Slide 5
Slide 5 text
1)(Admin) What's your organization's name?
2) What do you do?
3) How long has the organization been around?
4) Have you ever had a mailing list before?
5)(Admin (from survey) How long have you been using MailChimp?
6) (Admin) List Size
1) Before we start talking about MailChimp, show me how you determine
the effectiveness of your general social media efforts.
2) Show me how you determine the social effectiveness of your MailChimp campaigns.
3) Show me which campaign do you think had the most impact and why?
(If they haven't gone to social reports by now, find a way to get them there
and talk about that.)
4) When you started your MC account, did you think about your mailing list as
"social media" or is that separate. What made you decide to work with both together?
5) Did you send campaigns without knowing our social options, or did you integrate right away?
Show me how you integrated your account.