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HTML SEMANTICS Shay Howe @shayhowe

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HTML Semantics SHAY HOWE – @shayhowe @shayhowe

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WHY SEMANTICS? @shayhowe HTML Semantics

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WHY SEMANTICS? Unambiguous, shared meaning Give content significant value and meaning. Accessibility Provide information to assistive technologies. Search & globalization Improve visibility and internalization. Interoperability Allow exchange and use of information. @shayhowe HTML Semantics

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STRUCTURAL @shayhowe HTML Semantics

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STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS @shayhowe Header Introductory or navigational aids. Nav Section with navigational links. Article Independently reusable content. Section Generically, thematic grouping. Aside Tangentially related content. Footer Closing related content. HTML Semantics

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STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS            ...                ...        ...    ... @shayhowe HTML Semantics

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ARIA ROLES            ...                ...        ...    ... @shayhowe HTML Semantics

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TEXT @shayhowe HTML Semantics

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BOLDING TEXT B ... Stylistically offset without importance. Strong ... Strong emphasis. @shayhowe HTML Semantics

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ITALICIZING TEXT I ... Alternative voice or tone. Em ... Stressed emphasis. @shayhowe HTML Semantics

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UNDERLINING TEXT U ... An unarticulated annotation. Ins ... Text added to the document. @shayhowe HTML Semantics

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STRIKING TEXT S ... No longer accurate or relevant. Del ... Text deleted from the document. @shayhowe HTML Semantics

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NAVIGATION & ACTIONS Nav ... Major navigational links. Menu ... Group of controls, commonly within web apps. @shayhowe HTML Semantics

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Shay      Howe  is  a  front-­‐end  web  designer  and      developer.


Shay  Howe

Front-­‐end  web  designer  and  developer.

@shayhowe HTML Semantics

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HYPERLINK DOWNLOAD Boolean    Company  Logo With a value    Company  Logo @shayhowe HTML Semantics

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HYPERLINK REL ATTRIBUTE Possible Values    Privacy  Policy/Terms  of  Use @shayhowe license next prev prev section subsection start stylesheet tag alternate appendix bookmark chapter contents contents copyright glossary help index HTML Semantics

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Steve  Jobs  by      Walter  Isaacson  is  truly  inspirational.

Specifically a reference to a title of work. @shayhowe HTML Semantics

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Steve  Jobs  once  said,  Stay  hungry,  stay  foolish.

Short, inline quotation. Blockquote

Design  is  a  funny  word...


Steve  Jobs  in  Fortune  Magazine

Longer, extended quotation. @shayhowe HTML Semantics

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LANGUAGE SUPPORT English q:lang(en)  {    quotes:  "\201C"  "\201D"  "\2018"  "\2019"; } “English quote with a ‘nested’ quote.” French q:lang(fr)  {    quotes:  "\AB"  "\BB"; } «French quote with a «nested» quote.» @shayhowe HTML Semantics

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Search  results  for  'chicago'

  1.        Shay  is              from  Chicago.    
@shayhowe HTML Semantics

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GAUGING SCALE 7  out  of  10  stars 7  stars The  car  is  moving  at      a  decent  average  mile  per  hour. @shayhowe HTML Semantics

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INDICATING PROGRESS You  are  50%  complete. Hold      tight,  your  getting  there. @shayhowe HTML Semantics

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Element, and contents, are not yet, or no longer relevant. Not as Good
No value, commonly read by assistive technology. @shayhowe HTML Semantics

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Hello  &      welcome...

CSS p:first-­‐letter  {    font-­‐size:  40px; } abbr[title="and"]  {    font:  italic  18px  Baskerville,  serif;     } Hello & welcome... @shayhowe HTML Semantics

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LIST @shayhowe HTML Semantics

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  1. 30
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  1. 30
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  5. 40
  7. 41
@shayhowe HTML Semantics

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  1. 4
  3. 3
  5. 2
  7. 1
  1. 4
  3. 3
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@shayhowe HTML Semantics

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IMAGES @shayhowe HTML Semantics

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FIGURE & FIGCAPTION        Shay  Howe,  the  Man            Summer  Months @shayhowe HTML Semantics

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ALT VS. TITLE TEXT Alternate Text Replace an image, should it not be available Title Text Provide a description of an image @shayhowe HTML Semantics

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VIDEO @shayhowe HTML Semantics

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VIDEO @shayhowe HTML Semantics

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VIDEO FALLBACKS                

Download  Movie:    WebM,    MPEG-­‐4,    Ogg.

@shayhowe HTML Semantics

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VIDEO TRACKS                         @shayhowe HTML Semantics

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AUDIO @shayhowe HTML Semantics

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AUDIO @shayhowe HTML Semantics

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Download  Song: Ogg ACC.

@shayhowe HTML Semantics

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IFRAMES @shayhowe HTML Semantics

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FALLBACK    View  embedded  webpage. @shayhowe HTML Semantics

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SANDBOX ATTRIBUTE No form submission No JavaScript No external link targets Restricted local access No plug-ins @shayhowe HTML Semantics

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SANDBOX VALUES allow-forms Allow form submissions allow-scripts Allow scripts to execute allow-same-origin Treat content as if it is from the local server allow-top-navigation Allow links to open in other browsing contexts @shayhowe HTML Semantics

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SANDBOX VALUES Boolean Single Value Multiple Values @shayhowe HTML Semantics

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SEAMLESS ATTRIBUTE Links open in parent window CSS and JS are inherited Screen readers read content inline    View  embedded  webpage. @shayhowe HTML Semantics

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FORMS @shayhowe HTML Semantics

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COLOR @shayhowe HTML Semantics

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DATE & TIME date:  2012-­‐05-­‐21 datetime:  2012-­‐05-­‐24T12:00:00+01 month:  2012-­‐05 time:  12:00:00 week:  2012-­‐W21 @shayhowe HTML Semantics

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EMAIL @shayhowe HTML Semantics

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NUMBER @shayhowe HTML Semantics

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RANGE @shayhowe HTML Semantics

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TEL @shayhowe HTML Semantics

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SEARCH @shayhowe HTML Semantics

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URL @shayhowe HTML Semantics

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DATALIST             @shayhowe HTML Semantics

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AUTOMATION Autocomplete Autofocus @shayhowe HTML Semantics

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ASSISTANCE Placeholder Title @shayhowe HTML Semantics

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DISABLING INPUTS Inputs Groups of inputs         @shayhowe HTML Semantics

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INCREMENTAL STEPS Numbers Time @shayhowe HTML Semantics

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VALIDATION Required Pattern Maxlength @shayhowe HTML Semantics

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VALIDATION HTML CSS input:required:after  {    color:  red;    content:  "\002A"; } input:required:valid:after  {    color:  green;    content:  "\2713"; } @shayhowe HTML Semantics

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GET INVOLVED @shayhowe HTML Semantics

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QUESTIONS? Thank you! @shayhowe HTML Semantics