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Bring Down the System! Shutting down military phone lines to save lives, using Python.

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Who Is This Guy? ● Randall Degges (@rdegges) ● I just hack code, basically. ● Work for a tech startup in the telephony space. ● Python. ● Django. ● Node. ● Whatever.

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Background http://neverfear. org/blog/view/89/Performing_a_Denial_of_Service_DoS_Attack_on_a_Phone_Line

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In a Nutshell ● Syrian uprising. ● Military killing civilians. What can I do to help? ● Shut down military communications! BUT HOW?!

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Fuck the Government! ● Syrian militia uses phone communication to order troops around. ● If you shut down their phones, you stop them. ● If you keep their phone lines busy, they can't make (or receive calls). ● Perfect candidate for denial of service attack >:)

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Use VoIP! ● Instant setup. ● Low (no) cost. ● Unlimited phone lines. ● Spam their phone lines with calls to prevent them from talking.

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Asterisk + pycall

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Asterisk ● ● Open source phone system. ● Runs on linux. ● Hooks up to VoIP providers. ● Sends phone calls.

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pycall ● ● python library that sends calls using Asterisk.

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Let's Code Full Code:

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The Main Function

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Shutting it Down

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The Moral ● Do cool things. ● Help people. ● You have no idea who will use your code.

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