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Do more with {less}

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This session

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Goal #1: Show you why you should use {less}

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Goal #2: Teach you {less} in 30 minutes

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There will be code

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{less} to keep us sane

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You don’t need notes

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I won’t bash SASS

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Jesper Wøldiche Rahkonen Designer / themer / markup marine *really* likes grids twitter: woeldiche About me

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What Why Features Learn {less} Drupal Extras What is {less} Overview

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What Why Features Learn {less} Drupal Extras What is {less} Overview

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What Why Features Learn {less} Drupal Extras Why you should be using {less} Overview

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What Why Features Learn {less} Drupal Extras An overview of the features in {less} Overview

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What Why Features Learn {less} Drupal Extras I’ll teach you {less}, hopefully Overview

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What Why Features Learn {less} Drupal Extras Using {less} in drupal Overview

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What Why Features Learn {less} Drupal Extras Yummy extras, if time Overview

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What is {less}?

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{less} extends css with new features

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Compiles into ordinary (but yummy, yummy) CSS

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A strict superset of CSS

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Why use {less}?

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Write less code Why?

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Write less code, that’s faster to code up Why?

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Write less code, that’s faster to code up, easier (cheaper) to maintain Why?

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Write less code, that’s faster to code up, easier (cheaper) to maintain and re-use in a project Why?

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Write less code, that’s faster to code up, easier (cheaper) to maintain and re-use in a project or among several projects Why?

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And it’s dead-easy to learn, if you already know CSS - honestly!

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Feature overview

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Variables (yay!) Feature overview

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Variables Mixins (it’ll make sense, promise) Feature overview

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Variables Mixins Nested rules (for prettier code) Feature overview

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Variables Mixins Nested rules Operations (it’s almost like programming) Feature overview

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Variables Mixins Nested rules Operations Color functions (Want channels with your HSL?) Feature overview

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Variables Mixins Nested rules Operations Color functions + more Feature overview

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1 // LESS 2 @color: #4D926F; 3 4 #header { 5 color: @color; 6 } 7 8 h2 { 9 color: @color; 10 } 11 12 /* Compiled CSS */ 13 #header { 14 color: #4D926F; 15 } 16 17 h2 { 18 color: #4D926F; 19 } Variables

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// LESS 1 .bordered { 2 border-top: dotted 1px black; 3 border-bottom: solid 2px black; 4 } 5 6 #menu a { 7 color: #111; 8 .bordered; 9 } 10 .post a { 11 color: red; 12 .bordered; 13 } Mixins

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Mixins /* Compiled CSS */ 1 .bordered { 2 border-top: dotted 1px black; 3 border-bottom: solid 2px black; 4 } 5 6 #menu a { 7 color: #111; 8 border-top: dotted 1px black; 9 border-bottom: solid 2px black; 10 } 11 .post a { 12 color: red; 13 border-top: dotted 1px black; 14 border-bottom: solid 2px black; 15 }

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Any css class, id og element definition can be mixed in Mixins

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Define once. Use multiple time 1 .awesome-styling { } 2 3 .funky-box { 4 .awesome-styling 5 } 6 7 .even funkier box { 8 .awesome-styling 9 10 } Case: reusable styles

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Case: hard to remember hacks workarounds 1 .obscure-msie-hack { 2 3 } 4 5 .content-that-works-in-any-other-browser { 6 7 .obscure-msie-hack 8 }

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Now we’re talking. They should be spelled paramëtric mixins and have a theme song. Parametric mixins

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Paramëtric mixins // LESS 1 .rounded-corners (@radius: 5px) { 2 -webkit-border-radius: @radius; 3 -moz-border-radius: @radius; 4 border-radius: @radius; 5 } 6 7 #header { 8 .rounded-corners; 9 } 10 #footer { 11 .rounded-corners(10px); 12 }

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Paramëtric mixins /* Compiled CSS */ 1 #header { 2 border-radius: 5px; 3 -webkit-border-radius: 5px; 4 -moz-border-radius: 5px; 5 } 6 7 #footer { 8 border-radius: 10px; 9 -webkit-border-radius: 10px; 10 -moz-border-radius: 10px; 11 }

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Case: Vendor prefixes Define once 1 .opacity(@opacity: 0.5) { 2 -moz-opacity: @opacity; 3 -khtml-opacity: @opacity; 4 -webkit-opacity: @opacity; 5 opacity: @opacity; 6 -ms-filter: e(“progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft. Alpha(Opacity=”)@opacity*100e(“)”); 7 filter: e(“alpha(opacity =”)@opacity * 100e(“)”); 8 } Use thrice 9 body { .opacity(0.8) } 10 .fancy-box { .opacity(0.4) } 11 .see-through-footer { .opacity }

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Case: Vendor prefixes Define once 1 .opacity(@opacity: 0.5) { 2 -moz-opacity: @opacity; 3 -khtml-opacity: @opacity; 4 -webkit-opacity: @opacity; 5 opacity: @opacity; 6 -ms-filter: e(“progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft. Alpha(Opacity=”)@opacity*100e(“)”); 7 filter: e(“alpha(opacity =”)@opacity * 100e(“)”); 8 } Use thrice 9 body { .opacity(0.8) } 10 .fancy-box { .opacity(0.4) } 11 .see-through-footer { .opacity }

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Case: Style library

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// Import .less 1 @import “lib.less”; 2 @import “lib2”; // Import without processing 3 @import “lib.css”; @import

