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Plack + Carton deployment simple & awesome Tatsuhiko Miyagawa Perl Mova / YAPC::Russia 2012 Saturday, May 12, 12

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привет Saturday, May 12, 12

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Me • Tatsuhiko Miyagawa • CPAN: MIYAGAWA • • Twitter @miyagawa • Lives in San Francisco, CA Saturday, May 12, 12

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Saturday, May 12, 12

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Saturday, May 12, 12

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Saturday, May 12, 12

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Saturday, May 12, 12

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Saturday, May 12, 12

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Saturday, May 12, 12

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Saturday, May 12, 12

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Saturday, May 12, 12

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Saturday, May 12, 12

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My Software Saturday, May 12, 12

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Saturday, May 12, 12

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Saturday, May 12, 12

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• PSGI • Plack • cpanminus • carton Saturday, May 12, 12

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PSGI Saturday, May 12, 12

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Perl Server Gateway Interface Saturday, May 12, 12

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Inspired by WSGI, Rack Saturday, May 12, 12

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WSGI (PEP-333) Saturday, May 12, 12

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Saturday, May 12, 12

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#  WSGI def  hello(environ,  start_response):    start_response(“200  OK”,  [        (‘Content-­‐Type’,  ‘text/plain’)    ])    return  [“Hello  World”] Saturday, May 12, 12

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WSGI • Django • Bottle • CherryPy • Tornado • Pylons • Flask • mod_wsgi • Paste • gunicorn • uWSGI • wsgiref • Google AppEngine Saturday, May 12, 12

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WSGI WSGI middleware Django Bottle Flask Tornado Apache lighttpd nginx mod_wsgi wsgi handlers GAE Saturday, May 12, 12

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Rack Saturday, May 12, 12

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Saturday, May 12, 12

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#  Rack class  Hello    def  call(env)        return  [              200,              {  “Content-­‐Type”  =>  ”text/plain”  },                [“Hello  World”]        ]    end end Saturday, May 12, 12

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Rack • Rails • Merb • Sinatra • Camping • Ramaze • etc. • Unicorn • Thin • Mongrel • Rainbows! • Phusion Passenger • Heroku Saturday, May 12, 12

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Rack Rack middleware Rails Merb Sinatra Ramaze Apache lighttpd Thin Unicorn Rack handlers Mongrel Saturday, May 12, 12

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PSGI Perl Web Server Gateway Interface Saturday, May 12, 12

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Interface Saturday, May 12, 12

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#  WSGI def  hello(environ,  start_response):    start_response(“200  OK”,  [        (‘Content-­‐Type’,  ‘text/plain’)    ])    return  [“Hello  World”] Saturday, May 12, 12

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#  Rack class  Hello    def  call(env)        return  [              200,              {  “Content-­‐Type”  =>  ”text/plain”  },                [“Hello  World”]        ]    end end Saturday, May 12, 12

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#  PSGI my  $app  =  sub  {        my  $env  =  shift;        return  [                  200,                [  ‘Content-­‐Type’,  ‘text/plain’  ],                [  ‘Hello  World’  ],        ]; }; Saturday, May 12, 12

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That’s it. Saturday, May 12, 12

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#  PSGI my  $app  =  sub  {        my  $env  =  shift;        return  [                  200,                [  ‘Content-­‐Type’,  ‘text/plain’  ],                [  ‘Hello  World’  ],        ]; }; Saturday, May 12, 12

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Now you’ve got a PSGI application. Saturday, May 12, 12

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PSGI makes it so simple to: Saturday, May 12, 12

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Write a new Perl web app & framework Saturday, May 12, 12

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Write a new Perl web server Saturday, May 12, 12

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CGI::Application Apache IIS lighttpd CGI fastcgi mod_perl Jifty Mason Catalyst Mason::CGIHandler Catalyst::Engine nginx HTTP::Server ::Simple Saturday, May 12, 12

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PSGI Plack::Middleware Catalyst CGI::App Jifty Dancer Apache lighttpd HTTP::Server::PSGI Twiggy Starman Plack::Handler::* (CGI, FCGI, Apache) Saturday, May 12, 12

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#  Catalyst use  MyApp; MyApp-­‐>setup_engine(‘PSGI’); my  $app  =  sub  {  MyApp-­‐>run(@_)  }; #  $app  is  a  PSGI  app! Saturday, May 12, 12

