Slide 17
Slide 17 text
openness to experience
openness to fantasy - good imagination
aesthetics - artistic interests
feelings - experiencing and valuing feelings
actions - trying new things, having many interests
ideas - curious, smart, likes challenges
values - unconventional,, liberal
strong +ve correlation
some +ve correlation
Monday, 5 April 2010
Of the big 5, the personality factor most associated with creativity is openness to experience across many, many studies.
See e.g. McCrae, Robert R, Creativity, divergent thinking, and openness to experience, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Vol 52(6), Jun 1987, 1258-1265.
Openness to experience is split into openness to fantasy, aesthetics, feelings, actions , ideas, and values (unconventional, liberal). Actions, values and feelings are less strongly
related than the others - you can be calm or conservative and still creative, and liking to try new things doesn’t necessarily translate into creating new things.
This is related to work on sensation seeking* - e.g. Zuckerman - dimensions of sensation seeking are boredom susceptibility (intolerance for being bored), disinhibition (taking
social risks like heavy alcohol use. one night stands) experience seeking (needing new experiences, can include art or museums) and thrill and adventure seeking (physical risks,
extreme sports ).
(* Zuckerman, Marvin; Kolin, Elizabeth A.; Price, Leah; Zoob, Ina. , Development of a sensation-seeking scale. Journal of Consulting Psychology. Vol 28(6), Dec 1964, 477-482)