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Mobile Debugging Remy Sharp / @rem

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Debugging is a...

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...and I ❤ debugging

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Back in early 2000

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Our first mobile webapp circa 1999 Amazingly actually still live!!!

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XML parsing :( (but strict is strict)

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Art of debugging methodically Replicate so that you can Isolate and ultimately Eliminate

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Principles 1. Know thy enemy 2. Close the gap 3. Expect the unexpected

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1. Know thy enemy

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஌ݾ஌൴ɼඦፌෆຆɻ “If you know both yourself and your enemy, you can win a hundred battles without jeopardy.”

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Get real devices

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Get FREE devices

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Share devices

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Understand performance

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WTF? Wikipedia has more JavaScript than Gmail?

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"200k of JavaScript held within a block comment adds 240ms during page load, whereas 200k of JavaScript that is parsed during page load added 2600 ms."

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Network monitoring

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Charles - $50 Fiddler - windows - free

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Make test cases

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2. Close the gap

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Save Refresh

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Host locally •Network Utility (mac) ifconfig en0 inet / ifconfig eth0 ipconfig (look for ip4v) •Point mobile to that IP •localtunnel (to get out of VMs)

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jsconsole :listen

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weinre “Pronounced like the word ‘winery’. Or maybe like the word ‘weiner’. Who knows, really.”

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Adobe Shadow

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iWebInspector / Hooking Web Inspector iWebInspector

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Real debuggers

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Chrome for Android

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Build your own tools Test for events Performance metrics Emulate APIs & event types etc...

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jsbin 3

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3. Expect the unexpected

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Once upon a time... Demoing mobile app Same code Same mobile device Same OS version But different result

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Wifi != ISP network

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Tether and check via desktop O2 you can change username to "bypass" to confirm bugs, not to solve them. Also will need to check with providers to be sure.

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iPod Touch would crash upon render

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Last resort debugging 50/50

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Emulating slow connections

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Network Link Conditioner (xcode + mac) (mac + $) ipfw (mac / *nix) sloppy (java app) wipfw (windows)

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Beware of red herrings console.log

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“When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth”

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If all else fails, take a break.

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We need to demand more

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My dream: Single Debugging Tool 1. Can we build this ourselves? 2. Can we hook in and normalise all the remote protocols? 3. Can we do step debugging?

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I think so, but it'll be a challenge.....

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Otherwise: rock on. @rem Hire us @