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#  Jifty use  MyPonyApp; my  $app  =  MyPonyApp-­‐>psgi_app; #  $app  is  a  PSGI  app! Saturday, May 12, 12

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#  Dancer use  Dancer; get  ‘/’  =>  sub  {        “Hello  World”; }; dance;  #  returns  a  PSGI  app! Saturday, May 12, 12

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#  Mojolicious::Lite use  Mojolicious::Lite; get  ‘/:name’  =>  sub  {        my  $self  =  shift;        $self-­‐>render_text(‘Hello!’); }; app-­‐>start;  #  returns  PSGI  app Saturday, May 12, 12

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#  Web::Simple use  Web::Simple  ‘MyApp’; package  MyApp; dispatch  {    sub(GET)  {        [  200,  [...],  [  ‘Hello’  ]  ];    } }; my  $app  =  MyApp-­‐>as_psgi; #  $app  is  a  PSGI  app! Saturday, May 12, 12

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Saturday, May 12, 12

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Recap: PSGI • Inspired by Python, Ruby • Very simple • Code ref, hash ref, array ref • adapted by many frameworks and businesses Saturday, May 12, 12

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cpanminus Saturday, May 12, 12

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Saturday, May 12, 12

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Dead easy to install Sane defaults Ultra-lightweight Saturday, May 12, 12

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>  curl  -­‐L  |\    perl  -­‐  App::cpanminus Saturday, May 12, 12

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Saturday, May 12, 12

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-­‐-­‐installdeps Saturday, May 12, 12

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PSGI/Plack convention for writing apps Saturday, May 12, 12

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cpanm --installdeps convention for installing deps Saturday, May 12, 12

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PSGI/Plack + cpanminus = ? Saturday, May 12, 12

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Saturday, May 12, 12

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Step 1: Write your app in PSGI (with PSGI-compatible framework) Saturday, May 12, 12

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Step 2: Maintain dependencies in git with Makefile.PL/Build.PL Saturday, May 12, 12

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Step 3: Run your code on the cloud via git push! Saturday, May 12, 12

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Saturday, May 12, 12

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Heroku buildpacks • judofyr/perloku • miyagawa/heroku-buildpack-perl • lstoll/heroku-buildpack-perl Saturday, May 12, 12

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Saturday, May 12, 12

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Saturday, May 12, 12

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Saturday, May 12, 12

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DIY Saturday, May 12, 12

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Recap • PSGI: web app standard • cpanm: dependencies installation • PSGI + cpanm => Deploy to the cloud! Saturday, May 12, 12

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Problems Saturday, May 12, 12

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Step 2: Maintain dependencies in git with Makefile.PL/Build.PL Saturday, May 12, 12

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Makefile.PL Saturday, May 12, 12

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use  ExtUtils::MakeMaker; WriteMakefile(    NAME  =>  ‘MyModule’,    VERSION  =>  ‘1.22’,    PREREQ_PM  =>  {        ‘JSON’  =>  0,        ‘Hash::MultiValue’  =>  ‘0.11’,    }, ); Saturday, May 12, 12

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use  Module::Build; my  $build  =  Module::Build-­‐>new(    module_name  =>  ‘MyModule’,    requires  =>  {        ‘JSON’  =>  ‘2.00’,        ‘Hash::MultiValie’  =>  ‘0.20’,    }, ); $build-­‐>create_build_script; Saturday, May 12, 12

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use  inc::Module::Install; name  ‘MyApp’; all_from  ‘lib/’; requires  ‘JSON’,  ‘2.00’; requires  ‘Hash::MultiValue’  =>  0.10; WriteAll; Saturday, May 12, 12

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Problem 1) Lots of boilerplate Saturday, May 12, 12

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use  ExtUtils::MakeMaker; WriteMakefile(    NAME  =>  ‘MyModule’,    VERSION  =>  ‘1.22’,    PREREQ_PM  =>  {        ‘JSON’  =>  0,        ‘Hash::MultiValue’  =>  ‘0.11’,    }, ); Saturday, May 12, 12

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use  Module::Build; my  $build  =  Module::Build-­‐>new(    module_name  =>  ‘MyModule’,    requires  =>  {        ‘JSON’  =>  ‘2.00’,        ‘Hash::MultiValie’  =>  ‘0.20’,    }, ); $build-­‐>create_build_script; Saturday, May 12, 12

