonar 50. Open source bI tools 51. Gradle 52. Cross platform mobile toolkits 53. ESB 54. VCS with “implicit workflow” 55. Code in configuration 26 16 13 22 12 5 3 32 36 46 53 45 44 37 39 35 38 30 4 6 7 15 14 25 29 28 27 21 23 17 19 24 18 20 11 9 2 10 31 33 42 41 40 50 47 48 49 51 54 43 55 52 34 1 8 New or Moved No change Techniques 1. Progressive enhancement 2. Automate database deployment 3. Platform roadmaps 4. Evolutionary database 5. Emergent design 6. Visualization and metrics 7. Coding architects 8. Evolutionary architecture 9. DevOps 10. Simple performance trending 11. Continuous delivery 12. Concurrency abstractions and patterns 13. Acceptance test of journeys 14. Categorization & prioritization of technical debt 15. Continuous deployment 16. Capability modeling 17. Thoughtful caching 18. Iterative data warehousing 19. Build your own radar 20. Event API’s 21. Event driven business intelligence 22. Smart systems 23. Event sourcing 24. Decision driven BI 25. Scrum certification 26. Database based integration 27. Procedure oriented integration 28. Feature branching 29. Manual infrastructure management

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Tools 30. Subversion 31. Git 32. Infrastructure as code 33. Github 34. Caching reverse proxies 35. Splunk 36. Mercurial 37. Message buses without smarts 38. NoSQL 39. Next gen test tools 40. New Relic beyond Rails 41. TLB 42. Powershell 43. Selenium 2 testing of mobile websites 44. Deltacloud 45. Vagrant 46. API management services 47. jQuery Mobile 48. Backbone.js 49. Sonar 50. Open source bI tools 51. Gradle 52. Cross platform mobile toolkits 53. ESB 54. VCS with “implicit workflow” 55. Code in configuration 26 16 13 22 12 5 3 32 36 46 53 45 44 37 39 35 38 30 4 6 7 15 14 25 29 28 27 21 23 17 19 24 18 20 11 9 2 10 31 33 42 41 40 50 47 48 49 51 54 43 55 52 34 1 8 New or Moved No change Techniques 1. Progressive enhancement 2. Automate database deployment 3. Platform roadmaps 4. Evolutionary database 5. Emergent design 6. Visualization and metrics 7. Coding architects 8. Evolutionary architecture 9. DevOps 10. Simple performance trending 11. Continuous delivery 12. Concurrency abstractions and patterns 13. Acceptance test of journeys 14. Categorization & prioritization of technical debt 15. Continuous deployment 16. Capability modeling 17. Thoughtful caching 18. Iterative data warehousing 19. Build your own radar 20. Event API’s 21. Event driven business intelligence 22. Smart systems 23. Event sourcing 24. Decision driven BI 25. Scrum certification 26. Database based integration 27. Procedure oriented integration 28. Feature branching 29. Manual infrastructure management

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26 16 13 22 12 5 3 32 36 46 53 45 44 37 39 35 38 30 4 6 56 74 76 69 58 57 7 15 14 25 29 28 27 21 23 17 19 24 18 20 11 9 2 10 80 75 60 31 33 42 41 40 50 47 48 49 51 54 43 55 52 34 1 8 Ne No ation & prioritization cal debt us deployment y modeling ul caching data warehousing

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Migration Tools

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git-svn Core Git feature

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$ git svn clone -s

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git-svn Consumes an authors email mapping file

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(no author) = Codehaus infra sdevijver = Steven Devijver markcc = Mark CC joe = Joe ajtarter = Aaron J Tarter liddon = Lidia Donajczyk-Lipinska jshickey = Scott Hickey HamletDRC = Hamlet D'Arcy aalmiray = Andres Almiray blackdrag = Jochen Theodorou bob = Boc McWhirter brownj = Jeff Brown cstein = Christian Stein

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git-svn Migrates Subversion tags to Git branches

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$ svn2git

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importing to git

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# Publish one branch $ svn2git $ git remote add origin $ git push origin master

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# Publish all branches and tags $ svn2git $ git clone file://yourpath/svnproject1 gitproject1 $ cd gitproject1 $ git remote add origin $ git push --mirror origin

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Serving SVN from Git

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$ svn co p1svn

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Data Structures

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— No engineer, ever Wow! Version control!

