‣ Do snazzy transitions between pages
‣ Your client-side MVC app gives you no choice
‣ Reduce amount of bytes over the wire
‣ Reduce burden on the server
Slide 6
Slide 6 text
Breaking the web
‣ The back button
‣ Bookmarking and link sharing
‣ Search engine crawling
‣ Redirects, 404 and other HTTP level stuff
‣ Works (at least minimally) across browsers
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So what are our options?
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// Link to fragment identifier
// Listen for change, do change state
window.addEventListener('hashchange', function() {
var path = location.hash.replace(/^#!/, '');
$.get(path, function(state) {
Have we killed the web?
‣ The back button
‣ Bookmarking and link sharing
‣ Search engine crawling
‣ Redirects, 404 and other HTTP level stuff
‣ Works (at least minimally) across browsers
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// fetch new state
$.get('/danwrong', function(state) {
history.pushState(state, "Twitter / danwrong", "/danwrong");
// Handle back / forward button
window.addEventListener('popstate', function(e) {
Slide 16
Slide 16 text
Have we killed the web?
‣ The back button
‣ Bookmarking and link sharing
‣ Search engine crawling
‣ Redirects, 404 and other HTTP level stuff
‣ Works (at least minimally) across browsers
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PushState falling
back to Hashbang
Slide 18
Slide 18 text
Have we killed the web?
‣ The back button
‣ Bookmarking and link sharing
‣ Search engine crawling
‣ Redirects, 404 and other HTTP level stuff
‣ Works (at least minimally) across browsers
class ConnectController
def mentions
@mentions = get_mentions
if request.xhr?
render :json => {
:title => 'Twitter / mentions',
:section => 'connect',
# render just the page content but not the global "chrome"
:page_html => MentionsView.new(@mentions).render
# otherwise render the whole page as normal
Slide 28
Slide 28 text
Have we killed the web?
‣ The back button
‣ Bookmarking and link sharing
‣ Search engine crawling
‣ Redirects, 404 and other HTTP level stuff
‣ Works (at least minimally) across browsers