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It’s everything
because lots of other things are coming
Sunday, 10 April 2011
Screen based media aren’t going away. But lots of other types of object are becoming connected and will be forming part of digital
services and the experiences we design.
Some of them will be objects we interact with directly.
They might take lots of forms, and some of them won’t have screens.
Some of these objects will just talk to other objects, but will provide data that’s used by things we do interact with.
Real (and perhaps crazy) examples of these that someone somewhere has made include dog tags that tweet, connected umbrellas,
coffee machines smart home heating and lighting systems.
We’re still experimenting with what can be done here and some of the examples might seem flippant.
The point is that objects that were not connected can now be connected, and even if we’re not designing those objects, they can have
an impact on what we do.
For example, right now, you might design websites that sell washing machines. Sooner or later, you may have sensor data from
those machines that enables much better after sales service.. how does that change the service you provide? Or you may work
for an environmental organisation. What difference would widespread live pollution data make to you?
These are examples of ways in which connected devices enable more complex services, which will make designing those services more
complex, and, we would say, more exciting.
Either way, IA has a lot to offer in terms of both top down experience design and bottom up information sensemaking.