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Trending with Purpose Jason Dixon

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A general direction in which something is developing or changing.

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Why do we trend?

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Planning for growth.

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Predicting or diagnosing failure.

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... instead of finding out from your customer.

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Operational Questions

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Just because a host or service reponds, how do you know it’s working?

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If you haven’t measured good, how will you recognize bad?

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You don’t know what might break, so collect everything now.

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"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" George Santayana

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"I don't care if my servers are on fire as long as they're making me money" Business Owner

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How can we add Business Value?

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Start simple.

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Dance with the one who brought you.

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Nagios • Fault Detection

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Nagios • Fault Detection • Notifications

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Nagios • Fault Detection • Notifications • Escalations

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Nagios • Fault Detection • Notifications • Escalations • Acknowledgements/Downtime

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Nagios • Fault Detection • Notifications • Escalations • Acknowledgements/Downtime •

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Nagios • What it does well:

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Nagios • What it does well: • Free

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Nagios • What it does well: • Free • Extensible

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Nagios • What it does well: • Free • Extensible • Plugins

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Nagios • What it does well: • Free • Extensible • Plugins • Configuration templates

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Nagios • What it does well: • Free • Extensible • Plugins • Configuration templates • Popular (lesser of all free evils)

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Nagios • What it does well: • Free • Extensible • Plugins • Configuration templates • Popular (lesser of all free evils) • Log metrics (“performance data”)

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Nagios • Where it sucks:

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Nagios • Where it sucks: • Interface

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Nagios • Where it sucks: • Interface • (Lack of) Scalability

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Nagios • Where it sucks: • Interface • (Lack of) Scalability • Promotes bad habits

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Nagios • Where it sucks: • Interface • (Lack of) Scalability • Promotes bad habits • Acknowledgements never expire

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Nagios • Where it sucks: • Interface • (Lack of) Scalability • Promotes bad habits • Acknowledgements never expire • Configuration (over-)flexibility

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Nagios • Where it sucks: • Interface • (Lack of) Scalability • Promotes bad habits • Acknowledgements never expire • Configuration (over-)flexibility • Flapping

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PNP4Nagios • Basic graphing & dashboard capabilities

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PNP4Nagios • Basic graphing & dashboard capabilities • Retrieves Nagios performance data

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PNP4Nagios • Basic graphing & dashboard capabilities • Retrieves Nagios performance data • Creates graphs with RRD

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PNP4Nagios • Basic graphing & dashboard capabilities • Retrieves Nagios performance data • Creates graphs with RRD • Limited introspection/correlation

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PNP4Nagios • Basic graphing & dashboard capabilities • Retrieves Nagios performance data • Creates graphs with RRD • Limited introspection/correlation •

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Graphite • Metric storage

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Graphite • Metric storage • Complex graph creation

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Graphite • Metric storage • Complex graph creation • Web and “CLI” interfaces

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Graphite • Metric storage • Complex graph creation • Web and “CLI” interfaces • Created and released by

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Graphite • Metric storage • Complex graph creation • Web and “CLI” interfaces • Created and released by •

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Graphite • The good stuff:

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Graphite • The good stuff: • Horizontally scalable

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Graphite • The good stuff: • Horizontally scalable • Rapid graph prototyping (CLI)

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Graphite • The good stuff: • Horizontally scalable • Rapid graph prototyping (CLI) • Graph disparate data points

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Graphite • The good stuff: • Horizontally scalable • Rapid graph prototyping (CLI) • Graph disparate data points • Numerous formulas available

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Graphite • The good stuff: • Horizontally scalable • Rapid graph prototyping (CLI) • Graph disparate data points • Numerous formulas available • derive, transform, average, sum, etc...

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Graphite • The good stuff: • Horizontally scalable • Rapid graph prototyping (CLI) • Graph disparate data points • Numerous formulas available • derive, transform, average, sum, etc... • Share graphs with other users

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Graphite • The good stuff: • Horizontally scalable • Rapid graph prototyping (CLI) • Graph disparate data points • Numerous formulas available • derive, transform, average, sum, etc... • Share graphs with other users • Supports existing RRD databases

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Graphite • The not-so-good stuff:

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Graphite • The not-so-good stuff: • Not a dashboard (well, sorta)

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Graphite • The not-so-good stuff: • Not a dashboard (well, sorta) • No hover details

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Graphite • The not-so-good stuff: • Not a dashboard (well, sorta) • No hover details • Single y-axis

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Graphite Whisper Carbon Web Metrics

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Carbon • agent - starts other daemons, receives metrics and pipelines them to cache

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Carbon • agent - starts other daemons, receives metrics and pipelines them to cache • aggregator - aggregate and transform your data before storage

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Carbon • agent - starts other daemons, receives metrics and pipelines them to cache • aggregator - aggregate and transform your data before storage • cache - caches metrics for real-time graphing, pipelines them to persister

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Carbon • agent - starts other daemons, receives metrics and pipelines them to cache • aggregator - aggregate and transform your data before storage • cache - caches metrics for real-time graphing, pipelines them to persister • persister - writes persistent data to disk

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Whisper • Metrics database format

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Whisper • Metrics database format • Supplanted RRDtool

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Whisper • Metrics database format • Supplanted RRDtool • Accepts out-of-order data

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Whisper • Metrics database format • Supplanted RRDtool • Accepts out-of-order data • Supports pipelining of data in a single operation (multiplexing)