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// LESS 1 // Import libraries 2 @import “lib-typography”; 3 @import “lib-branding.less”; 4 @import “lib-form_ui.less”; 5 @import “lib-buttons.less”; 6 7 /* Import base styling */ 8 @import “reset.css”; 9 @import “typography.css”; 10 11 /* Apply library styles */ 12 body { 13 .lib_ty-base 14 .lib_brand-base 15 } 16 form { 17 .lib_form-base 18 .lib_form-modern 19 ... your custom styles 20 } 21 22 input[type=text], 23 textarea { 24 .lib_form-input-modern 25 ... more custom styles 26 } A style library

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/* Compiled CSS */ 1 2 3 4 /* Apply library styles */ 5 body { 6 7 8 } 9 form { 10 11 12 ... your custom styles 13 } 14 input[type=text], 15 textarea { 16 17 ... more custom styling 18 } A style library

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Any number, colour or value can be operated on

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Operations // LESS 1 @base: 5%; 2 @filler: @base * 2; 3 @other: @base + @filler; 4 5 color: #888 / 4; 6 background-color: @base-color + #111; 7 height: 100% / 2 + @filler;

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// LESS 1 @var: 1px + 5; 2 3 // You can use brackets 4 width: (@var + 5) * 2; 5 6 // Required for compound values 7 border: (@width / 11) solid black; /* Compiled CSS */ 8 width: 22px; 9 border: 2px solid black; {less} tells colours from units

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Case: Derived styling // LESS 1 @fontsize-default: 14px; 2 @fontsize-sec: @fontsize-default * 0.8; 3 @lineheight: 1.3; 4 5 p { 6 font-size: @fontsize-default; 7 line-height: @lineheight * @fontsize-default; 8 } 9 10 .block p { 11 font-size: @fontsize-sec; 12 line-height: @lineheight * @fontsize-sec; 13 }

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Colour operations

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Colour operations 1 lighten(@color, 10%); // a color 10% *lighter* 2 darken(@color, 10%); // a color 10% *darker* 3 4 saturate(@color, 10%); // a color 10% *more* saturated 5 desaturate(@color, 10%); // a color 10% *less* saturated 6 7 fadein(@color, 10%); // a color 10% *less* transparent 8 fadeout(@color, 10%); // a color 10% *more* transparent 9 10 spin(@color, -10%); // return a color with a 10 degree larger in hue than @color 11 spin(@color, 10%); // return a color with a 10 degree smaller hue than @color

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Huh? Colors are first converted to the HSL color-space And then manipulated at the channel level

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Nested rules

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/* Old skool CSS */ 1 #header { color: black; } 2 #header .navigation { 3 font-size: 12px; 4 } 5 #header .logo { 6 width: 300px; 7 } 8 #header .logo:hover { 9 text-decoration: none; 10 } Nesting

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// LESS 1 #header { 2 color: black; 3 4 .navigation { 5 font-size: 12px; 6 } 7 .logo { 8 width: 300px; 9 &:hover { text-decoration: none } 10 } 11 } Nesting

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// LESS 1 #header { 2 color: black; 3 4 .navigation { 5 font-size: 12px; 6 } 7 .logo { 8 width: 300px; 9 &:hover { text-decoration: none } 10 } 11 } &-operator

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{less} and Drupal™

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The easy way in The performance concious solution The advanced version Three ways to play it

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The easy way in

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Automatically compiles .less files in the theme to plain css LESS module

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Automatically compiles .less files in the theme to plain css Development mode LESS module

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Automatically compiles .less files in the theme to plain css Development mode 1 ;----- Stylesheets ---------------------------- 2 stylesheets[screen][] = styles/mylesstheme.styles.less 3 stylesheets[screen][] = styles/mylesstheme.typography.less 4 5 ;----- IE specific stylesheets --------------- 6 ie stylesheets[if IE 7][all][] = styles/mylesstheme.ie7.less LESS module

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Performance concious?

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From the command line $ lessc styles.less > styles.css Compiles to stdout Compile locally

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‘The only thing easier is making fun of Internet Explorer’

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I’m {more} advanced

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Compile clientside with less.js

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1 @height: `document.body.clientHeight`; Access JS enviroment

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Build on top of css/less compiled serverside, right? Progressive enhancement

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Yummy extras

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// LESS 1 .class { 2 filter: ~”progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft. AlphaImageLoader(src=’image.png’)”; 3 } /* Compiled CSS */ 4 .class { 5 filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft. AlphaImageLoader(src=’image.png’); 6 } Escaping strings

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1 #bundle { 2 .button () { 3 display: block; 4 border: 1px solid black; 5 background-color: grey; 6 &:hover { background-color: white } 7 } 8 .tab { ... } 9 .citation { ... } 10 } 11 12 #header a { 13 color: orange; 14 #bundle > .button; 15 } Namespaces

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1 #bundle { 2 .button () { 3 display: block; 4 border: 1px solid black; 5 background-color: grey; 6 &:hover { background-color: white } 7 } 8 .tab { ... } 9 .citation { ... } 10 } 11 12 #header a { 13 color: orange; 14 #bundle > .button; 15 } Namespaces

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Embed variables in strings with the @{param} construct 1 @base-url: “”; 2 background-image: url(“@{base-url}/images/bg.png”); String interpolation

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1 @var: `”hello”.toUpperCase() + ‘!’`; Becomes 2 @var: “HELLO!”; JS Evaluation

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Thank you!

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{less} documentation: Slides: Less module: Slides & docs