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Three BuddyPress Tales By Tammie Lister

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BuddyPress? Social networking, in a box. FRIENDS FORUMS GROUPS ACTIVITY DIRECTORYCOMM BLOG MEMBERSPROFIL A plugin for WordPress

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Activity Streams User Groups Multisite Blogging Friend Connections Extended Profiles Discussion Forums Private Messaging User Settings ...and lots more

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Empowering communities BuddyPress gets about a bit......

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BuddyPress rocks because... Open source Free Plugintastic Flexible ... and so much more

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Are you sitting comfortably? Let me tell you a tale about 3 communities...

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1. A music journalism community 2. Young people with ms community 3. A community effort theme BuddyPress does it all......

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Rockhaq the UK's first music journalism community for schools and colleges my role : designer and front end developer Once upon a time...

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The Challenges The Solutions s

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Motivation Achievements plugin by Paul Gibbs Featured post slider Leader boards

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Appeal across ages Mobile first responsive design Photo image background Familiar profile layout Easy to see activity streams Simple blog format r

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Just do it Child of BuddyPress default Let community decide direction 9

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Rockhaq And they all lived happily ever after...

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Shift ms is a social network run by its users where young MSers meet share experiences and support each other my role : front end developer and advisor Once upon a time...

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The Challenges The Solutions s

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The great site move Easy does it in stages WP Valet took away the pain - Inform community p Get a specialist, get solid hosting

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Strong identity Sketch images throughout Strong colour threads Design thread throughout site g

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Create a safe haven Privacy when need it A sense of belonging Able to say what gets done n

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Shift ms And they all lived happily ever after...

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Status A community created theme for BuddyPress 1.6 my role : designer and front end developer Custom backgrounds HTML5 Mobile first responsive Custom link colours User statistics built in Friends in sidebar Activity stream focused Template making it members only Once upon a time...

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The Challenges The Solutions s

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It started with a ticket A seed of an idea was planted Child of BuddyPress default Just do it - design in browser for 75% =

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Different roles Designers and front end developers HTML5ification Theme reviewer Testers Developers j

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Beyond BuddyPress Activity stream focused like Twitter Login template on front Profiles extended - colours and backgrounds User statistics included Mobile first responsive design t

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Status Working copy Once released will be on And they all lived happily ever after...

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The End

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Thank you for listening Tammie Lister @karmatosed Any questions?