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Advanced Theming - (with Sass/Compass mixins, scripts and other techniques) Monday, May 7, 12

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Who is this guy? Nick Cooley Principal Front-End Architect, TandemSeven: @nickcooley Monday, May 7, 12

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What we’ll talk about in this session... •Recap of Sass/Compass •Advanced Sass •Control Structures •Color Functions •Advanced Compass •Geometric functions and constants •Application to Sencha Touch •DEMOS! Monday, May 7, 12

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What this Presentation ISN’T •Sass vs LESS vs Stylus •Why using a CSS Preprocessor is better than not using one •A conversation about how Preprocessors can bloat your CSS Many great articles arguing the merits/gotchas of using a pre- processor. Here’s one I really agree with: My personal opinion: “Like everything in technology, preprocessors are a tool in your arsenal. You should understand the fundamentals of CSS before relying on them.” Monday, May 7, 12

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What this Presentation ISN’T •How to code/structure CSS The hope is that you have *some* CSS knowledge and are aware of best practices. If not, here’s a great article for you: •How to build apps with Sencha Touch While we will go over examples that include demo Sencha Touch apps, the focus really is on the Sass/ Compass and resulting CSS Monday, May 7, 12

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Let’s Recap: Monday, May 7, 12

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What is Sass? •Stands for “Syntactically Awesome StyleSheets” •“Sass both provides a simpler, more elegant syntax for CSS and implements various features that are useful for creating manageable stylesheets.” •The foundation for style implementations in ExtJS and Sencha Touch •Ruby Based Monday, May 7, 12

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Sass Most Popular Features: •Nesting •Variables •Mixins •Functions •@extend Monday, May 7, 12

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•Sass: Allows you to nest selectors within a parent selector. •This provides an approach that’s clean, concise, unique and DRY Sass: Nesting div { &.content { .element { h1 {...} } } } //outputs div.content .element h1 {...} Monday, May 7, 12

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Sass: Variables •Allow you to quickly parameterize your CSS •Create diverse variations in seconds! •Helps you create design standards for your CSS. •Using a main color in a number of selectors? Create a variable! $color: #fff; $pxHeight: 10px; Monday, May 7, 12

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Sass: Mixins •Mixins:Sass :: Functions:Javascript •Allow you to define patterns for reuse •Mixins can be imported across projects, helping you to create your own framework @mixin pictos-iconmask($name) { .x-button .x-button-icon.x-icon-mask.#{$name} { -webkit-mask-image: theme_image($theme-name, "pictos/" + $name + ".png"); } } Monday, May 7, 12

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Compass • Box Shadow • Text Shadow • Sprites • Web Fonts • More! • Collection of Sass mixins and variables • X-Browser CSS3 mixins • Rounded Corners • Gradients • Common CSS development Patterns • Reset.css • Clearfix • CSS3 Pie Monday, May 7, 12

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Let’s turn it up to 11 Monday, May 7, 12

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Control Directives in Sass Very similar to a number of control directives in languages like javascript, ruby, PHP -- Sass provides some rudimentary functionality: •if/else if/else •for •while •each Monday, May 7, 12

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@if Works like every “if” directive you’ve ever used (if, else if, else) •create exceptional cases determined by CSS controlled attribute OR •Sass also contains an “if” function which works as: if($condition, $if-true, $if-false) Monday, May 7, 12

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@if examples •Example of default @if method implementation •Example of if() function method @if $type == bevel {...} @else if $type == matte {...} @else {...} border: if($i%2==0, 1px solid #000, 4px solid #333); Monday, May 7, 12

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@for Is different from the “for” directive in most programming languages •two types: “to” and “through” •cannot count down •can only iterate by one Monday, May 7, 12

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•Example of “to” •Example of “through” @for examples @for $i from 1 through 3 { .item-#{$i} { width: 2em * $i; } } //outputs .item-1 {width: 2em; } .item-2 {width: 4em; } .item-3 {width: 6em; } @for $i from 1 to 3 { .item-#{$i} { width: 2em * $i; } } //outputs .item-1 {width: 2em; } .item-2 {width: 4em; } Monday, May 7, 12

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Iterates across a range of values using a statement evaluation until it results in false •can evaluate to < > == •WARNING: you must adjust the evaluation variable manually @while $i: 8; @while $i > 0 { .box#{$i} { $factor: 100px - ($i * 10); height:$factor !important; width:$factor !important; background: #333; $i: $i - 1; } } Monday, May 7, 12

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@each Iterates through a list of items individually •Can include list as parameter or variable $list: (bob, steve, rob); @each $person in $list { .#{$person}{background-image: url($person);} } // CSS output .bob {background-image:url(bob); } .steve {background-image:url(steve); } .rob {background-image:url(rob); } Monday, May 7, 12

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Colors in Sass One of the least discussed features in Sass are color features •Create themes/schemes/palettes based on harmonious color relationships •Mix colors using color relationships •Sass has operations for RGB and HSL Monday, May 7, 12

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Color Functions •complement •adjust-hue •lighten/darken •color math •AND MANY MORE! Monday, May 7, 12

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The Boxes •A really basic demo which shows various color functions/control directives Monday, May 7, 12

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Compass may be a framework, but it provides a number of helpful functions which can make interesting results: •Geometry functions: •sin(), cos(), tan(), pi() •Additional math functions: •e(), log(), sqrt() Advance processing in Compass Monday, May 7, 12

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The benefits of advanced functions With these functions, you can: •Offload some of the processing for things you might do in javascript for faster performance •Be able to calculate in one place and not worry about it. •Do things like: •calculate coordinates on a circle •plot points on a graph •create some interesting designs using math! Monday, May 7, 12

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Demos Monday, May 7, 12

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So let’s put it all together HSL uses Sass/Compass for •Iterators •Positioning color swatches in 360 using Compass geometry •Adjusts color using pre-defined relationships Monday, May 7, 12

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First, an example Monday, May 7, 12

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The Color Wheel Monday, May 7, 12

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The Color Wheel @include circlefy(200, $deg); @mixin circlefy($radius, $deg){ $rad: angleToRadians($deg); @include radiansToCartesian($rad, $radius); } @function angleToRadians($a){ $pi: pi(); $angle: ($a) / 180; $radians: $pi * $angle; @return $radians; } @mixin radiansToCartesian($r, $radius){ $x: round($radius * cos($r)); $y: round($radius * sin($r)); top: #{$y}px; left:#{$x}px; } Monday, May 7, 12

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The S & L Bars Monday, May 7, 12

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The S and L bars $light : lightness($colorwheel1); @for $i from 0 through 10 { &:nth-child(#{$i + 1}){ $startBackground: lighten($colorwheel1, 100); $val: $i * 10; background: darken($startBackground, $val ); span {margin-left:0; right:55px;} span:after {content: "lightness: #{$val} color: #{darken($startBackground, $val )}";} } } Monday, May 7, 12

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But hey, you said “Sencha Touch” Sencha Touch is a javascript framework which relies on Sass/Compass for its look/ feel. •Sencha has put together a really solid set of mixins: buttons, pictomasks, toolbars •There’s really no limit to what you can add using Sass/Compass specific to your applications Monday, May 7, 12

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Sencha Touch Docs Throughout the Sencha Touch documentation, you’ll find predefined mixins which you can use out-of-the-box Monday, May 7, 12

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ST2 Demo Just to show you that modifying Sass/ Compass for Sencha Touch is just as easy as it is for anything else.... Monday, May 7, 12

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Links • Sass Site: • Compass Site: • Site: • HSL Color Picker: or • Manning Sass Book : • LiveReload : • FireSass : Monday, May 7, 12