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use  inc::Module::Install; name  ‘MyApp’; all_from  ‘lib/’; requires  ‘JSON’,  ‘2.00’; requires  ‘Hash::MultiValue’  =>  0.10; WriteAll; Saturday, May 12, 12

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Bootstrapping inc/Module/  in  git configure_requires  META.yml Saturday, May 12, 12

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Problem 2) No way to freeze dep versions Saturday, May 12, 12

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‘MooseX::Foo’  =>  1.0 means MooseX::Foo with 1.0 or newer Saturday, May 12, 12

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cpanm  -­‐-­‐installdeps Installs the latest version of modules that satisfies the requirements Saturday, May 12, 12

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What if ... Saturday, May 12, 12

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• Jul 2nd: Started working on project • using Web::Framework 1.1 • Jul 9th: Finished version 1.0 • Jul 10-15th: internal beta, QA • Jul 16th: Deploy to the cloud/production Saturday, May 12, 12

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• Jul 2nd: Started working on project • using Web::Framework 1.1 • Jul 9th: Finished version 1.0 • Jul 10-15th: internal beta, QA • Jul 16th: Web::Framework 1.2 is released • Jul 16th: Deploy to the cloud/production Saturday, May 12, 12

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Web::Framework 1.2 broke my code! Saturday, May 12, 12

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Saturday, May 12, 12

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Makefile.PL Recap • Not so easy to write • Could have deps, bootstrapping issue • No way to freeze versions Saturday, May 12, 12

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A solution Saturday, May 12, 12

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cpanfile  + Carton Saturday, May 12, 12

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requires  ‘Plack’,  0.9980; requires  ‘Catalyst’,  ‘>=  5.8,  <  5.9’; conflicts  ‘MooseX::Foo’,  ‘<  0.10’; on  ‘test’  =>  sub  {        requires  ‘Test::More’,  0.80; }; on  ‘develop’  =>  sub  {        requires  ‘Devel::NYTProf’; }; Saturday, May 12, 12

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inspired by: gemfile(5) Saturday, May 12, 12

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Backward compatible to: Module::Install(::DSL) Saturday, May 12, 12

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Converted to to: CPAN::Meta::Prereqs Saturday, May 12, 12

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Toolset Module::CPANfile Module::Install::CPANfile Saturday, May 12, 12

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Supported by Dist::Zilla & Carton Saturday, May 12, 12

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Carton Saturday, May 12, 12

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Manages CPAN deps Saturday, May 12, 12

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Inspired by... Saturday, May 12, 12

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Saturday, May 12, 12

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• App-specific local environment • Fast and safe install • Dep-tree analysis, including versions • Locking module versions • Easy Redeployment • Single-file, VCS friendly • Safe and easy rollback Saturday, May 12, 12

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Local perl environment Using local::lib and cpanm -L Each app has an isolated local library path Saturday, May 12, 12

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Fast and safe install cpanm 1.5 Saves MYMETA.json and install meta info Saturday, May 12, 12

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Dep tree analysis Rebuild the dependency tree from meta info Checks if anything is missing/superfluous Saturday, May 12, 12

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Locking versions Versions are saved in carton.lock including dependencies Saturday, May 12, 12

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Easy Redeployment Reinstall exactly the same set of modules on another prod/development machines. Saturday, May 12, 12

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Single-file, VCS friendly You can add carton.lock to git update whenever you update modules Saturday, May 12, 12

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Safe and easy rollback revert the lock file and redeploy Saturday, May 12, 12

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DEMO Saturday, May 12, 12

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>  cpanm  Carton Saturday, May 12, 12

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WARNING It is pre-1.0 beta software, some features are missing or not working correctly (yet). Saturday, May 12, 12

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TODO / Roadmap • Update specific modules • Make install and bundle faster • Inject old versions / patched versions • Install from git SHA Saturday, May 12, 12

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Recap • Write app in PSGI/Plack • Specify CPAN dependencies with cpanfile • Manage them and deploy with carton • Inspired by Ruby :) Saturday, May 12, 12

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Saturday, May 12, 12

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Questions? Saturday, May 12, 12

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спасибо! Saturday, May 12, 12