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Anatomy of an App Andrew Lunny, PhoneGap/Adobe

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Me @alunny Computer Scientist Nitobi Software Adobe Systems Author

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Me @alunny Computer Scientist Nitobi Software Adobe Systems Author Apache Cordova Mostly out of date

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PhoneGap Build Six Platforms No SDKs No Problem

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PhoneGap Build Six Platforms No SDKs No Problem (there are still many problems)

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PhoneGap Build Six Platforms No SDKs No Problem (there are still many problems) BETA

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cross-platform native mobile apps using HTML5

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cross-platform native mobile apps using HTML5

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cross-platform native mobile apps using HTML5

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cross-platform native mobile apps using HTML5 ‣ Objective-C ‣ Java ‣ Android flavor ‣ BlackBerry flavor ‣ C#

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cross-platform native mobile apps using HTML5

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cross-platform native mobile apps using HTML5 VS

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cross-platform native mobile apps using HTML5 VS

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cross-platform native mobile apps using HTML5 VS This is not a real problem

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cross-platform native mobile apps using HTML5 VS This is not a real problem Your app is not a runtime

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cross-platform native mobile apps using HTML5 VS

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cross-platform native mobile apps using HTML5 VS A different distinction

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VS citizens tourists

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VS citizens tourists ‣ Responsible ‣ Considerate ‣ Knowledgable

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VS citizens tourists ‣ Crass ‣ Self-Serving ‣ Ignorant

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VS non-jerks jerks

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the gray mystery meat of client-side software slow, ugly, inconsistent, awkward

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These apps just ain’t right, and people can tell.

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People can tell? Trivia: Most popular hybrid app on iOS?

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People can tell?

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only one in a pile of the resulting applications might even begin to pass for native

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pass for native how do you why should you what does it mean to

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Not Native jerks slow ugly inconsistent awkward tourists

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Not Native jerks slow ugly inconsistent awkward tourists mystery meat!

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Native fast pretty consistent elegant citizens

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Native fast pretty consistent elegant citizens obvious vegetables!

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Using a native SDK won’t get you there

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Using native APIs won’t get you there

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Having principles will get you there

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How can I be an elegant citizen of the platform?

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I started wondering why all software, without exception, isn’t written this way.

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three rules crash-only loose coupling remove decoration

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three principles web native hybrid

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three principles death is certain you’re not alone stop doing so much

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WARNING pseudocode ahead

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death is certain

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nasty, brutish and short ‣ killed by the OS (or the browser) ‣ interrupted ‣ network dropped

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$.on(‘deviceready’, function () { // BAD lotsOfExpensiveOperations() // GOOD minimalStartup() }) start up quickly

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$.on(‘resume’, function () { resumeAppState() }) listen for lifecycle events $.on(‘pause’, function () { saveAppState() })

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$.on(‘offline’, function () { app.hasNetwork = false }) listen to the network $.on(‘online’, function () { app.hasNetwork = true })

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$.on(‘anythingImportant’, function () { saveDataLocally() replicateWithServer() }) always save state! always!

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you’re not alone

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your (okay) app lists + buttons data

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your (super) app lists + buttons data the world

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‣ Web: hyperlinks! ‣ Android: intents ‣ iOS: custom URL scheme ‣ future: web intents communication

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function share(thing, where) { if (where == ‘facebook’) { fbShare(thing) } else if (where == ‘twitter’) { twitterShare(thing) } else { alert(“don’t use “ + where) } }) roll your own

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function share(thing, where) { if (where == ‘facebook’) { open(“fb://” + thing) } else if (where == ‘twitter’) { open(“twitter://” + thing) } else { alert(“don’t use “ + where) } }) URL schemes

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Register Service see

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var intent = new Intent("http://", "text/uri-list", ""); window.navigator.startActivity(int ent); Invoke Action see

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stop doing so much

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No content

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And then... *pow*... performance issues that weren't related to anything that I could find: it seemed some combination of CSS/ HTML/JavaScript was getting in the way.

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I've finally pared it down to nothing but Zepto unless I really really need something else. Even just getting away from core JQuery makes a big difference.

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do you need a scrolling library a UI library an MVC library boilerplate

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var $ = document.querySelectorAll.bind(document) // and something like Element.prototype.on = Element.prototype.addEventListener $(‘#mylink’)[0].on(‘touchstart’, handleTouch, false) Use what’s there

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avoid decoration

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build lots of small apps

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you can always have less code

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death is certain you’re not alone stop doing so much

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Thank You @alunny links: