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Building & Distributing Social Apps with Facebook Platform & Open Graph James Pearce & Christine Abernathy

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Social Applications Facebook Platform Open Graph JavaScript SDK Mobile Web Native Android SDK Authentication Graph API & Dialogs Native Linking PhoneGap

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Need Android Phone examples

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year years people M years people M

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160m monthly mobile visitors 1.1b monthly mobile visits Facebook Platform

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Friends Search News Feed Notifications Requests Bookmarks Open Graph Plugins

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Foursquare 3 Magic Land: Island

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World War App 2,000 monthly users

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Social Plugins

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The Guardian 0 to 3.9+ million Monthy Active Users in 5 months

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GoodReads 77% increase in Daily Active Users

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Pinterest 60% increase in daily referrals from Facebook

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Getting Started

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App Dashboard

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window.fbAsyncInit = function() {FB.init({appId: 'APP_ID'});}; (function(d){ var js, id='facebook-jssdk', ref=d.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) {return;} js = d.createElement('script'); = id; js.async = true; js.src = "//"; ref.parentNode.insertBefore(js, ref); }(document));

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FB.login(function(response) { if (response.authResponse) { console.log('Welcome! Fetching your information...'); FB.api('/me', function(response) { console.log('Good to see you, ' + + '.'); }); } else { console.log('User cancelled login or did not authorize.'); } });

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require_once("facebook.php"); $facebook = new Facebook(array('appId' => 'APP_ID', 'secret' => 'APP_SECRET')); $loginUrl = $facebook->getLoginUrl(array( 'scope' => 'read_stream, friends_likes', 'redirect_uri' => '' )); ... $user_profile = $facebook->api('/me'); echo "Name: " . $user_profile['name'];

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GET { "id": "738229837", "name": "James Pearce", "first_name": "James", "last_name": "Pearce", "hometown": { "id": "106078429431815", "name": "London, United Kingdom" }, "location": { "name": "Palo Alto, California" ...

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GET { "data": [ { "id": "10150835326849838", "from": { "name": "James Pearce", "id": "738229837" }, "message": "Warm and productive in London...", "place": { "id": "109599872410687", "name": "Facebook London"...

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$facebook->api('/738229837/checkins', 'POST', array( 'access_token' => $facebook->getAccessToken(), 'place' => '109599872410687', 'message' => 'Sitting at work', 'coordinates' => json_encode(array( ... )) ) );

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Open Graph

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Open Graph Desktop Web App Desktop Web Mobile Web Desktop Web App Desktop Web Mobile Web Native Apps Native Apps

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▪ Play a Sound ▪ Like a Sound ▪ Post a Sound ▪ Follow a User ▪ Join a Group

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Permissions Dialog

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Sharing in the app

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Publish Actions from every platform Desktop Web App Desktop Web App

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Android Native & Mobile Web: Newsfeed & Timeline

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iOS Native: Newsfeed & Timeline

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Desktop Web: Newsfeed and Ticker

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Desktop Web: Timeline

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Building With Open Graph

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ACTION OBJECT . Model your data

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. Markup and expose your objects to the Web

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... Lasagne ... ...

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. Publish Actions POST access_token=234876AB6865... & recipe=

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user performs action in app client or server posts action to Facebook POST access_token=234876AB6865...& recipe= Facebook gets the object's metadata GET

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▪ Creating Actions and Object Types ▪ Hosting Objects ▪ Permissions and Authentication ▪ Publishing Actions from the Graph Explorer ▪ Reading Actions from the Graph Explorer ▪ Publishing Actions from the Mobile Web Walkthrough

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Facebook Integration for Android Mobile Best Practices Demo

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Demo 1. Implement Authentication + Single Sign On ( minutes) 2. Add Social Context - Graph API, Dialogs ( minutes) 3. Add Native Linking to your App ( minutes) 4. Use Apache Cordova / PhoneGap ( minutes)

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Demo: Authentication - Pre Demo Setup 1. Facebook App Dashboard • Created an app, noted the App ID • Configured the Android settings 2. Demo App • Included the Facebook Android SDK • Added a helper class implementation for API callbacks

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Demo: Authentication - Code Flow 1. Instantiate the Facebook instance 2. Authorize through Facebook app • (call the authorize SDK method) 3. Handle the callback from the Facebook app • (call the authorizeCallback SDK method) 4. Handle the auth success, failure cases • (implement onComplete method in the callback) 5. Implement the logout flow

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Demo: Social Context 1. Hackbook for Android 2. Demo app - wire up Feed and Requests

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Demo: Native Linking 1. Facebook App Dashboard • Configured SSO and Deep Link settings 2. Demo App • Check intent in main launcher • Detect incoming requests • Detect incoming story links

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Demo: Apache Cordova - Pre Demo Setup 1. Cordova • Downloaded latest Cordova • Cloned Facebook Connect Plugin repo 2. Source web app • Cloned sample, Hackbook for Mobile Web 3. Demo app (Android) • Created basic Cordova Android app • Included the Facebook Android SDK • Included the Facebook JavaScript SDK

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Demo: Apache Cordova - Code Setup 1. Setup Facebook Connect Plugin • Add FB Connect Plugin to the plugins list • Include the FB Connect Plugin JS library 2. Add the web app • Add the web app assets to the project 3. Modify HTML • Include Cordova and Plugin JS libraries • Use local Facebook JS SDK library • FB.init code, setup FB Connect Plugin

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James Pearce & Christine Abernathy