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Coming Soon - Ceres

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Coming Soon - Ceres • Smaller files - doesn’t pad missing datapoints

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Coming Soon - Ceres • Smaller files - doesn’t pad missing datapoints • Doesn’t store timestamps, calculates them

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Coming Soon - Ceres • Smaller files - doesn’t pad missing datapoints • Doesn’t store timestamps, calculates them • Federates individual datapoints

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Graphite Web

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Graphite Web • Traditional web interface

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Graphite Web • Traditional web interface • Javascript CLI

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Graphite Web • Traditional web interface • Javascript CLI • Rudimentary dashboard

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Graphite Web • Traditional web interface • Javascript CLI • Rudimentary dashboard • Django application

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Sending metrics to Graphite

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Sending metrics to Graphite • Connect to Carbon socket (tcp/2003)

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Sending metrics to Graphite • Connect to Carbon socket (tcp/2003) • Send your data

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Sending metrics to Graphite • Connect to Carbon socket (tcp/2003) • Send your data my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(‘’); $sock->send(“ $value $epoch\n");

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Sending metrics to Graphite • Connect to Carbon socket (tcp/2003) • Send your data my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(‘’); $sock->send(“ $value $epoch\n"); • ???

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Sending metrics to Graphite • Connect to Carbon socket (tcp/2003) • Send your data my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(‘’); $sock->send(“ $value $epoch\n"); • ??? • Profit!

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What should we collect?

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App/DB Profiling

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App/DB Profiling • How fast is our:

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App/DB Profiling • How fast is our: • function foo() for each iteration

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App/DB Profiling • How fast is our: • function foo() for each iteration • SQL query

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App/DB Profiling • How fast is our: • function foo() for each iteration • SQL query • 3rd party API service (e.g. payment gateway, social media)

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App/DB Profiling

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App/DB Profiling • How many times do we:

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App/DB Profiling • How many times do we: • call function foo()

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App/DB Profiling • How many times do we: • call function foo() • register a new user

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App/DB Profiling • How many times do we: • call function foo() • register a new user • chargeback a sale

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IT exists to support Business.

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IT exists to support Business. DevOps

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Not the other way around.

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Business Profiling

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Business Profiling • How many sales did we generate this hour:

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Business Profiling • How many sales did we generate this hour: • per sku

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Business Profiling • How many sales did we generate this hour: • per sku • from the recent ad campaign

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Business Profiling • How many sales did we generate this hour: • per sku • from the recent ad campaign • from users in West Bumble, Arkansas

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Last week?

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Last month?

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Last year?

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Be Creative.

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More Data > Less Data

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You probably won’t know what metrics you might need until it’s too late.

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Don’t be that guy.

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Storage is Cheap.

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Data Sources • Nagios • Munin • SNMP • Ganglia • collectd • SQL • Logs • sar • /proc • REST APIs

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You can’t be serious!

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You can’t be serious! • You’re thinking to yourself...

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You can’t be serious! • You’re thinking to yourself... • This sounds like a lot of work.

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You can’t be serious! • You’re thinking to yourself... • This sounds like a lot of work. • Our developers will never buy in.

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You can’t be serious! • You’re thinking to yourself... • This sounds like a lot of work. • Our developers will never buy in. • Is there an easier way?

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StatsD • Created and released by Etsy

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StatsD • Created and released by Etsy • "Measure Anything, Measure Everything"

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StatsD • Created and released by Etsy • "Measure Anything, Measure Everything" • Aggregate counters and timers

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StatsD • Created and released by Etsy • "Measure Anything, Measure Everything" • Aggregate counters and timers • Pipeline to Graphite

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StatsD • Created and released by Etsy • "Measure Anything, Measure Everything" • Aggregate counters and timers • Pipeline to Graphite • Fire-and-forget (UDP)

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StatsD • Created and released by Etsy • "Measure Anything, Measure Everything" • Aggregate counters and timers • Pipeline to Graphite • Fire-and-forget (UDP) • Perl, PHP, Python and Java clients

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StatsD • Created and released by Etsy • "Measure Anything, Measure Everything" • Aggregate counters and timers • Pipeline to Graphite • Fire-and-forget (UDP) • Perl, PHP, Python and Java clients •

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StatsD •

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StatsD • use Net::StatsD::Client; my $c = Net::StatsD::Client->new(); $c->increment(''); $c->timing('', 200);

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StatsD • use Net::StatsD::Client; my $c = Net::StatsD::Client->new(); $c->increment(''); $c->timing('', 200); • Too much activity? Sample it!

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StatsD • use Net::StatsD::Client; my $c = Net::StatsD::Client->new(); $c->increment(''); $c->timing('', 200); • Too much activity? Sample it! # sample 10%, StatsD will multiply it up $c->increment('', 0.1)

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That’s enough?

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Too much awesome?

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Too Bad!

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Logster • Yet Another Etsy Project (YAEP)

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Logster • Yet Another Etsy Project (YAEP) • Rips metrics from log files

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Logster • Yet Another Etsy Project (YAEP) • Rips metrics from log files •

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Logster • Yet Another Etsy Project (YAEP) • Rips metrics from log files • # /usr/sbin/logster --dry-run --output=graphite \ \ SampleLogster /var/log/httpd/access_log

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Thank you