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Overview of JavaScript Applications Development Frameworks

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What's inside ? ● Pure jQuery development ● MVC & MVVM architectural pattern ● TodoMVC set of examples ● Backbone.js and Knockout.js

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Pure jQuery Apps ● jQuery DOM manipulation framework ● Does not provide any app structure ● No separate of concerns (data and presentation mixed together) ● DOM used as data storage ● Low maintability in long perspective

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Long Term Large Scale applications requires structure & architecture

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Model View Controller

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Model View ViewModel

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Different client side JS development frameworks implements MVC differently. Addy Osmani introduces term MV* (MV star), to define the family of frameworks with common goal but different impementation strategy.

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Fast facts ● Created by Jeremy Ashkenas ● Library (not framework) ● Minimalistic ● Huge popularity ● Used by large companies SoundCloud, Foursquare, E-conomic ● Low dependencies ● Template agnostic

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Core components ● Model ● Collection ● View ● Router ● Sync

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Backbone.Model: Getters & Setters

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Backbone.Model: Events

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Backbone.Views: Attributes

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Backbone.Views: Events

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Backbone.Sync ● Implements the Storage strategy ● RESTful HTTP Backbone.Sync ● LocalStorage ● .. any custom you want

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Fast facts ● Created by Steve Sanderson ● MVVM based ● Declarative bindings ● Automatic UI refresh ● Templates ● Promoted by Microsoft in ASP.NET MVC ● No dependencies ● Great documentation

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UI Model Observer updates view updates model Knockoutjs.UI Updates fires events fires events

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● Both Knockout.js and Backbone.js are powerful and complete ● Knockout.js more opionated ● Knockout.js more easy to start ● Both are complex thought ● Backbone.Sync model ● Knockout UI updates

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Thank you. @alexbeletsky