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v1 v2 v3 v4 File A File B File C File A File B File B File C v5 File A File B File B

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v1 v2 v3 v4 File A File B File C File A File B File B File C v5 File A File B File B Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ

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Checkin Checkin Checkin Checkin Checkin Checkin Checkin Checkin Checkin Checkin Checkin Delta storage gets slower as the history of a file gets longer

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Copy of the entire tree per commit

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v1 v2 v3 v4 File A File B File C File A File B File B File C v5 File A File B File B File A File A File C File C File C

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v1 v2 v3 v4 File A File B File C File A File B File B File C v5 File A File B File B File A File A File C File C File C

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hard link to existing identical blobs

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v1 v2 v3 v4 File A File B File C File A File B File B File C v5 File A File B File B File A File A File C File C File C

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v1 v2 v3 v4 File A File B File C File A File B File B File C v5 File A File B File B File A File A File C File C File C ß

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zlib deflates each blob at commit

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v1 v2 v3 v4 File A File B File C File A File B File B File C v5 File A File B File B File A File A File C File C File C

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v1 v2 v3 v4 File A File B File C File A File B File B File C v5 File A File B File B File A File A File C File C File C

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zlib deflates the entire repo

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v1 v2 v3 v4 File A File B File C File A File B File B File C v5 File A File B File B File A File A File C File C File C

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v1 v2 v3 v4 File A File B File C File A File B File B File C v5 File A File B File B File A File A File C File C File C

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Act I 2100 MB became 205 MB

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centralized VCSs use sequential revision numbers

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Git uses a SHA-1 hash

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40 hex characters (20 bytes)

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This is a test

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This is a test


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‣Blob ‣Tree ‣Commit ‣Tag

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tree tree: 7e8b1 web blob: 9ab16 index.html a10b3 tree blob: 8d162 logo.jpg blob: 51d22 draw.js 7e8b1 commit tree: a10b3 parent: nil author: Fird committer: Matthew message: Major refactoring of the web content. c67db blob 9ab16 blob //Some more javascript var renderSize 51d22 blob 7D 8D B3 7F BD 12 9F E9 7B 78 9D 3F 5C A6 72 CB 8d162

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tree tree: 7e8b1 web blob: 9ab16 index.html a10b3 tree blob: 8d162 logo.jpg blob: 51d22 draw.js 7e8b1 commit tree: a10b3 parent: nil author: Fird committer: Matthew message: Major refactoring of the web content. c67db blob 9ab16 blob //Some more javascript var renderSize 51d22 blob 7D 8D B3 7F BD 12 9F E9 7B 78 9D 3F 5C A6 72 CB 8d162

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tree tree: 7e8b1 web blob: 9ab16 index.html a10b3 tree blob: 8d162 logo.jpg blob: 51d22 draw.js 7e8b1 commit tree: a10b3 parent: nil author: Fird committer: Matthew message: Major refactoring of the web content. c67db blob 9ab16 blob //Some more javascript var renderSize 51d22 blob 7D 8D B3 7F BD 12 9F E9 7B 78 9D 3F 5C A6 72 CB 8d162

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tree tree: 7e8b1 web blob: 9ab16 index.html a10b3 tree blob: 8d162 logo.jpg blob: 51d22 draw.js 7e8b1 commit tree: a10b3 parent: nil author: Fird committer: Matthew message: Major refactoring of the web content. c67db blob 9ab16 blob //Some more javascript var renderSize 51d22 blob 7D 8D B3 7F BD 12 9F E9 7B 78 9D 3F 5C A6 72 CB 8d162

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tree tree: 7e8b1 web blob: 9ab16 index.html a10b3 tree blob: 8d162 logo.jpg blob: 51d22 draw.js 7e8b1 commit tree: a10b3 parent: nil author: Fird committer: Matthew message: Major refactoring of the web content. c67db blob 9ab16 blob //Some more javascript var renderSize 51d22 blob 7D 8D B3 7F BD 12 9F E9 7B 78 9D 3F 5C A6 72 CB 8d162

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tree tree: 7e8b1 web blob: 9ab16 index.html a10b3 tree blob: 8d162 logo.jpg blob: 51d22 draw.js 7e8b1 commit tree: a10b3 parent: nil author: Fird committer: Matthew message: Major refactoring of the web content. c67db blob 9ab16 blob //Some more javascript var renderSize 51d22 blob 7D 8D B3 7F BD 12 9F E9 7B 78 9D 3F 5C A6 72 CB 8d162

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tree tree: 7e8b1 web blob: 9ab16 index.html a10b3 tree blob: 8d162 logo.jpg blob: 51d22 draw.js 7e8b1 commit tree: a10b3 parent: nil author: Fird committer: Matthew message: Major refactoring of the web content. c67db blob 9ab16 blob //Some more javascript var renderSize 51d22 blob 7D 8D B3 7F BD 12 9F E9 7B 78 9D 3F 5C A6 72 CB 8d162

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tree tree: 7e8b1 web blob: 9ab16 index.html a10b3 tree blob: 8d162 logo.jpg blob: 51d22 draw.js 7e8b1 commit tree: a10b3 parent: nil author: Fird committer: Matthew message: Major refactoring of the web content. c67db blob 9ab16 blob //Some more javascript var renderSize 51d22 blob 7D 8D B3 7F BD 12 9F E9 7B 78 9D 3F 5C A6 72 CB 8d162

