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Crea ng Wonderful User Experience Web App

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Hello! I’m Richard @richardshepherd

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I’m frontend lead

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I’m a contributor to

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Why is great user experience important? ?

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If you make chairs, you’ll want to understand how people sit. If you make user interfaces, then you should understand how people perceive and think.” Ryan Singer, 37 Signals “

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Hacking the brain

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Marty Sklar

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Mickey’s Ten Commandments Of Disney Imagineering

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#1 Know Your Audience Mickey’s Ten Commandments Of Disney Imagineering

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#2 Wear Your Guest’s Shoes Mickey’s Ten Commandments Of Disney Imagineering

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#1 Know your audience

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Emo onal Memory #1 Know your audience

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Humanise your applica on #2 Wear your guests shoes

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Slide 19 text #2 Wear your guests shoes

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Slide 20 text #1 Know your audience

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#3 Organise the Flow of People And Ideas Mickey’s Ten Commandments Of Disney Imagineering

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Everything we do is a form of storytelling” Mark Rollins – Creative Director, Iconologic Creative Mornings “ #3 Organise the Flow of People and Ideas

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What’s Your Story? ? #3 Organise the Flow of People and Ideas

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#3 Organise the Flow of People and Ideas

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#3 Organise the Flow of People and Ideas #3 Organise the Flow of People and Ideas

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#3 Organise the Flow of People and Ideas #3 Organise the Flow of People and Ideas

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#4 Create a ‘Wienie’ Mickey’s Ten Commandments Of Disney Imagineering

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#5 Communicate with visual Literacy Mickey’s Ten Commandments Of Disney Imagineering

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Don Norman #5 Communicate with Visual Literacy

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Attractive things make people feel good, which in turn makes them think more creatively. How does that make something easier to use? Simple, by making it easier for people to find solutions to the problems they encounter.” Don Norman “ #5 Communicate with Visual Literacy

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Depth vs. Breadth Processing #5 Communicate with Visual Literacy

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Depth First “Where me keys? Where me phone?” #5 Communicate with Visual Literacy

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#5 Communicate with Visual Literacy…

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#5 Communicate with Visual Literacy…

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Breadth First A hit of dopamine #5 Communicate with Visual Literacy

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#5 Communicate with Visual Literacy

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#6 Avoid Overload Create Turn ons Mickey’s Ten Commandments Of Disney Imagineering

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#7 Tell One Story at a Time Mickey’s Ten Commandments Of Disney Imagineering

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The Paradox of Choice #7 Tell One Story at a Time

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Barry Schwartz #7 Tell One Story at a Time

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#7 Tell One Story at a Time

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Crea ng Turn Ons No. Not that kind. #6 Avoid Overload, Create Turn Ons

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Slide 51 text #6 Avoid Overload, Create Turn Ons

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#8 Avoid Contradic ons, Maintain Iden ty Mickey’s Ten Commandments Of Disney Imagineering

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Beyond The Browser Maintaining your identity #8 Avoid Contradic ons, Maintain Iden ty

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#8 Avoid Contradic ons, Maintain Iden ty

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#8 Avoid Contradic ons, Maintain Iden ty

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#9 For every ounce of treatment, provide a tonne of treat Mickey’s Ten Commandments Of Disney Imagineering

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Give a li le #9 For every ounce of treatment, provide a tonne of treat

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#9 For every ounce of treatment, provide a tonne of treat

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#9 For every ounce of treatment, provide a tonne of treat

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#10 Keep It up! Mickey’s Ten Commandments Of Disney Imagineering

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Ask for feedback #10 Keep It Up!

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User Experience and Business Experience #10 Keep It Up!

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UX is not part of the process. It is the process. #10 Keep It Up!

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The killer feature is making calls.” Steve Jobs – iPhone launch “ #10 Keep It Up!

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Ques on Everything #10 Keep It Up!

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Knowing when any technique is appropriate — and when it isn’t — marks a pragmatic, measured approach to designing for the web, and that’s a perspective I really treasure...” Ethan Marcotte “ #10 Keep It Up!

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Why is great user experience important?

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Aim for excellence Final thought...

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Thank You. Now, go be Awesome :) @richardshepherd Keep in touch!