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GETTING THINGS DONE Patrick Haney @notasausage shit in 20 minutes!

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MY NAME IS PATRICK And I’m a procrastinator.

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I WORK FOR MYSELF Don’t call me a freelancer.

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THE INTERNET IS DISTRACTING Hey, stop staring at your iPhone.

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The problem with constant inspiration is that you're always distracted. - Rogie King, on the Twitters

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A LIST APART • Demos, examples, techniques, writing

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AN OVERVIEW OF THIS TALK Stay focused Find your (work)flow Stay organized Get some help Call it a day

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Create a system of productivity to clear the mind of stress

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THE GOALS OF GETTING THINGS DONE Capture anything and everything Define actionable things Organize information

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GTD enables greater performance, capacity and innovation. It alleviates the feeling of overwhelm, instilling focus, clarity and confidence. GTD will attract members of the opposite sex, make you wealthy, and improve your physical appearance.

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GTD enables greater performance, capacity and innovation. It alleviates the feeling of overwhelm, instilling focus, clarity and confidence. GTD will attract members of the opposite sex, make you wealthy, and improve your physical appearance. I made this up.

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THE 3 R’S Record Return Resolve

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STAY FOCUSED Have a plan Start unitasking Capture and return

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UNITASKING Let’s focus, people.

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DISABLE DISTRACTIONS Hide windows you don’t need Turn off email notifications Ignore Twitter and Facebook

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SPIRITED AWAY Shhh. He’s watching us...

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defaults write showhidden -bool YES

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USE FULL SCREEN TOOLS Ommwriter iA Writer Full screen mode in OS X Lion

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CAPTURE & RETURN Quickly capture Stay on task Take care of it later

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SIMPLENOTE • Notes and to-dos

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AVOID “FOMO” Fear of Missing Out

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FIND YOUR (WORK)FLOW Choose your tools Get into a workflow Create good habits Stick with it

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USE WHAT WORKS Don’t change tools without a good reason.

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TEXTMATE • My tool of choice

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ESPRESSO • And many, many others

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AVOID THE LEARNING CURVE You could’ve been getting shit done.

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We shape our tools and afterwards our tools shape us. - Marshall McLuhan

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STAY ORGANIZED Find a system that works File shit away Keep your shit tidy

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KEEP IT CLEAN Your workspace should reflect your system.

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defaults write location ~/Inbox/ killall SystemUIServer

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sudo rm -rf ~/Downloads/ ln -s ~/Inbox ~/Downloads

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GET SOME HELP Reduce your own workload Pay someone if necessary Do the work you enjoy

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FLIGHT SEARCH • We don’t check every airline to compare prices

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REDUCE YOUR COGNITIVE LOAD Computers are good at that shit.

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CALCULATOR • We don’t do math by hand, even though we could

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DON’T DO SHIT YOU DON’T ENJOY Stay happy, stay focused Hire someone to do the shit work

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Being rich is having money. Being wealthy is having time. - Margaret Bonnano

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HIRE THE HELP Get an accountant Keep a lawyer around Pay someone to copyedit And to do other tasks

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CALL IT A DAY Keep regular hours Leave work at work Get out of the office

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KEEP WORK AT WORK Don’t take that shit home with you.

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Working more doesn’t mean you care more or get more done. It just means you work more. - Jason Fried, Rework

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GET A LIFE Work to live, not the other way around.

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THANK YOU Patrick Haney Designer/Developer at Hanerino @notasausage