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Ben Edmunds @benedmunds A Framework For Web Artisans

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Who Am I Ben Edmunds @benedmunds Build and lead development teams >10 years of experience in the industry Specialize in PHP development

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Who Am I Ben Edmunds @benedmunds Ion Auth General Open Source Contributions

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Who Am I Personal: From Phenix City, AL Married for 6 years Work for Kforce Government Solutions Co-Founder of AppStucco Tech Focus: PHP (CodeIgniter, Laravel) Javascript (Node.js, Express, Phonegap) Databases (MySQL, PostGreSQL, MongoDB) Ben Edmunds @benedmunds

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What is it? PHP Web Framework Lightweight (half-stack) Open Source

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Who’s behind it? Eric Barnes @ericlbarnes Taylor Otwell @taylorotwell Ian Landsman @ianlandsman

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I already use X. Why should I use Laravel?

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Why use it? Built on PHP 5.3 Sinatra-style Routing Bundles Artisan CLI Tool Wave your PHP flag proudly that’s right, I use PHP sucka Expressive Syntax Eloquent ORM Well Documented

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Why use it? Expressive Syntax Utilizes the latest PHP features Route::get('user/(:num)', function($id) { $user = User::find($id); return View::make('home')->with('user', $user); });

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Why use it? Bundles $ php artisan bundle:install twilio Artisan CLI Tool $ php artisan bundle:install twilio Well Documented

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Why use it? Sinatra-style Routing Eloquent ORM Route::get('/', function() { //do neat shit }); $user = new User; $user->id = 1; $user->save(); $user = User::find(1);

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Let’s do some comparisons

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Comparison MVC Design Sparks Lightweight Fast Excellent Docs Compatibility Technical Debt

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Comparison HMVC Design Lightweight-ish Fast Horrible Docs API Changes Frequently

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Comparison MVC Design Heavy Large Learning Curve Slow Decent Docs Modular Backed by ZEND

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Comparison HMVC Design Lightweight Fast Excellent Docs Packages? Learned from other frameworks

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MV[CR] Design Bundles Lightweight Fast Excellent Docs Threw out previous framework ideas and started over Comparison

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OK, I’ll try it. How do I get started?

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Download $ git clone .

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Bundles $ php artisan bundle:install twilio $ php artisan bundle:upgrade twilio

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Structure MV[CR] Design Model View Controller || Route || Both Bundles Self contained modules Has it’s own config, models, routes, views, etc...

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Structure application - config - controllers - models - views - routes.php - bundles.php - etc... laravel public - css - img - js - etc...

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Create Route Create routes at: application/routes.php include() additional route definitions if needed

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Create Route application/routes.php Route::get('/', function() { echo ‘Boom!’; });

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Unit Test Runs all tests located at: application/tests/*.test.php $ php artisan test

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Unit Test application/tests/routes.test.php Test that biotch! class TestRoutes extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { public function testBase() { $response = Route::forward('GET', '/'); $this->assertEquals('Boom!', $response); }

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Unit Test $ php artisan test Run it! PHPUnit 3.6.10 by Sebastian Bergmann. Configuration read from ...www/laravel/develop/phpunit.xml Time: 0 seconds, Memory: 6.25Mb OK (1 test, 1 assertion) Output

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What about an API? Routes to the rescue!

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API application/routes.php Route::get('api/user/(:num)', function($id) { return json_encode(array( ‘users‘ => User::find($id), ‘success‘ => true ); });

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API application/routes.php Route::put('api/user', function() { $user = User::create(array( 'email' => Input::get(‘email’) )); return json_encode(array( ‘user_id‘ => $user->id, ‘success‘ => true ); });

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Controllers OK, routes are cool and all, but what if I want to use controllers?

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Controllers application/routes.php Route::controller(Controller::detect()); This will give you “CodeIgniter style” controller routing.

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Shit just got real

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Routes What methods are available: Route::get(); Route::post(); Route::put(); Route::delete(); Route::any(); //all of the above

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Routes Register multiple verbs for a single route: Router::register(array('GET', 'POST'), $uri, function(){ //this will run for both get and post });

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Route Filters Run before or after a given route. Register a filter: Route::filter('auth', function() { if (Auth::guest()) return Redirect::to('login'); });

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Route Filters Assign a filter to a route: Route::get('api/user', array('before' => 'auth', function() { ... }));

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Route Filters Pattern matching adds a ton of flexibility: Route::filter('pattern: api/*', 'auth');

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Models Fluent Query Builder Eloquent ORM Schema Builder Migrations

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Fluent Query Builder Similar to CI DB Class Simple and Easy to Understand Used extensively by Eloquent ORM

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Fluent Query Builder $user = DB::table('users')->where_email('') ->first(); Query Row by Email $id = DB::table('users')->insert_get_id(array( 'email' => '' )); Insert & Get ID

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Eloquent ORM Simple Expressive Efficient

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Eloquent ORM class User extends Eloquent { } Define an Eloquent model class Post extends Eloquent { }

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Eloquent ORM $user = User::where_email(‘’)->first(); Simple query $user = Post::where('views', '>', 100)->get(); Slightly more advanced query

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Eloquent ORM Relationships class Post extends Eloquent { public function user() { return $this->belongs_to('User'); } } Post::find(1)->user->email; Retrieve Post Creator Email

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Eloquent ORM Normal Usage $posts = Post::all(); foreach ($posts as $post) { echo $post->user->email; } 100 posts = 101 queries SELECT * FROM "posts" foreach result { SELECT * FROM "users" WHERE "id" = 1 }

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WTF!? ORMs Suck!

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Eloquent ORM Eager Loading $posts = Post::with(‘user’)->get(); foreach ($posts as $post) { echo $post->user->email; } 100 posts = 2 queries SELECT * FROM "posts" SELECT * FROM "users" WHERE "id" IN (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...) Eager Loading FTW!

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Eloquent ORM Normal Usage $posts = Post::all(); foreach ($posts as $post) { echo $post->user->email; } 100 posts = 101 queries SELECT * FROM "posts" foreach result { SELECT * FROM "users" WHERE "id" = 1 } Eager Loading $posts = Post::with(‘user’)->get(); foreach ($posts as $post) { echo $post->user->email; } 100 posts = 2 queries SELECT * FROM "posts" SELECT * FROM "users" WHERE "id" IN (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...)

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Views Route::get('/', function() { return View::make('home.index'); //views/home/index.php }); Returning a view from a route

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Views Route::get('/', function() { return View::make('home.index')->with('email', ''); Sending data to a view with magic methods Route::get('/', function() { $view = View::make('home.index'); $view->email = ‘’; return $view; Sending data to a view

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That’s a Wrap Utilizes the best PHP has to offer Lightweight and crazy fast Well designed API with great docs Go make cool shit

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Ben Edmunds @benedmunds A Framework For Web Artisans THANKS!