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tree tree: 7e8b1 web blob: 9ab16 index.html a10b3 tree blob: 8d162 logo.jpg blob: 51d22 draw.js 7e8b1 commit tree: a10b3 parent: nil author: Fird committer: Matthew message: Major refactoring of the web content. c67db blob 9ab16 blob //Some more javascript var renderSize 51d22 blob 7D 8D B3 7F BD 12 9F E9 7B 78 9D 3F 5C A6 72 CB 8d162

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v1 v2 v3 commit tree: 9a87b parent: nil author: Fird committer: Matthew message: Major refactoring of the Javascript rendering engine. c67db commit tree: b22c1 parent: c67db author: Tim committer: Fird message: Minor update to HTML 9bd21 commit tree: b22c1 parent: 9bd21 author: Johnny committer: Joe message: New language transations 1c2d7

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v1 v2 v3 commit tree: 9a87b parent: nil author: Fird committer: Matthew message: Major refactoring of the Javascript rendering engine. c67db commit tree: b22c1 parent: c67db author: Tim committer: Fird message: Minor update to HTML 9bd21 commit tree: b22c1 parent: 9bd21 author: Johnny committer: Joe message: New language transations 1c2d7

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v1 v2 v3 commit tree: 9a87b parent: nil author: Fird committer: Matthew message: Major refactoring of the Javascript rendering engine. c67db commit tree: b22c1 parent: c67db author: Tim committer: Fird message: Minor update to HTML 9bd21 commit tree: b22c1 parent: 9bd21 author: Johnny committer: Joe message: New language transations 1c2d7

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v1 v2 v3 commit tree: 9a87b parent: nil author: Fird committer: Matthew message: Major refactoring of the Javascript rendering engine. c67db commit tree: b22c1 parent: c67db author: Tim committer: Fird message: Minor update to HTML 9bd21 commit tree: b22c1 parent: 9bd21 author: Johnny committer: Joe message: New language transations 1c2d7

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v1 v2 v3 commit tree: 9a87b parent: nil author: Fird committer: Matthew message: Major refactoring of the Javascript rendering engine. c67db commit tree: b22c1 parent: c67db author: Tim committer: Fird message: Minor update to HTML 9bd21 commit tree: b22c1 parent: 9bd21 author: Johnny committer: Joe message: New language transations 1c2d7

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v1 v2 v3 commit tree: 9a87b parent: nil author: Fird committer: Matthew message: Major refactoring of the Javascript rendering engine. c67db commit tree: b22c1 parent: c67db author: Tim committer: Fird message: Minor update to HTML 9bd21 commit tree: b22c1 parent: 9bd21 author: Johnny committer: Joe message: New language transations 1c2d7

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v1 v2 v3 commit tree: 9a87b parent: nil author: Fird committer: Matthew message: Major refactoring of the Javascript rendering engine. c67db commit tree: b22c1 parent: c67db author: Tim committer: Fird message: Minor update to HTML 9bd21 commit tree: b22c1 parent: 9bd21 author: Johnny committer: Joe message: New language transations 1c2d7

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v1 v2 v3 commit tree: 9a87b parent: nil author: Fird committer: Matthew message: Major refactoring of the Javascript rendering engine. c67db commit tree: b22c1 parent: c67db author: Tim committer: Fird message: Minor update to HTML 9bd21 commit tree: b22c1 parent: 9bd21 author: Johnny committer: Joe message: New language transations 1c2d7

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RELEASE_1.0 HEAD bug979branch commit c67db commit 9bd21 commit 1c2d7 commit 8c2d1 commit 1bdcd commit 2daa1

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RELEASE_1.0 HEAD bug979branch commit c67db commit 9bd21 commit 1c2d7 commit 8c2d1 commit 1bdcd commit 2daa1

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RELEASE_1.0 HEAD bug979branch commit c67db commit 9bd21 commit 1c2d7 commit 8c2d1 commit 1bdcd commit 2daa1

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RELEASE_1.0 HEAD bug979branch commit c67db commit 9bd21 commit 1c2d7 commit 8c2d1 commit 1bdcd commit 2daa1

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RELEASE_1.0 HEAD bug979branch commit c67db commit 9bd21 commit 1c2d7 commit 8c2d1 commit 1bdcd commit 2daa1

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RELEASE_1.0 HEAD bug979branch commit c67db commit 9bd21 commit 1c2d7 commit 8c2d1 commit 1bdcd commit 2daa1

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Git Highlights

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Local commits

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Content Tracking

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simpler Merges

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Start now

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git-svn conversion to Git git-svn bridge to SVN GitHub SVN URLs Conversion Options

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No content

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