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James Pearce

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A medium that would be innovative, beautiful, disruptive, and with us everywhere “ ”

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Need Android Phone examples

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A medium that would be innovative, beautiful, disruptive, and with us everywhere “ ”

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How many innovative, beautiful, & disruptive native apps can you name? web

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Web iPhone Android

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Facing the future

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Discovery Distribution Monetization

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What apps do my friends use?

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Open Graph enables any web page to become a rich object in a social graph “ ”

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▪ Play a Sound ▪ Like a Sound ▪ Post a Sound ▪ Follow a User ▪ Join a Group

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Standardization Implementation Fragmentation

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Support Capabilities

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Core Mobile Web Platform

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@ Labs

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Device APIs Client-side APIs that enable the development of Web Applications that interact with device hardware http://www.w .org/ / /DeviceAPICharter “ ”

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Device APIs enable the development of Web Applications [..] that interact with devices' services such as Calendar, Contacts, Camera, etc http://www.w .org/ / /DeviceAPICharter “ ”

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▪ Media Capture (forms) ▪ Media Capture (.getUserMedia) ▪ Contacts ▪ Battery Status ▪ Network Information ▪ Sensor ▪ Vibration ▪ Calendar ▪ Menu ▪ Permissions ▪ Media Capture (.device) ▪ Messaging ▪ Gallery ▪ System info

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navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(    function(point)  {        console.log(point);    } ); http://www.w .org/TR/geolocation-API/

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var  bearing  =  Math.atan2(    Math.sin(lon2  -­‐  lon1)  *  Math.cos(lat2),      Math.cos(lat1)  *  Math.sin(lat2)  -­‐    Math.sin(lat1)  *  Math.cos(lat2)  *    Math.cos(lon2  -­‐  lon1) )  *  180  /  Math.PI;  =    'rotateZ('  +  bearing  +  'deg)';

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Temperature, ºC AmbientLight, Lux AmbientNoise, dbA MagneticField, uTesla Proximity, cm AtmPressure, kP RelHumidity, var  sensor  =  new      SensorConnection(        'Temperature'    );

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http://dev.w .org/ /dap/camera/

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navigator.getUserMedia(    {        audio:  false,        video:  true    },    function  (stream)  {},  //  success    function  ()  {}                //  error ); //  stream  is  a  LocalMediaStream: //  use  URL.createObjectURL(stream) //  to  bind  to    src http://dev.w .org/ /webrtc/editor/getusermedia.html

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▪ Telephony ▪ Messaging ▪ Contacts ▪ Camera ▪ Network ▪ USB ▪ Embedded browser ▪ Battery ▪ Device Status ▪ Settings ▪ Mouse Lock ▪ Vibration ▪ NFC ▪ Bluetooth ▪ Calendar ▪ Background services

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var  myCall  =    navigator.telephony.dial("16505551234"); myCall.state;    //  dialing,  ringing,  busy,  connecting,    //  connected,  disconnecting,  disconnected,      //  incoming myCall.onconnected  =  function  ()  {};    //  onbusy,  ondisconnected  etc myCall.hangup(); myCall2.answer();

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Facing the future

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@media  screen  and  (max-­‐width:  320px)

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Storage GPS device Audio player Video player Accelerometer Compass Camera Bluetooth Telephony Messaging Contacts Calendar Notifications Proximity sensor Thermometer Pressure gauge NFC RFID

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it depends “ ” isn't good enough

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James Pearce

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