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Node. Real Time. HTML5. Why Wait?

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The Plan • Context - why is real-time important? • What is Node.js? • Real-time client technology • My experience • Live coding live data...!

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Why do I care about Node?

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I worked in the finance web industry, and real-time prices were the golden egg.

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Comet was the right solution.

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Slide 6 text Comet is hard. Comet is a hack.

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Demos simple chat using long polling. Code is simple. function longPoll (data) { // :: snip :: handle the messages // start the long poll again $.ajax({ cache: false, url: "/recv", data: { since: CONFIG.last_message_time, id: }, success: function (data) { longPoll(data); } });

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More importantly, no infrastructure making it hard.

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Usual LAMP stack

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Apache pre-forks itself, concurrent connections are limited to apache forks

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Apache fires up and kills php, and there is no persistence (out of the box).

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Node is event driven.

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Traditional model • You greet receptionist at doctors • Who asks you to fill out forms and conversation back and forth • As you fill out, others are waiting and queuing behind you. • You're blocking.

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Event Driven • You greet receptionist at doctors • Who asks you to fill out forms and come back once they're complete • As you're filling them out, the next person is dealt with and so on. • Once you're done, you return the forms and are processed.

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Warning: Node doesn't solve world poverty.

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Node makes complicated server programming easy for web developers

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Real-time made...

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Long polling - keep Ajax request open.

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function longPoll() { // $.ajax({ url: '/prices', type: 'json', success: function (data) { failures = 0; showPrices(data); longPoll(); }, error: longPollFailure }); }

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Event Source very similar to long polling, except always open.

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var es = new EventSource('/prices'); es.onmessage = function (event) { var data = JSON.parse(; showPrices(data); };

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EventSource • Events emit from server • Read only stream • Simple API • Possible to polyfill (so IE support)

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EventSource • Supports connection dropping and resuming with Last-Event-ID • Supports bespoke events other than `message` • CORS is coming (x-domain SSE)

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var es = new EventSource('/prices'); es.onmessage = function (event) { var data = JSON.parse(; showPrices(data); };

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Web Sockets Node module:

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var socket = new WebSocket('ws://somesite'); socket.onmessage = function (event) { var data = JSON.parse(; showData(data); });

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var socket = new WebSocket('ws://somesite'); socket.onmessage = function (event) { var data = JSON.parse(; showData(data); }); // data = { user: 'rem', data: payload }; socket.send(JSON.stringify(data));

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WebSockets • Persistent connection • Tiny chunks of data exchanged • Bi-directional & no origin rules

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WebSockets • Persistent connection • Tiny chunks of data exchanged • Bi-directional & no origin rules

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Abstractions: Socket.IO most popular and complete.

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If only I had a two way communication channel with the device...

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Sockets? Flash is the polyfill, and Android 2.2 has no flash.

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Event Source + postMessage + Ajax

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your mobile site add iframe origin: jsconsole server jsconsole client postMessage & onmessage EventSource Ajax post EventSource Ajax post

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Since jsconsole is a client side app, all I need to do is replace the static serving with Node and use connect

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Important part that's missing: res.end() and the response object is cached for use later on. app.get('/remote/:id/run', function (req, res) { var id =; res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/event-stream', 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache' }); res.write('id:0\n\n');[id] = res; });

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var sse = new EventSource('/remote/' + id + '/run'), win =; sse.onmessage = function (event) { win.postMessage(, origin); };

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Remote Tilt

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Remote Tilt • Create same message tunnel as jsconsole • Pipe orientation events from phone directly in to desktop browser • Orientation events now tested on desktop

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Real-time !== chat

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• Mobile users enter twitter handle, and hit my face • A socket establishes their connection and notifies server they're still active • Upon hit, message sent to main screen with their score (which is captured using EventSource) • Upon image capture on server, it's piped down to the connected devices.

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Few final thoughts

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Queuing systems

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Sticky sessions and sockets

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Or grab me in the breaks. @rem