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Breaking Good Habits Harry Roberts—@csswizardry

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Harry who?! •Web designer/developer •Senior UI Developer—BSkyB •@csswizardry •

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Necessary explanation of the cheesy, overly- cryptic talk title.

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Web standards… •A great idea? Definitely! •Well intentioned? You bet! •Ambiguous? Sadly :( •Open to interpretation? Unfortunately…

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…web standards •Rules? Definitely not!

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Best practices •Best for who? •What are we achieving? •What do we really want to achieve? •Are we always solving the right problems for the right people?

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Good habits? •Avoiding classes and IDs •‘Handcrafting’ our CSS •Avoiding extra markup

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Bad habits? •Classitis—using too many classes •Grid systems •Extra markup •‘Insemantic’ class names

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We’ve been solving the wrong problems for the wrong people!

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The 4 ‘-ility’s •Maintainability •Flexibility •Extensibility •Predictability

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body > div:nth-of-type(2) > article:first- child > p:first-child{ font-size:1.2em }

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...

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Be ?#*@ing explicit!

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.intro{ font-size:1.2em; }

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...

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Extensible •Stop thinking in pages… •…think in components… •…then think in abstractions.

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Expect the unexpected Always build like your client’s CMS is a bulldozer…

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CSS selectors

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IDs •Don’t use IDs in CSS. •Ever.

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IDs •No advantage over classes. •Waaaaaay overly specific. •Not dissimilar to !important •Everything you can do with an ID can be done with a class.

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Classes •No one uses classes except browsers and other developers (and microformats). •Classes are neither semantic or insemantic; they’re sensible or insensible.

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.red .red{ color:red; }

I am a designer and developer

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.red .red{ color:blue; /* WTF */ }

I am a designer and developer

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.brand .brand{ color:#BADA55; /* FTW */ }

I am a designer and developer

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Objects and abstractions

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The media object

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The media object

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The media object

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The media object

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The media object

Lorem ipsum...

.media,.body { overflow:hidden; } .img { float:left; margin-right:20px; } .img img { display:block; }

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The media object

Lorem ipsum...


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Nicole Sullivan @stubbornella

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The nav abstraction

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.nav{ list-style:none; margin-left:0; } .nav li{ display:inline; } .nav a{ display:inline-block; } The nav abstraction

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.breadcrumb li:before{ content:"» "; } .breadcrumb li:first-child:before{ content:""; } Breadcrumbs…?

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Double stranded heading hierarchy h1,.alpha { font-size:; line-height:; } h2,.beta { font-size:; line-height:; } h3,.gamma { font-size:; line-height:; } h4,.delta { font-size:; line-height:; } h5,.epsilon { font-size:; line-height:; } h6,.zeta { font-size:; line-height:; }

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Grid systems

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Abstract layout into its own layer Keep components free of dimensions

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Straighten up! @media(max-width:480px){ .grid{ float:none; clear:both; width:auto; margin:0; } }

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All together now!

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Benefits and side-effects •Sites are faster to build… •…more robust •…more maintainable •…more consistent •…and incidentally more efficient.

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Now what? •Solve problems for the right people. •Keep yourselves happy and sane. •Learn when enough is enough; cut yourself some slack.

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Breaking Good Habits •Harry Roberts – @csswizardry • • •Nicole Sullivan – @stubbornella