@gamussa @hazelcast #oraclecode
Business Application (instance 2)
Business Application (instance 1)
Service Service Service
RDBMS Mainframe MongoDB
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@gamussa @hazelcast #oraclecode
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@gamussa @hazelcast #oraclecode
Cache is good for…
◇Offload expensive parts of your architecture
◇Scale up – get the most out of one machine
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@gamussa @hazelcast #oraclecode
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@gamussa @hazelcast #oraclecode
Cache is good for…
◇Offload expensive parts of your architecture
◇Scale up – get the most out of one machine
◇Scale out – add more capacity with more machines
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@gamussa @hazelcast #oraclecode
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@gamussa @hazelcast #oraclecode
Cache is good for…
◇Offload expensive parts of your architecture
◇Scale up – get the most out of one machine
◇Scale out – add more capacity with more machines
◇Usually very fast and easy to apply
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@gamussa @hazelcast #oraclecode
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@gamussa @hazelcast #oraclecode
Polyglot planform
@gAmUssA @hazelcast #jfokus #hazelcastjet
Data doesn’t fit just one machine
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@gamussa @hazelcast #oraclecode
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@gamussa @hazelcast #oraclecode
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@gamussa @hazelcast #oraclecode
Replication or Sharding?
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@gamussa @hazelcast #oraclecode
Demo time!
It’s #oraclecode!
Show me some code, yay!