Feature: Sign up
Scenario: Apply for an Account
Given I have setup the base data
And I am on the home page
And I follow "Join"
Then I should see "we need some information from you."
And I should see "Home / Join"
When I fill in "user_email" with "
[email protected]"
And I fill in "user_password" with "passw0rd"
And I fill in "user_password_confirmation" with "passw0rd"
And I fill in "user_title" with "Mr"
And I fill in "user_firstname" with "Dave"
And I fill in "user_surname" with "Smith"
And I fill in "user_display_name" with "Dave Smith"
And I fill in "user_organisation_name" with "Big Corp"
And I fill in "user_city" with "London"
And I select "United Kingdom" from "user_country_id"
And I fill in "user_phone_number" with "1234 5678"
And I press "Sign up"
Then I should see "You have signed up successfully"
Given I have confirmed my signup for "
[email protected]"
And I login as "
[email protected]"
And I should not see "You have to confirm your account before continuing"
And I should see "Thank you for signing up for the portal"
And I should see "Home / New Demographic"
And I should see "I am a:"
And I should see "My Main Work Area is:"
And I should see "I work with:"
And I should see "About your organisation"
And I should see "The primary area is:"
And I should see "The secondary area is:"
And I should see "Your Reasons for joining this community"
Then I select "Researcher" from "I am a:"
Then I select "Heart Disease" from "My Main Work Area is:"
Then I select "Equipment Manufacturer" from "The primary area is:"
Then I press "Save Demographic Information"
And I should see "Demographic was successfully created"
And I should see "I am a: Researcher"
And I should see "My Main Work Area is: Heart Disease"
And I should see "My Organisations primary area is: Equipment Manufacturer"
Then I am signed out
And I login as "
[email protected]"
And I should not see "Home / New Demographic"